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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. There was a time when the Gov was toying with the idea of only banning in places that served food. My venue would have been a license to print money then - we'd be the only smoking venue in town! Can you imagine? It would have been rammed in there. Ah well, I want another job anyway.
  2. 5 string MM stingray is all at the mo. Settle for that blue Bongo that went on basstalk a while back.
  3. Digression is the stuff of fora though, don't you find?
  4. Dunno - all I can add to this is that while my Nemesis will run at 2ohm, those nice people at Eden say they recommend I put it through a 4ohm speaker for the best results all round. That implies lowest not necessarily bestest, non?
  5. As a licensee I'm naturally interested in what effect this will have, especially on band nights. During the summer we may have to forget about bands as they'll be playing to an empty cellar with the garden upstairs full! As far as nanny state goes I get a bit tired of hearing this. Even tho this could catastrophically affect my business, I still wholly support the government. If we are in possesion of all the facts (and where smoke is concerned we are) and are aware of the dangerous anti social effect of our behaviour and still after many years do nothing about it then it is the responsibility - duty even - of our elected representitives to impose laws upon us. When the public behave like irresponsible children and it directly affects the well being of others, well they damn well need nannying.
  6. +1 for the ER20's the most affordable and best bit of kit I ever bought. If you could force me to choose, I'd give you my Stingray rather than play without them in. After a little bit of getting used to I now prefer to listen to live music with them in.
  7. There must be a problem with the smell though? Venues, prior to the fug descending, stink of cheap polish and disinfectant. With no rich fragrant tobacco smoke to ovrcome this stench a night out must be deeply unpleasant. As far as vocalists go, I've yet to meet one that didn't smoke anyway!
  8. [quote name='jwbassman' post='2160' date='May 19 2007, 12:56 PM']Glad to see I'm not the only one to play at my own wedding!![/quote] You are not alone. I played at my wedding - in fact I insisted on it, best part of the whole thing (apart from the obvious) but as has been mentioned playing with a ring on was a 'mare. Had to take the stupid thing off.
  9. [quote name='Sharkfinger' post='3905' date='May 21 2007, 09:19 PM']Kinda had the feeling it was a Matsumoku: has that "look". Know what I mean?[/quote] Yep - I know what you mean. It looks great and makes me want it.
  10. Can't vouch for HB specifically but I bought a J&D 5 string fretless from Music Store Cologne last year for under £130 and it's fine. Just needed a really good set up by someone who knows. The machines they're made on can chuck out perfectly good parts. I found it was the way they were put together let them down.
  11. Soulfinger - up until now I've just kept the volume down really low as well. But I mean really low. This thread had got me wondering if there's something wrong though. Your post reassures me - they just kick out a massive signal.
  12. stewblack


    [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='3481' date='May 21 2007, 11:13 AM']The clock is showing the correct time but was 'adjusted' by 60min. It might also be a good idea for people to check in their user profiles that they've ticked the box allowing adjustment for daylight saving too.[/quote] Ah - I wondered if we all had our own adjustment to make. Makes sense I suppose - we are an international forum aftrawl.
  13. And that kind of response, Kiwi, is what makes Basschat such an excellent forum. Good on yer.
  14. [quote name='BeLow' post='3288' date='May 21 2007, 02:35 AM']Does you OLP have a passive mode - if so what does it sound like. It sounds to me like the active circuit may possibly be faulty rather than powerful. Good idea to ask others for their experience, or maybe try another one out. Found this which implies that the shielding and perhaps some of the electronics may not be up to top standards. [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/product/OLP/Tony+Levin+Signature/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...+Signature/10/1[/url] Might be worth checking the soldering if you can? Otherwise it seems a real bargain. [url="http://www.bgra.net/2004/review.php?id=2033&type=bass"]http://www.bgra.net/2004/review.php?id=2033&type=bass[/url][/quote] Cheers for the tip - maybe friendly neighbourhood tech should have it back.
  15. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='3192' date='May 21 2007, 12:04 AM']What are you playing through? Maybe the problem is you are relying on the notoriously unreliable meter on Ashdown.[/quote] Not Ashdown. One of the amps is another unfavourite brand, but that meter is reliable with my 'Ray and others but the other gear with input peak indicators is Shure and Eden so I don't think that's the trouble, as I say it's just this one guitar no matter what it goes into. Maybe it's just meant to be that loud? Anyone else use a Tony Levin OLP?
  16. As far as using different instruments with differing outputs goes I've never had a problem. That's what the meter and gain dial are for, one to show me the input level the other to help me set it to the ideal. It's just this one guitar - it's a bit annoying, so I just play it turned down.
  17. [quote name='MB1' post='3072' date='May 20 2007, 08:38 PM']MB1. aria were unbeatable value in the eightys and there still good today.[/quote] +1 and amen to that!
  18. [quote name='Sharkfinger' post='3020' date='May 20 2007, 07:01 PM']The mystery only deepens! When I say "absolutely", I mean that its sentimental value to me would put it's price tag far above what I expect anyone would be willing to pay for it.[/quote] Keep us posted, I love Aria guitars so am interested in this detective story! Know what you mean about sentimental value, I was only teasing.
  19. Sorry guys been out. Yep new battery, it's just really hot. There's a little dial for winding back the input gain on my wireless which I do when putting an active bass through it after using a passive. I can't turn this low enough! The low battery is a crackly farty distortion - I've heard that one- this is a big wet fart on the loud low notes. It just overrides any input on any amp, unless the volume is down really low.
  20. Thanks for that, I've printed it off and I just show it to my OH whenever she tries to imply I might have a bit too much gear!
  21. I'll have enough when I never see another bass that makes something odd happen deep inside me. It never ends though, I don't like the look of the Bongo for instance but there was a blue one for sale on Basstalk a couple of weeks back and when I saw it's picture a little bit of wee came out. Now I want one.
  22. [quote name='Waldo' post='2877' date='May 20 2007, 02:33 PM']Hmm, that doesn't seem quite right. Is the bass active?[/quote] Yes it is, the online bumph talks of a nice 'growl' when it's turned up but this is pure nasty farting distortion. You think there could be a fault?
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