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Silvia Bluejay

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Everything posted by Silvia Bluejay

  1. Hi Ellie! Yup, another Warwick fan here - they're small and sound great, even the cheapo versions I have If I compare my list of gear in my first post with that in my present sig, I notice I must have given in to a certain amount of GAS during these 12 months... But it's obviously not over - GAS is never really over!
  2. Gene Simmons, the tongue would be closer, I guess. Edit: to echo Deb, I also appear to look like the wife or the mother of the bass player when i'm in shops. I wonder why?
  3. Oi! LOL! In fact, I appear to have totalled 1,624 posts so far, so there must be quite a few in Off Topic - mostly on the monthly photo comps threads I think... Honest, guv, I really try to make relevant posts whenever I can...
  4. Thank you GUI! This really is a fantastic place to be.
  5. I have reference dots on the fingerboard (as opposed to the side of the neck) of my NXT5, and find them helpful for keeping intonation, obviously. However, their presence also makes me look at my fretting hand far more often than I do on my other upright, and that's something I'd prefer to avoid, especially as I tend to read as opposed to memorise (I know, I know!). So it's a bit of a mixed blessing. Musical ear and muscle memory are best.
  6. Also, play as many open strings as possible, so that you hear a reference pitch as often as you can. Believe it or not, that's more helpful than you think.
  7. Aw, thank you Shell and Bert! Us girls will meet up in person again soon - we'll find an excuse - and Bert, until this country legally allows polygamy, I'll have to take my time whilst choosing only one of you wonderful guys...
  8. First anniversary bump! I've been a member of Basschat for exactly a year today, and loved every moment. I can safely say that being part of this community has not just helped my cofidence as a - still very amateurish - bass player, but also changed my life for the better by allowing me to meet a fantastic group of friends in person, as well as giving me several equally great long-distance (BC/FB/email) friendships. I'm also delighted that I've been welcomed as a regular poster by the whole community and invited by the owners and admin team to help a little with running the site (on Twitter). Here's to many more years as a happily active Basschatter, and hopefully as a bassist. And to all you guys and gals, a big thank you for collectively being by far the best online community I've ever been a part of. I hope life is/will be as good to you as it has been to me so far.
  9. Phew, I've finally had a listen, and voted for Rockford Stone because... because deep down I'm just a metalhead! \m/ All entries are outstanding, though, and I loved hearing all the different styles inspired by the photo. I'm in total awe of you guys as composers. Well done all. Keep up the good work.
  10. Ahhhh, good, another disco fan... welcome Steve!
  11. I've been tweeting this comp like mad, but I've had no quiet time to listen to all the tracks so far. Will try later, and cast my vote. Thank you all for taking the time to participate.
  12. Oooo, I'm so jealous of someone who at the tender age of 15 plays [i]jazz[/i] DB...! Welcome, Teegee! Feel free to pick Basschat's collective brain about anything - the guys here really are the fount of all bass-related knowledge. We also have a subforum entirely dedicated to double bass.
  13. Welcome Rod! Afraid I can't help on Thunderbirds, but hopefully one of our experts will be around to help soon. Good to have you here posting after you've been a lurker - not the same as stalking! Stay with us and enjoy!
  14. Dingus, I don't know you in person but I'm sure you're worth having and keeping as a hubby if only just for your sense of humour
  15. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1351543671' post='1852478'] Agree. A mate of mine got together with a girl, and at one band practice stated she had told him he no longer needed to be in a band as he now had her. Now seeing as they met at a venue where his band used to play, and she used to watch the band, I really can`t work that one out. [/quote] The mind boggles.
  16. Dunno, but my generic feeling is that, unless you're starving the family to buy gear, receiving anything more than a slight amount of GAS blockage (or nagging) by a partner implies you've got the wrong partner...
  17. Bump! This thread may be useful enough to pin to the top, what do you guys think?
  18. Regarding damage to the holes in the strap, two sets of these came with my Warwick RB Corvettes and they're pretty clever. The item on the left came already installed on my basses; the rest of the device goes on the strap and protects its holes, and the system is secure in that you can only unlock the strap by pushing in the button on the right of this photo. (Photo taken from [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_security_straplocks_bk.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_security_straplocks_bk.htm[/url])
  19. [quote name='hollywoodrox' timestamp='1351359264' post='1850536'] sure is blackie lawless...awesome he pays warlock bass's too [/quote] The way he was - pretty damn hot and with no large bum at the time: That bass And, back on the topic of custom mike stands:
  20. It was great to meet you too, Rob! You guys and your workshop are pure metal in all possible meanings of the word \m/ \m/ Keep up the good work!
  21. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1351337843' post='1850237'] It's sorta nice... but it aint got a skeleton on it! [/quote] Is that Blackie Lawless of WASP? Not exactly the Junkyard Dogs' kind of music - or frontman - I must say
  22. This one rates pretty high in the coolness stakes. Soon to be seen on stage at a Junkyard Dogs gig. It was made especially for Happy Jack by these guys: [url="http://www.rebelmicstands.com/index.html"]http://www.rebelmics....com/index.html[/url]
  23. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351206139' post='1848846'] I love the vid! [/quote] If you unleash me on your band at the next gig, before you know it you'll end up with several DVDs' worth of footage (ask Happy Jack... )
  24. Aw, so happy you like the video, Nige. I'm a total amateur, and shooting videos when standing in the middle of a crowd isn't easy. At least nobody walked right in front of the camera stopping to blow a long raspberry at me - as happened during one Junkyard Dogs gig - and the guy who started going "Oh My God!! Oh My God!!" at the sight of a woman (yours truly) wearing a miniskirt and taking photos ( ) had left the room.
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