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Everything posted by nottswarwick

  1. [quote name='cetera' timestamp='1377078664' post='2182970'] Neox212 - Best cab I've ever owned.... even better than the Berg 610. Had 2 of them at one time but just never needed the 2nd one. 1 cab does all to a VERY high volume! Congrats! [/quote] Excellent. Yes, it does seem like a proper monster set up for sure.
  2. Ah, nice advice thanks folks. I use the 10% ibu gel, will try voltarol. Thought about short scale , a 5 string would do it too.
  3. Funnily enought the 12.2 was my other option. I went for old school transformer tech as I love the bloom and weight of note that comes from this technology.
  4. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1377029184' post='2182532'] Roqsolid do none padded ones. Still be about 30/40 quid I'd guess. [/quote] True dat. Conversely I've just upgrade my new cover to be 4mm foam from them for a little extra.
  5. Thanks. It's ok though, I manage it ok. Annoying though.
  6. Lol. It won't get well I'm afraid, unless I restitution up totally for weeks. Which I cannot do since it is my job. Ho hum.
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  8. I should look into it. Thanks for the kind words. I've had it for 3 years now. One day I woke up like I had slept funny on it, it was stiff. And so was my wrist fnarr fnarr. No, seriously, my wris felt sprained, and I assumed it would go better in a day or two, I think I had been fitting a roof rack the day before, and lots of bass stretches too, and a few drumming gigs, and finally it coundnt take any more.
  9. So, long running tendonitis, on and off. Just from teaching and giggin all the time, bass, guitar, drums etc, Basically physio can do nothing for it. Just ice and ibuprofen. But been gigging with this attractive thing on, and it seems to help a bit. Thought I'd share.
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  11. It sound good in the studio, so I'm going to keep a look out for another if one comes up cheap enough. Can't imagine me ever actually needing a second cab though. I'm impressed more than anything with the head though. It's heavy, but it sounds it too! Really nice full tone, but it can hit and snarl with some full on aggression if needed.
  12. He he he, arrived today. Sounds mahoooosive. And really versatile. I mean, really, seems to get any sound you want. Proper loud too. Is the anti gravity ipad pics again lol
  13. I can't believe your rig isn't loud enough to be fair so I think I echo everything said before. The STM is loud and bassy and into that 4ohm cab should be huge.
  14. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1376945475' post='2181457'] Hold the low E string at the first and last fret and look at the gap at the 12th fret - should be about 2mm - 3mm - even if its more or less its likely sortable provided you can shift the truss rod nut/screw by a quarter turn or so its probably ok. [/quote] That is way too much relief. I'd be looking for holding at first and last fret as described, and then seeing a gap in the middle of the thickness of a business card, approx, for correct relief.
  15. Just wondering what the current thinking is on these? I use a Rothwell Love Squeeze pedal at the moment, but am returning to a rack set up and fancy having it all wired in permanent fashion. I've got a Genz GBE750 amp coming, and sorting a rack tuner, and there is a spare slot lol. Cheers all Chris
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  17. Bored. I'll not be paying until I have a delivery date confirmed.
  18. I don't have one at the moment, no, but I have had in the past, but I have not done a direct comparison this time, no. But I have AB tested against my Bart Equipped MTD, and my Hohner Jack Custom, ,and the P is not lacking. My P is strung with flats. The mtd could be slightly fuller in the sub lows due to the EQ available on it.
  19. In know they have the low mid growl but I'd be wondering if there is something amiss. I've played mine through my studio set up with headphones, and I've not found it lacking in proper low E fundamental frequencies at all
  20. [quote name='chrisma' timestamp='1364848103' post='2031763'] This is my (disassembled) board and bits. [attachment=131516:Bass stuff 1 low.jpg] I make sounds like this if you're interested: [url="https://soundcloud.com/chris-mapp/sets/solo"]https://soundcloud.com/chris-mapp/sets/solo[/url] [/quote] Cool photo
  21. To be fair, the smartest stages have no back line visible. It's all backstage, and all on in ears. I'd happily gig without an amp, and have a silent stage (good electric drums, everyone else on preamps only) with all on in ears.
  22. So, are they actual compressors or not then?
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