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la bam

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Everything posted by la bam

  1. I've got one here wired up Dan as we speak. It's quite a nice transparent sound. Plenty of tonal options and emulators and a tuner. I dont think it does heft though for me. Certainly not in a a/b or valve way. Good amp though.
  2. Don't forget his bass equipment of choice..... Carls Berg - probably the best cab in the world. .....its been a long day.
  3. Dan, if it helps the sale, dont forget it's also 2 heads in one and has the option to run just the fet solid side of it, just the valve side of it or a mixture of both. Oh, and the fact it has separate sockets for running at 4 and 8ohms which is a massive boost for those who dont want to have to get a new cab (with some other brand heads only running at 2 and 4 ohms). It's a fantastic amp head.
  4. No issues at all. Wouldnt touch anything that had latency. (I know theres the inevitable physics latency, but nothing to the human ear). Range seems very good. If you can out run it you must be at wembley or something!
  5. Absolutely love mine. Flawless as above. Not one note dropped in 6 months. It is VITAL though to scan and adjust the receiver likewise at every change of venue. It's the people who dont do this who moan that it's not great. I got a Levi's pouch from gak or gear 4 music for about £15. Fixes to strap. Just slide receiver in and out as needed. Highly recommended.
  6. Well...... you gave them a chance. And they STILL cant see it's an issue. Just move on, before you become Carl's bass teacher. Then get binned off as he eventually eases you out of the band.
  7. For full on valvey goodness, the closest I've come is using the valve emulations on the helix. Some are very good and add that bit of sparkle and feel. I've never really found a x1 valve pre amp that worked. They just seemed to add a tiny bit for me, but no extra 'feel'.
  8. Ok, I'll bite too! I feel for smaller indoor venues where the crowd are right on top of you (almost where the bass backline doesnt need any pa support) then big rigs, valves and big cabs or indeed A/B amps have that 'feel' over class d - no doubt about it. Best description I heard was calling them 3D. I still remember from 20 years ago seeing 2 different bands in 2 different small pubs and those amps - an ampeg of some sort and a fender bassman - are the best thing I've ever heard. Ever. However, bigger venues with sound guys and pa support it becomes a compromise. Lug an svt an 8x10 in and great. However they'll manipulate your sound to how they want. Not how you want it or think how it is. If they're di ing you from the amp head, then what's the point of taking a 90kg 8x10? If they're micing you as well, then fair enough, but they'll still have you sounding how they want. And quite right too. Truth be told I'd love an svt an 8x10 every gig. But once you've done your back (and you'll know when you have - years of agony) you do compromise. Comprimise is smart. Its class d and neo 4x10 for me for ever. (And a helix stomp). And weirdly people do dance and enjoy themselves! Played some big festivals last year all using a tiny 2kg class d amp di'd to desk and not a problem. Loads of volume and tone on stage and good sound through pa. Took one trip to get all my gear on stage and 1 minute to set up and take down. I still hanker for a huge rig - but compromise wins. Even now and then I get surprised from peoples choice of amps. Youd think all big bands and stadium bands have massive rigs - but I saw one of those gig rundown on youtube the other week with John Taylor from Duran Duran. And what is his amp of choice on a massive world tour?? A tiny Peavey megamax! And he HAS road crew! Use what works for you and your band.
  9. Saw a young unsigned band called Casino (I think) support the Stereophonics at the guild hall in preston. Honestly the blew them off the stage and out of town. Dont think they ever did anything, but gees Stereophonics musn't have been so pleased! They sounded so boring in comparison (and I like them).
  10. I'd say speakers - size, alignment, configuration and amount do make a big difference to the sound. .... but ...... That's why I dont understand people spending a fortune on cabs then di ing out of their amp to FOH. Either mic up the cab, or get the most convienient cab for you as an on stage monitor and let the sound guy sort the sound. Nowadays, you can add a cab sim to your amp di if that helps you get a specific sound.
  11. The point I was making is it's a highly regarded and expensive passive cab, that sometimes wasnt upto my needs. It wasnt under achieving due to lack of cost or quality.
  12. I agree. Thats why i was just after a bit of real world experience. I used to dj for a living and know some of the RCF and QSC kit is incredible for packing a punch when reproducing pre-recorded audio - and a full system tops and subs (2 or 4) can sound amazing with a full band. But as of yet ive no experience with a single 12 active in a loud band situation. The reason im a bit paranoid or cautious is the 4x10 i have is SO much louder and authorative than the barefaced SC i had - and many rate that as the best 12 passive around. Aside from the reaching max spl for a fraction of a second etc and pretending to be able to reproduce 30hz etc alongside the facade of 100000 watts, its only real world experience that counts. I may nip down PMT and have a play.
  13. Thanks all, and thanks for the offer Frank Black, but it was more just to see if people are still happy after the inevitable honeymoon period of a new piece of kit. All sounds good. Doing some research i see a lot of people get caught out by the settings on the QSC and dont realise it needs adjustment to best fit for a bass amp replication (i think you have to tell it theres no sub attached etc - and then theres other optimizing settings too - rather than just plug and play). The specs of 132db (or there abouts) are incredible and in theory should work fine. I will be using a helix so hopefully that would emulate the 8x10 sound. I was just a bit concerned about the volume or perceived volume of just using a single 12" speaker. I used to have a barefaced super compact and to be honest on bigger stages found it lacking - although to be fair i wasnt driving it half as well as the QSC would be driving itself. It would only ever be used for replacing my bass amp backline - we always have PA support and a monitor too. We just sometimes play some venues that eat up volume, so i just need to be sure that it could cope. My only other concern is having a back up - being active (im sure) means theres no way of accessing the actual speaker with an external amp if the active amp was to go down, and that would mean carrying another speaker.
  14. Hi all, A rare opportunity has come up for me to buy a pa cab for an event. Obviously the cogs ticking in my brain said get something that can handle bass duties too. So, how many people using modelling (helix, stomp etc) and a single 12 cab - in particular the qsc k12.2 - are still happy with using just the one k12.2? I always use a 4x10 (even though it's only running at 40-50%) so just wondering if it will be enough.
  15. This is what I do. Keeps everything super secure. Nice tight fitting. Covers the slit on the strap which allows you to put it over the bass pin fitting, so it cant come loose. Cost 2p.
  16. I use the hack of a cheap (2p) rubber washer, pulled over the basses strap bolt and covering the top of the strap hole. Works a treat. I like the idea of proper strap locks but dont trust myself fitting stuff like that.
  17. I've said it for years - bands doing 90s dance music will go down a storm! Great stuff!
  18. la bam

