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Everything posted by Raggy

  1. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1377935102' post='2193693'] Hard for me to comment without bias as I've known Mark since BassDirect was running from an old lockup on a farm, but he's always been very attentive and patient with me. His business has grown exponentially since then and he may not always have the time to provide a personal service everytime . I've spent about £1500 in 5 years but only in a couple of transactions, but I know when I do want to spend big I'll be going to him. [/quote] Same here, I have never had anything but great service from Mark, it's a hour and a half trip for me to get there, If im the only one there I get his full attention, if others are there I'm more than happy to wait. I have noticed if you ask a question you don't usually get the one liner you do in other music shops, you get a full conversation from someone who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic. It's quite refreshing.
  2. Yup, got mine today, very impressed so far
  3. Just ordered one. Cheers.
  4. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1377263376' post='2185522'] I know these new cabs are very efficient and loud but, can a 2x15 or 2x12 match a good 412 in power/volume/presence? This is my main concern, I don't want to spend big money and then fin d out they can't. [/quote] Having owned a both a Berg 610 and 412, my lightweight 2x15 outperforms them easy in every way, thats to my ears and needs though. Now the Bergs are sealed and my 2x15 is ported, It could mean that sealed cabs are just not my bag. It's tricky but it's something you will not know until you try one out, and it needs to be at war volume.
  5. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1376293613' post='2171679'] I've been running a Barefaced Big Twin T for some time now, Alex will better tell you my purchase date, but circa 18 months as my only cab for live and studio use. It's one of the heaviest (maybe THE heaviest) in the Barefaced range, yet my handles have not frayed/rubber torn like many have. It's clearly just a fact that rubber wears. In time I'm sure mine will go, but they are an easy and cheap replacement so I don't see a problem. After all this time they are going strong and are generally the least of my worries. [/quote] I can totally agree with this. I have had my Dubster for 2 years now and it has stood up very well to my clutz gig abuse, being picked up with one handle, bundled in and out of vans/cars. I have not noticed any problems as yet.
  6. Heres mine, turned up the other day. Its a JJ model with black hardware, Babicz bridge, a John East P Retro and a D-tuner. Cant stop grinning. Rubbish iphone pics below. [attachment=140884:248242_10201825255456909_559914033_n.jpg] [attachment=140885:988284_10201825254856894_1629967931_n.jpg]
  7. Our very own Clarky is 50 years old today. I thought I would set up a thread so that those older than him can offer words of wisdom and those younger can point and laugh. Happy Birthday Clarky.
  8. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1373896114' post='2142773'] Holy Moses, that setup must be quite something! [/quote] I am so pleased with this rig. They seem to work together so well. I've been through a lot of rigs over the past few years and this has put the GAS on hold. For now
  9. Precision all the way for me. Great tone and I find the wider neck more comfortable for me. The times I have used a Jazz I completely turn off the bridge pickup, to my ears it scooped the tone too much and did not work for me.
  10. Speaker Builder UK have anything to do with these perchance?
  11. Orange terror bass 1000 into a Barefaced Dubster.
  12. We do something similar with Tears of a Clown and Mirror in the Bathroom then back into Tears of a Clown. Different keys and different timings, but it works really well.
  13. Congratulations, that is a cracking looking rig. Bang on!!
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  15. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1369828141' post='2093126'] By tonight I shall happily be playing my Jazz bass again [/quote] Was getting slightly worried there!!!!
  16. [attachment=134950:Hexa.jpg] My Hexavalve, wish I had kept those cabs with it.
  17. Im running the 1000 with a Dubster, fantastic little amp, stupidly loud, as mentioned the EQ needs a little touch more control but does not really matter as it has such a good core tone.
  18. Sorry Tommo Only just came back onto this post. The bass has just been sold. Thanks for the offer though.
  19. Sold my 50's CV to Matt today. Managed to find me in the most busiest motorway services carpark I think I have ever been to. An absolute gent to deal with with great comms from start to finish. One of Basschats good guys. All the best Matt. Cheers Steve
  20. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1367602362' post='2067519'] Reign In Blood is one of the most important pieces of music recorded in the twentieth century. It takes me to so many places, it's a f***ing MASTERPIECE. [/quote] +1 to that.
  21. Blimey, my Dubster has been well gigged, not had a problem with the feet yet.
  22. You should, they sound fantastic. Every note is full and big all the way up the neck.
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