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Silvia Bluejay

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Everything posted by Silvia Bluejay

  1. As I mentioned on your FB page, I'll be there with a few other Basschatters and my camera. We'll probably end up creating a massive photoblog
  2. Photo of our Clarky on double bass: Slideshow of the entire set of photos (15 pics). There are more, but these should give an idea of the gig [media]http://www.flickr.com/photos/bluejay_my_photos/sets/72157631577815149/show/[/media]
  3. Checking the photos and videos as we speak! Give me a few minutes and I'll post a couple or three on this thread Thank you Clarky and all of ATQR, it was a great gig!
  4. Bump from a fellow Chiswickian who will keep your name in mind, just in case - and also a slap on your wrist for using discriminatory terms such as "left hand positioning" and "right hand finger style", which make no sense to yours truly and many other lefties who would much prefer "fretting hand" and "plucking hand" NB The above observation is also directed to other teachers out there who insist on using those terms!
  5. There appears to be a dormant presence on Twitter and a website with last year's info and a May 2012 reference. Sorry I can't be of any more help... [url="http://www.bassday.co.uk/"]http://www.bassday.co.uk/[/url]
  6. Welcome to the club! My Corvette 4 is natural (and a lefty) but still lovely
  7. LOL! Er, I got into guitar (listening, not playing) exactly because of metal...!
  8. For anyone clicking on the link that's not working, here is the same info on their dedicated FB page: [url="http://www.facebook.com/events/424057000969514/?ref=ts"]http://www.facebook.com/events/424057000969514/?ref=ts[/url] (hope that works!)
  9. When you're starting out as a student (of any age) hardly anyone mentions or suggests using flats. I wish I had started with flats and not bothered with rounds at all. I find them a lot easier on my fingers, and they make less noise when I have to shift my tiny little hand for a leap.
  10. Another recent change I'm [b]not[/b] keen on is Warwick's decision to advertise their basses together with Framus guitars. Admittedly gorgeous instruments, but someone who isn't remotely interested in electric guitars, or has only a limited time or attention span for gassing, would be annoyed rather than intrigued. I love looking at all kinds of musical instruments, but I do find that such strategy dilutes the impact of the ads and our potential interest in them.
  11. Right, as a Warwick fan I'd love to take part in this debate, but I only own Rockbasses, and it would be unfair to judge the company's products only by their low-cost lines. Note to self - This is by far [b]the best excuse[/b] to get yerself a real Warwick Corvette As I have mentioned in the past, I love the uncluttered, stylish look (which means I'm not keen on Metallica Rob's green distressed thingy advertised below), and the small size and light weight, and I'm infinitely grateful to Warwick for producing so many left-handed models, all of which cost the same as their right-handed ones (including the cheapos). In my opinion, the company should concentrate on being more accessible to individual musicians, as opposed to focussing almost exclusively on distributors and retailers. That implies not just inviting us to travel and see their headquarters in Germany, as they did very recently (still gutted I couldn't attend) but also showing their bass guitars in stores and at events in countries where they have a market. There was a thread on the Warwick forum a few months ago where I lamented the absence of a Warwick stand at the last two Bass Shows in London. The company itself didn't reply, but other contributors expressed the view that it wasn't worth a manufacturer's while to court the likes of you and me - trying to achieve bulk sales to music shops and similar made more economic sense. I was a bit appalled at this arrogance. I repeat, the replies came not from Warwick but from other members of their forum, but that led me to believe that such view is common. If we, the final users, are not worth bothering with, then who is? And looking at an ad on a website just isn't the same as laying hands on a real instrument. Warwick could save some of that advertising money and instead come to a few more events in this country and elsewhere outside Germany and the US.
  12. Still, if they're good quality accessories, why not? Entire double basses I'm not sure about, though
  13. I imagine those position dots have been added by the previous owner(s), because mine has none, whether right- or left-handed (the bass was originally a righty which I turned round).
  14. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1347493826' post='1801770'] If you're getting highs out of your double bass then the chances are you've picked up a mandolin... [/quote] Nope, a violin... *staggers back to bed after having been woken up by a text message*
  15. Oh, I almost forgot - welcome to the club! The damn thing is highly addictive, and the highs it gives you are more than worth the (initial, occasional) lows!
  16. You mean one like this? Treat it like a double bass, and follow the double bass pizzicato technique with your plucking hand, not the normal plucking style you use on bass guitar. As for your fretting hand, there are several fingering techniques - bottom line is, you will probably need to use your 3rd and 4th fingers together to press the strings, at least while you are starting out. There are videos on the internet, if you search, but the best thing would be to have a few one-to-one lessons, so that the teacher can show you the correct technique that will save you pain or worse. You can start having a look at something like this to get an idea... [url="http://www.ehow.com/videos-on_2584_play-upright-bass.html"]http://www.ehow.com/...right-bass.html[/url] EDIT: use the spacing bar! I find it's vital to allow you to keep the correct distance from the fingerboard.
  17. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/183834-overwater-london-bass-day-230912-bulls-head-barnes/
  18. Yup, just as you would expect. After all, the enjoyment of music is personal and individual, and trying to describe the quality or special character of the sound a certain instrument makes sometimes takes you into wine label territory - hilariously preposterous, meaningless waffle
  19. I've got an old one a fellow BCer gave me, but it only has the name of the site plus a descriptive line. Ped/Kiwi/other admins, how about getting some new ones done, with added Facebook pages and Twitter handle (and Utube channel if up and running), which we could hand out at events such as the Overwater bash I will be attending next week, the London Guitar and/or Bass Guitar Show, and any other gathering of musicians and/or music retailers who don't necessarily know about the website and its community?
  20. LOL, plus the usual girl-with-a-camera and a Flickr account (not to mention a BC membership)
  21. I've decided that I'm definitely going. (No surprise there, then! ) I'll resurrect this thread closer to the date, and if anyone else is coming, we can meet up.
  22. Looks its age but sounds beautiful - when the guys aren't speaking Norwegian over it (I can only speak a few words of Danish, which is pretty similar to Norwegian, so I was sort of picking up the odd verb or noun here and there, but I'd have preferred to hear the voice of the instrument. Well, next time.) Luthiery was/is a traditional fine art in the north of Italy around the cities of Cremona and Brescia. Very fascinating. Thanks Bert.
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