    Combo help

    I meant get a quality cab, but second hand. With a £700 budget i wouldnt want to be spending say £350 on each and being stuck with them. It isnt going to be as effective or as flexible as a new £500 head and £200 second hand cab - which you could sell for what you bought it for if it didnt work out. (Or even £600 and £100). Loads of great used cabs out there for £100-200.
  19. la bam

    Combo help

    Just my opinion, but separates are the way to go for the following reason: If you're worried about having to be loud enough for lots of different venues and perhaps not having pa support etc, I'd recommend a 4x10 cab. Pretty much get away with anything with one of those as long as its driven correctly. However, in time you might not need to lug a 4x10 around, so perhaps a 2x10 or a 1x12 etc would be better suited (or even better suited to certain venues leaving the 4x10 for the bigger ones). With that in mind, and to save you buying another new combo, I'd spend the majority of the budget on a top quality, powerful amp head, and the rest on second hand cabs (or even one cab to start with) and see what works for you. Head wise it depends what you really like. Loads of eq and functions and buttons? Or simpler the better? Lightweight? Built in fx? The worlds your oyster. Theres lots of ashdown abm combos around for around £200, if you wanted a combi, but I'm not sure if they'll be loud enough. I had an abm2 500 (1x15) and it wasnt enough for me. I also wouldnt recommend a 4x10 combo - very heavy. My main rig (and pretty much rig for everything) is a quilter 800 and laney n410. Total weight around 22kg and loud and good enough for any gig.
  20. Snark works well for me. Nice and cheap. Batteries last forever too.
  21. ooh, now then.... 22kg, rackmountable (easier to protect), x9 valves, a gain that goes up to 25! Auto bias and valve selection. And the best part - it looks like it can run on 8ohm cabs? Nice.
  22. X2 1m approx bridged cables. Never used. One made by OBBM. One by sound lab. The sound lab may need configuring to your specific speaker. Grab a bargain. £30 or add £5 for postage.
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