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Everything posted by JPJ

  1. JPJ

    JPJ Build No. 2

    8) Using the maxim of measure twice cut once, I screwed the template to another piece of MDF and cut this using the router to check that the finished body will be the right size etc before I attacked the expensive bit of Swamp Ash 9) Because I’m putting a maple cap on this one, the body blank was actually 6mm too thick. I don’t (yet ) own a planer/thickness’er, so to reduce the thickness of the body blank, I made a series of longitudinal cuts 6mm deep with the router, leaving 1mm between each cut to support the router base. 10) I then planed off the 1mm strips and sanded both sides of the blank with the belt sander until I had the desired thickness. 11) I then screwed the template to the body blank and made the cut using multiple passes with the router. The router I was using is a high power model which meant I was able to take about 10mm per pass around the template, so the cut didn’t take long at all which was just as well as I was bricking it the whole time 12) At the end of the day (well six hours later anyway) I have a finished body blank, ready for the comfort chamfers back and front and gluing on of the maple cap. In the next instalment, I will modify the template to include neck pocket, pick up and control cavity routes, cut these into the swamp ash, then bookmatch the maple top, steam it and glue it into place. I would have got more done today but when I was getting my tools out this morning, my bloody back went again , so I have been working at half speed most of the day (Mrs JPJ would probably say thats my only speed )
  2. JPJ

    JPJ Build No. 2

    Episode II - The serious wood butchery begins 1) Stripping the donor bass, including tagging all the wires I cut to make reassembly easier 2) Its amazing what you find used as neck shims, this looks like the previous owners library card 3) To cut the body shape, I make a template out of 10mm MDF to guide my router. To start, I mark the outline of the donor bass body onto the MDF 4) Then, I measure the offset from the router guide collar to the cutter edge 5) Then I mark the offset onto the template using a compass 6) Using a jigsaw, I rough cut the template leaving about 1.5 – 2.0mm over 7) Which I sand off using my custom sanding station (ok, it’s a belt sander clamped in a workmate : :-[) ** note the use of appropriate safety equipment - overalls, dust mask, safety glasses, iPod ear defenders **
  3. JPJ

    JPJ Build No. 2

    [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='466373' date='Apr 18 2009, 08:52 PM']"Cant decide whether to steam the maple and drop it......" I did a maple cap and if you get it thin enough ( 2mm) it is possible to just glue it onto the forearm contour by clamping your body template above (and below) and tapping in wedges above the contour to bring it down on the body. Can't remember if I wet it as well...... See [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=27964&hl=kbass"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=27964&hl=kbass[/url] and on post#2 theres a photo of what I have inexpertly described. Sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs![/quote] Hey no problem, all advice gratefully received, especially when you've been tutored by a bass jedi master I was planning on leaving the maple at the full 3/8" thickness (less sanding loss) as I'm thinking of doing faux binding, so thought it might be prudent to steam the maple and use a water activated adhesive.
  4. JPJ

    JPJ Build No. 2

    [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='462673' date='Apr 15 2009, 08:23 AM']I'm not sure we should rush JPJ - he may be quite careless with tools - I noticed from the first pic that he only has 4 toes on each foot.[/quote] Never, I repeat never use a chop saw in bare feet
  5. JPJ

    JPJ Build No. 2

    [quote name='Spoombung' post='462360' date='Apr 14 2009, 06:28 PM']Where did you get the ash from? Did you glue it together yourself? I can't find a timber yard in London that stocks it...[/quote] I had to do a fair bit of searching to find this bit and eventually tracked it down at Tonetech Luthier Supplies [url="http://www.tonetechluthiersupplies.co.uk"]Tonetech[/url] and the blank came ready glued up.
  6. JPJ

    JPJ Build No. 2

    [quote name='budget bassist' post='462189' date='Apr 14 2009, 03:10 PM']Oooh here's an idea! You ever seen a 20th SR5? DO THAT![/quote] Yep, something like that only in trans black. Another thing I dont like about the SR5 is the scratchplate, so I intend putting a clear perspex SR4 shaped scratchplate on it as well. Still toying with the faux binding as well, but I'll have to do a few tests on some offcuts before I fully decide on that.
  7. JPJ

