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Everything posted by hamfist

  1. Bump with further price drop. Ouch, this is starting to hurt.
  2. But Chris plays that one with his fingers !! Cool video though and a very clever machine.
  3. I can't imagine at church you will be needing volume approaching anywhere near the capabilities of ANY 2x10 or 2x12 (and I speak as an experienced church player). It doesn't really matter what your amp is rated at. You can run a 1000W amp through a 150W max cab if you are sensible with the master volume. contrastingly, you could probably break the cones of a 600W cab with your 200W amp with full volume super bass heavy tones. But be rest assured that at church, even if it is a massive mega church, you will not be pushing any of those cabs. In fact, if you are looking for portability, certainly look at 1x12's too. The GK 112 neo is a fine cab, at a very decent price too. LIght too. There are also others. Personally I wouldn't buy from the GK MBE range. They are built down to a price with cheap, nasty tweeters, and well documented issues with "boom" for many, many users. Genz Benz make fine cabs though. I would trust any of their range.
  4. "across the border" in Scummerland for me.
  5. My guess is that these idiots will never change their ways. I just auditioned with a potential new band this week. THe lead guitarist not only was too loud, but didn't use a tuner at all (and was slightly out of tune the whole time), and also had a waaaay too bass heavy tone, treading all over the bass guitars frequencies. I could tell within one song that there was no way that I would put up with that, or that he would change. There's two options, say goodbye or put up with it and bite your lip. One of those options is unacceptable to me, so I'll be sticking with my current band.
  6. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1353688336' post='1877525'] I hear that you can mod it with a pecan nut chip to make it sound more like mk1. [/quote] I like the way you're thinking ! Although personally I'd always go with the pistacchio mod.
  7. NOW SOLD ........................... Fulltone Bassdrive Mk1. The pre-Mosfet version with the Flat Mids, vintage or Comp Cut toggle. According to some, this is the best version. Obviously in used, but still pretty good, condition. all works fine. £85 posted within mainland UK. Payment by bank transfer or Paypal gift please. Please see my feedback thread for peace of mind. cheers. [url="http://www.ephotobay.com/share/bassdrive-a.html"][/url]
  8. I like it. All depends on tone, build quality, marketing and price point in the end of course. As others have said I think, visually, it will appeal to the indie music type scene the most.
  9. Lots of great suggestions, and cabs (its a great time to be a bassist) but no-one has mentioned the GK neo 212, which is right up there with the non-BF cabs and at a (relatively) reasonable price new also. It's also a very sensitive cab, and will put out good volume for whatever watts you put in
  10. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1353523016' post='1875628'] Perhaps it is mk1 I seem to remember a walnut plugged in - am I way off? [/quote] Yup. right at the end he opens up the pedal to reveal the "magical" bit of electronics shaped remarkably like a walnut.
  11. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1353495822' post='1875123'] A different vallnott! Mk2? [/quote] I believe the video is of the classic Mk 1. A seminal pedal.
  12. [quote name='bob_pickard' timestamp='1353489911' post='1875055'] That's spot on I think - In all the other deps and bands I've done I never have to run it above half way to create a thunderous sound - but in this new band which is heavy on keyboards (no keys in any of the other bands) I'm up at 7/8ths and it just sounds murky and muddy and just downright quiet whatever the EQ's set at - very strange It's mainly modern dancey function music with this band; killers, Rhianna etc - deps vary from the usual social club classics <cough> to 50's rock and roll on the double bass - I guess what I really need is an amp with clarity at it's heart but enough features on it to roughen up the sound if I need it (if that makes sense?) - the ABM seems to be a bit of a one trick pony (albeit in the right situation a bloody good trick at that) [/quote] Hmmmm. Yes, most keyboardist's left hands are your ENEMY. Might make a huge difference if the bass frequencies could be trimmed on the keys sound, and perhaps a small nugget of advice about left hand technique to the keys player. IMO, most "good" keys players hardly play bass/root notes at all in a pop/rock band context with a bass guitar. I'd recommend getting an amp with the clean tone that you like. Dirt can be alwyas added with pedals of all sorts of different colours and tones. A great clean tone is harder to find. I've found my answer in an Ashdown SPyder 550, but it's so hard ro recommend a specific amp, as it comes down so much to taste. Just do a lot of reading and a lot of listening to clips and videos to give you a flavour of what different amps offer.
  13. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WcsV7hQ1V4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WcsV7hQ1V4[/url] For bass demo, FF to 4:05 in the video.
  14. SOunds like you have been suffering with ABM-syndrome, rather than a lack of watts. ABMs are great for certain tones (as you say "smooth and deep") but can easily fail ot "cut" in a band situation IME and can be difficult to get good volume out of. I can't believe that with a S12 you really need to go above a 500W amp to get staggering volume. SOunds like you need to be selecting an amp to get a tone that fits in and cuts through your band sound a bit, rather than just going for outright watts. Also take a look at the Genz Shuttlemax range. Personally I'd look at the whole GK RB range, not just the expensive powerhouse model. If you like Ashdown but want a lot more brightness and cut, and more perceved volume than the ABM, then the SPyder 550 is a very good choice , and a very clean amp too. What genre(s) are you playing and what sort of tone are you really looking for ?
  15. Genz Benz, Aguilar, Status, Sandberg,
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