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Silvia Bluejay

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Everything posted by Silvia Bluejay

  1. Congratulations to the website, and you guys working hard to keep it in tip-top condition! Us ordinary members are doing our best to keep it interesting (erm...) and inviting, so that new visitors may decide to stay. It's by far the friendliest, most welcoming and most helpful forum I've ever been a member of.
  2. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1349903903' post='1832178'] What.............. again? [/quote] Have BC members posed for a naked calendar before?
  3. Hey, I said we BCers would get ourselves a fake tan, not get photoshopped into resembling a plastic alien with a lick of golden paint...
  4. I have hundreds of photos from the bash, but many of them are very similar to each other or not very interesting (mostly showing people's backs etc.). I'll take another look at the lot of them when I have a moment, to see if I've missed any good ones, and if yes, I'll publish some more.
  5. Full lineup of Oxjam Chiswick. Kit Richardson, as per Nigel's post, are on at 5:10 at the Old Pack Horse. [url="http://www.oxjamchiswick.co.uk/index.php/line-up"]http://www.oxjamchis...dex.php/line-up[/url]. I know, or have heard the names of, a few other bands on the bill in all venues. Looks like it's going to be a good day of music
  6. We should get a nice fake tan and pose for a calendar, with our bass guitars and uprights and very little else on.
  7. LOL I cropped the photo so much it now looks pretty grainy. But you're still both there in all your gorgeousness
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1349853097' post='1831218'] Your wish is my suggestion ... [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/albums/m496/h4ppyjack/Basses%20CURRENT/Fender%20Precision%201957%20CURRENT/"]http://s1128.photobu...1957%20CURRENT/[/url] [/quote] That bass is gorgeous but rarely leaves the house!
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1349853360' post='1831219'] Lasciate ogni speranza ... [/quote] That's probably more suitable to appearing as a notice at the entrance of Heathrow than Gatwick - though the best place would be the hall at Chiswick Park tube station
  10. I would advise checking attendance very closely before organising something, because there are always some participants who have to cancel at the last minute. What saves the SE Bash is that there are a lot of us in London and its western suburbs, and numbers never seem to dwindle too critically.
  11. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1349802841' post='1830762'] Why no "all of the above" option?? [/quote] +1! Wouldn't mind Good-Looking, Scantily Clad Boys With Basses either PS I've voted for No 2 but I'd have voted for all if possible.
  12. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1349778086' post='1830282'] Don't you mean "Miglior filo mai" When in Rome and all that? [/quote] Back in London now! I used English in that post in anticipation of coming home later today
  13. Back home after the fastest Gatwick-airport-to-W4-front-door time ever. ALL trains arrived within seconds of me getting to the platform. Landed at 4 pm, got home at 5:30. Never happened before.... PS Hobbayne was the only person among us (and that includes me) to make a relevant, on-topic post to this thread! Thanks, Paul, appreciated
  14. Right, Stradivarius was made in Cremona and I'm in Florence - junk shops here only have Leonardos and Michelangelos... want one? Forget about the Roman ruins - modern-era earthquakes have nearly flattened them by now - check out the Renaissance instead, lots more fun PS It was a quick hol to see my Mum and Dad. Average temp 24 deg with sunshine. Still warm but coming down in buckets now. I'll be back in That London this evening.
  15. LOL, forget about the country-specific allocation of BC's advertising slots, perhaps I should set up a music and luxury goods import/export company instead
  16. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1349686516' post='1828970'] Bring me back a Ferrari would you? [/quote] You'll have to do with something a little less valuable this time, but I'll see what I can do in the future
  17. I am currently in Italy, logged in to this site on my own netbook, and I'm seeing a number of advert banners on this site which are in Italian and advertising Italian products and services. (I'm not remotely interested in them - I'm only a visitor in the country!) I'm not mentioning this as a problem at all - only possibly as a waste of advert space... it just looks so odd to me Keep up the good work, guys.
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1349599775' post='1828018'] Weren't Eko basses made in Florence? [/quote] I remember the name but didn't remember where it was made - Wikipedia helped: [quote] [b]Eko[/b] is an Italian manufacturer of electric guitars, [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steel-string_guitar"]acoustic guitars[/url] and similar instruments, catering to professional level and manufacturing largely for export. It is located in [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recanati"]Recanati[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marche"]Marche[/url]. Their products include [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_guitar"]classical guitars[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12-string_guitar"]12-string guitars[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arch_top_guitar"]arch top guitars[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_guitar"]electric guitars[/url] and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoustic_bass_guitar"]acoustic bass guitars[/url]. Eko guitars gained high popularity during the rock'n'roll craze of 1960s, becoming the largest guitar exporter in Europe. Their electric models were often highly ornamented with pearl, featured 3 or 4 pickups and recognizable "rocker" switches for pickup selection. The acoustic models were popular in country and folk rock bands of the late '60s. The best-known models of '60s include:[list] [*][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eko_400_Ekomaster&action=edit&redlink=1"]Eko 400 Ekomaster[/url] ([url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Jaguar"]Fender Jaguar[/url] shape with flat-top, [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hagstr%C3%B6m"]Hagström[/url]-style control panel), [*][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eko_500&action=edit&redlink=1"]Eko 500[/url] (Fender Jaguar look-a-like), [*][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eko_700&action=edit&redlink=1"]Eko 700[/url] (original triple-cutaway design with "hockey stick" head), [*][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eko_290&action=edit&redlink=1"]Eko 290[/url] (also known as Eko Barracuda, semi-hollow flat-top electric), [*][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eko_Rokes&action=edit&redlink=1"]Eko Rokes[/url] (rocket-shaped electric, made popular by an Italian pop band of the same name, The Rokes) [*][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eko_Kadett&action=edit&redlink=1"]Eko Kadett[/url] ('67 original double cutaway with characteristic long "horns") and [*][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eko_Ranger&action=edit&redlink=1"]Eko Ranger[/url] (the best-selling Eko product, acoustic in 6 and 12-string version). [*][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eko_995&action=edit&redlink=1"]Eko 995[/url] (violin bodied 4 string bass wildly popular in the late 60's) [/list] Eko also produced guitars for Vox in the '60s,in the USA they were distributed through LoDuca brothers of Millwauke Wisconsin. In the UK the instruments were imported by [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rose-Morris,_London&action=edit&redlink=1"]Rose-Morris, London[/url].[/quote] I must admit that I still prefer Warwicks, though!
  19. If I tried to find a Warwick from the mid-60s I'd be doomed to failure, so I won't
  20. I'll make sure I come along to Uxbridge too! Currently in Florence after an adventurous flight, posting from a PC with dial-up. Frustratedly yours...
  21. I am not sure the lady in question would be happy to see herself being described as a stray woman, m'lud... Great gig, despite the horrendous weather. Many more photos and videos to follow - these were only a quick selection I hurriedly made last night. I may even enter some into the October Photo comp!
  22. Some photos from tonight's gig!
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