    JPJ Build No. 2

    [quote name='Toasted' post='462041' date='Apr 14 2009, 12:40 PM']That'll be ace JPJ [/quote] Cheers mate, it was the pictures of your Sadowsky that helped me decide on the translucent black finish!
  8. JPJ

    JPJ Build No. 2

    [quote name='budget bassist' post='462023' date='Apr 14 2009, 12:30 PM']nice, sounds like it's going to be really nice You still going for the SR5 body shape?[/quote] I'm still undecided I thought I didnt like the SR5 body shape until this arrived and now I can see how it sort of works, but it keeps reminding me of a Gibson Grabber so I'll probably go with an SR4 shape. It should also be easier to do either a slab top or drop top on the SR4 body shape with the faux binding.
  9. This is a simple but hugely effective song guaranteed to get the most obstinate of audiences tapping their feet. The secret seems to be to 'really go for it' live, you cant afford to lay back or it'll sound lifeless. Same with Sex on Fire, its got to be driven along imho.
  10. Build number two started with me buying this bass off Thunder Fingers here on basschat. The spec was just too good to miss, Status Graphite Neck, OLP Tony Levin sig body, Badass V bridge, Seymour Duncan Alnico pickup, Seymour Duncan 3 band Stingray preamp, Hipshot American Classic tuners. As you will note from the shot of the back of the bass, the body isnt in great shape so I intended making a new body out of this; A rather nice two piece swamp ash body blank and cap it with this; rather tasty piece of quilted maple cap, all the way from the good'ol US of A The finish will be transparent black which should look good with the black hardware. Cant decide whether to steam the maple and drop it over a front contour or whether to do a slab body, either way the intention is to do it with PRS style faux binding. I hope to have a day in the workshop (shed ) next weekend and unlike my previous build, I intend taking progress shots of each stage of the construction to bore you lot with! Just a little routing, sanding, a little more sanding, some sealing, sanding, staining, sanding, lacquering, sanding, lacquering, sanding, polishing and I should have bass No 5 in the stable.
  11. Sweet looking rig there matey, looking forward to hearing that in action.
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='459681' date='Apr 10 2009, 10:58 PM']Thanks for your input, folks! Ha ha.. that's mint. I'm glad I didn't buy yours. I'd feel like crap now. RIGHT... one thing I have realised is that - and I knew this already, really - J pups just don't do it for me. My heart lies in solo'd P URB-ysville. I must tattoo this on my hand. Which of these two does it better? Hmm... the board on the Franklin is smoother and denser, and more defined, but.... Pietro is my pal, and I think he sounds 'woodier'. But then, the Franklin might totally excel in a band environment... thankfully I have a few gigs next week so I have plenty of time to experiment... I may yet pick up an Ebony or Ebonal neck and swap the '71s neck out instead...[/quote] You even think of messing with the '71 and me and Big Al will be round your place faster than you can hide under the bed with a pair of knacking sticks to give you a right good knacking! Remember, we know where you live Horses for courses etc but as you have currently managed to get both into the house, I wouldn't be rushing to kick one out!
  13. I can remember oggling some awesome Acoustic stacks in Kitchens Music in Newcastle as a spotty teenager. I'd be interested in trying some of the new stuff if it ever makes it over here.
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  15. [quote name='Mr.T' post='450494' date='Mar 31 2009, 01:35 PM']Just received delivery of my Mighty Mite neck. It looks a bit pasty and I would prefer a darker, more vintage (yellowy) kind of colour.... although still a satin finish. What oil could I use to achieve this? Forgive my lack of knowledge, I have been using Status Graphite basses for the past 20 years (and a can of Mr. Sheen).[/quote] First question, is it already lacquered or naked wood? If its naked, you can get lacquers with a vintage tint and can cut them with thinners to make them satin rather than gloss finish. Alternatively, you could oil the neck, but personally I don't like the feel of oiled wood. If the neck is already lacquered then you are going to have to get all that off before oiling/re-lacquering.
