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la bam

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Everything posted by la bam

  1. I love the elf. It's so much better than it should be. Incredibly light, good sound, and great DI. Fits in any bass case or bag. Perfect. I've listed mine for sale today, only because I've had to fund a new valve amp, otherwise it's a fantastic addition to any bass players arsenal. It only occurred to me today I've been carrying mine around for months in my case as a spare and never noticed it!
  2. Cure it, by buying wrecks of basses and doing them up. It is enjoyable, cheap and you end up with a new bass out of it as a consequence at the end!
  3. Hi all, Selling my trace elliot elf, in pretty much as new condition, including carry bag, box and instructions. I added a MOD to this, where I have fitted taller feet, which allows air to flow freely under the amp and much more efficient cooling. It still fits nicely in its case to. I will also include the original feet. Only selling due to getting a new amp today. A 40kg valve amp for touring, so it's no reflection on the elf. It has only ever been kept as a spare in my bass case. I gigged it once to try it and it was great, plenty of power and good tone. Dont forget this also is a very handy tool to have in your arsenal as it has a great DI, so you can even use it as a tone shaper or DI box. These are now up around £275. Bargain at £195. Photos to follow if required.
  4. Singer A all the way. No need for a second audition. Decent singer singing songs he didn't choose, enthusiastic,so would be better at ones he did, good at communicating, eager and has a good pa. Why bother with B?
  5. Hi, have you any photos? Thanks.
  6. Agreed. It takes a bit to make sense and remember, but when you do, its amazingly easy to edit on the fly.
  7. If there are they must be deaf! I've only used it with at 8ohm with a laney 4x10 and even outside, I dont get it past around 200w. Although I'm sure theres some people on the forums who have said they have run x2 4ohm cabs without issue.
  8. Also, just got back from a gig inside the courtyard of a big castle (pretty much outdoors) and used the xlr out (not a proper di) to the desk. Worked great. No issues at all. No matter what volume.
  9. Heres a photo of it finally fully loaded.
  10. Next to nothing really. It's just a standard case weight with a bass in, plus: 1.6kg for the amp head. Not too much different for the helix. And the weight of a few cables. And the handle has been designed to centre the weight.
  11. No, it's a G&L lb100. Had to do a trace and dimensions especially for it.
  12. Haha, well hopefully not, its hopefully kind of the opposite - reduced trips to and from car loading up and packing down, so everything should be with me all the time. Either in house, in car, in venue, then car, then house. No leaving doors open doing a few trips etc or stuff getting mixed up on stage or in a pack down.
  13. I honestly dont know. No more than a standard case though. Its aluminium and hex board with foam inserts.
  14. As part of my real job in events, I'm constantly working out ways to minimise kit, without compromising on quality. Ie same kit, but better packaged and less trips and space taken up in van. So, today, I've been chuffed to bits for my new custom flight case from the brilliantly helpful guys at swan flight cases. I needed a case to fit: 1.bass guitar. 2.amp (quilted 800). 3.helix stomp. 4.cables. I sent swan all the dimensions and I'm chuffed to bits with the results. I didn't have my bass or helix with me, but here's a photo of the bass case with the amp and a few cables in. So I now have everything I need (bar cab) in one case - bass, cables, speakon, amp, and in the helix everything I'd every need - di, tuner, amp modeled, volume, recording, and every type of pedal going. All in a lightweight package. Well worth doing if you have similar kit.
  15. Nothing to do with me, but during a routine Ebay search for bass heads, theres a lovely looking trace elliot v8, allegedly owned by John entwistle and blue on there. Currently 1000.
  16. For our line check (just bass) I always just do a slow 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4.l and repeat, as follows: G on E string A on E string C on A string D on A string F on D string G on D string A# on G string C on G string Just a simple steady run, but always gives the sound guy chance to balance the lows and highs and takes just a few seconds.
  17. Morning all. Just wondering if anyone has any experience of the ampeg svt-ii pro? Specifically the pro version, not the non pro. Cheers.
  18. Nah. What about guitarists changing patches for different songs etc? Surely the sound guy accommodates those? What about solos? Boosts and cuts for vocals etc. Theres always loads of changes throughout a set. Sound guys job is to ride the desk. And what boosts are you seriously expecting from turning the bass slightly up or down on stage?
  19. Well, he'd be sacked after that gig! What use are they if they do that?! levels need monitoring all the time. That's their job. Although, to be fair, I very rarely turn up or down much once we start.
  20. I've never really understood the reasoning people dont get the quilter because turning up the amp affects the input into the desk. Surely the sound guy would notice and just adjust?
  21. It may just be a temporary strain? Maybe keep playing the mex for a month, then try the us again? If you still have no luck, then either stick with the mex or use it as an excuse to source another bass - or even have a custom made?
  22. The Quilter is awesome. Use the x2 dials for the eq, and gain and master for tone/growl/clean/thickness. It really sings with a good bass. Really let's the characteristics of the bass come to life.
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