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Everything posted by nottswarwick

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEgqpnT2vXQ Done a quick YouTube capture of my Fender 50s P. recorded on iPhone, but I think it sounds quite sweet. I might do a proper demo of all my basses. Well, I say all, there are only 4....
  2. Yep the only reason I'd move from the compact is if you need a tweeter. That's why I moved from mine
  3. To be fair I could do with this, as my barefaced is nowhere near ready and I have no cab.... Prob is location. Not to worry.
  4. Cool, swapped my amp and some folding for his bass. Exactly as described, great fellow to deal with. Thanks Chris :-)
  5. TC do a nova system specifically for the acoustic. I it is as good as their stuff usually is, it should be ace.
  6. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1376490764' post='2174783'] It's cos the handles look ace. [/quote] Lol. We will see how this new one pans out. Looks to be exciting though. But I have NO cab at the mo, no biggie as I'm drumming for the next couple of weeks.
  7. Actually lol you usually see Ashdown on tv and festivals etc hahah
  8. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1376489532' post='2174767'] You see, this actually counts for a big deal. The types of bands that I am in, I don't think I would be taken seriously if I turned up with something that looked like it was knocked up from components from the Tandy catalogue. BF really needs to up it's game on that front. Are we seeing BF as a festival or tv regular? It's hunting ground is the pub. And that's great. It's a valid market. Louder? Clearer, cleaner... not in my experience? But thats where this is all subjective. [/quote] Yeah, I know, and the appearance thing disappoints me a bit. But to be fair, I'm in a function band, busy corporate etc, and my Compact never looked out of place, to me at least. But you're right, I felt pretty cool in front of my EBS stack, and would still have it, but for the fact that I became the drummer in my band for a couple of years and sold it...
  9. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376488320' post='2174734'] I don't consider myself a troll or to be trolling. So I guess I have to say something sensible now? I don't rate Barefaced cabs. [i]Quelle surprise[/i]. They [b]ARE[/b] light but this is at the expense of a number of factors that come under the broad heading of "build quality" which have been well discussed on this forum. I think the sound of the cabs is poor in comparison to other alternatives (Berg) but that's obviously a subjective personal opinion and therefore largely irrelevant. Consider the Bergantino CN212 - 46lbs vs. the Super 12 T, 42lbs. There's 10% in it but that's only 4lbs. One has no build issues, one has many, many build issues. [/quote] Fair comment I'd say. I've never tried a Berg, but they have always looked great to me. I would say that I did a direct AB test of an EBS NEO 212 vs the BF S12t, and the BF was clearer, cleaner and louder. But the EBS (my cab at the time) was more aesthetically pleasing by a long way. I'm waiting for a new BF cab myself, but if it falls short it goes back. But based on past experience I expect it to stay.
  10. Plastic cable ties, or a couple linked together, works for me.
  11. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1376316844' post='2172011'] Lots of people looking to release their own line of flawlessly designed cabs by the looks of it Si [/quote] Haha quality
  12. It looks awesome. Forgive my question, but having just been on the fender site it seems to be a minefield of different editions. How do,we know it is a 50s Classic Series Precision?
  13. Exact same thing has happened to me on a £800 markbass combo....it happens
  14. Forgive my potential ignorance, but what is the implication of it being a US version?
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