  16. I used to own a Black Beauty and paired it with an 8ohm 2x10 (giving 2.6ohm overall) and gigged it like that with no problems. Great amps, but as somebody has already mentioned, they are quite heavy and bulky
  17. [quote name='dood' post='448927' date='Mar 29 2009, 08:20 PM']Hey everyone!!! Ok, got back late last night and had to be out again today, so as yet i haven't had a chance to get the camera out. We went up to Shukerland yesterday and had a fantastic day up at the workshop with Jon. I do indeed have my Baby Doodle in my grubby mits now. It is absolutely flawless. It is, without any shadow of doubt the best bass I have ever played or owned - and boy have I played a lot of amazing instruments. I can not put in to words how pleased I am! The finish, the build, the playability..everything! When I get a nice bit of weather outside I will take some pictures of both basses together for you all to see. Jon's surprise was totally worth waiting for and it is perfect!! I love it! - You'll see it soon! I can also confirm that no chisels slipped in the making of this amazing instrument! Sorry to keep you waiting a little longer![/quote] You big tease you
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='447547' date='Mar 27 2009, 05:41 PM']Hi all I'm playing with [url="http://www.billymitchell.co.uk"]Billy Mitchell & Friends[/url] at Seaton Delaval Arts Centre, Northumberland, on April 18th. Expect a mix of Billy solo tunes, some Lindisfarne, and some of the best songs you've ever heard (or maybe not heard) by a whole range of songwriters... If you want to come along, let me know![/quote] Hey WoT, If I'm around town on the 18th, me and Mrs JPJ will certainly pop along for a listen. Don't forget to pimp this over on the other place as well.
  19. [quote name='ahpook' post='445566' date='Mar 25 2009, 11:07 PM']i've borrowed many a bass amp at gigs before (always by prior arrangement i must add !), but i still remember a sessionette 4x10 (prolly like the one you've your eye on) i played through in about 1990 as being one of the best-sounding. good luck !!![/quote] Ditto in many ways. My experience was with an old 45w valve Custom Sound Trucker combo I used to loan from the local arts centre. I think it was either a 1x12 or 1x15 but I still remember the lovely warm sound that thing used to make.
  20. Try keeping your hands dry, this will help. When you do get the beginnings of a blister, I find Germolene new skin to be a much better alternative to super glue without the obvious side effect. As for turning up, lightening your touch etc. yes to both suggestions, also make sure that your bass is set up properly (i.e. not as low as it can go, but with a proper amount of relief).
  21. Once upon a time not so very long ago, Carlsbro were a top manufacturer of bass kit and way ahead of their time. Back in the day, I had a 300w Pro Bass head (two channels with independent semi-parametric tone controls, compressor, variable crossover etc) into a 2x15, biamped with a 150w pro bass slave into a 2x10 top cab. Sounded awesome, weighed a bloody tonne.
  22. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='438143' date='Mar 18 2009, 11:36 AM']And you know what? He used my P (with flats!) for a large chunk of the evening.[/quote] Any pictures that you could publish on here, the other place, Talkbass, Warwick Owners Forum etc
  23. Nice looking rig WoT, I do like the look of a 2x10 with staggered drivers. That Berg 410 you had at the bash was quite some cab though and I'd expect that will take some beating. Probably the most sensitive cab I've heard in a long time and it really cut through, even against the Aguilar monster rig right next to it. Looking forward to hearing these two beauties in action, though for a real test, you'll need a real bassist, so dont rely too much on Warwickhunt (afterall, he does use Warwicks)
  24. JPJ


    [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='435067' date='Mar 15 2009, 10:09 AM']Niiice - If only it had frets [/quote] For that price it would be worth a quick trip up the M6 to Carlisle. I'm sure Chris would happily fret this for you. On the other hand, if I had the money, I'd have saved you the trouble
  25. [quote name='Shockwave' post='430393' date='Mar 10 2009, 12:49 PM']Shame isent it? I could buy this and trace on one of mine [url="http://img15.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tokays.jpg"][/url][/quote] Which ones Gordon then?
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