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Everything posted by JimBobTTD

  1. Are they stuck on cupboards? I know what you mean about screws and walls. We've just moved, so I'm putting up wall hangers for a bunch of guitars and basses. Hard work!
  2. I understand your disappointment, but 55% is better than 54% - and it is over half. I say well done!
  3. [quote name='cetera' post='535716' date='Jul 8 2009, 03:44 PM']Crikey! Wish mine was as white as that...! Mine's more of a creamy yellow now...[/quote] In all fairness, it isn't as white in real life (or real light) as it is in the pic. It is, however, in totally perfect condition and still quite white. It must have spent its life in a case under someone's bed, as it only has two small dings on it. I have a bit of a thing for white guitars, and its whiteness was what made me decide to buy this one.
  4. [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='531571' date='Jul 3 2009, 01:09 PM']Relisted-the-5-string-set-bump! Free postage! I now have enough from the sale of the 4 and 6 string set to get a set of EBs - 60% donation to basschat if bought direct! That's a tenner from you, of which £4 to me for postage and £6 to basschat.[/quote] Really? Cor, wot a fab deal and I get to help this site. In other words, bump. Edit: sold through Ebay.
  5. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='535550' date='Jul 8 2009, 12:42 PM']I can't believe somebody just sold a Sansamp for £100 and yours is still sitting here for £85![/quote] Yup, that was to me. I somehow missed this ad. Never mind!
  6. Here's one I have handy. The Trace cabs have gone, replaced with a Marshall 15" cab (with a different speaker). I don't have any other Duff gear as such. I do have a GK amp (the 400RBMkIV in the pic) which isn't the same one he has, but is still GK. I suppose it could be argued that his choice of GK influenced me, but I'm not really going for his sound or anything like that. I think it's well cool that you have Duff's rig!
  7. Nice. I have an 80s Jazz Bass Special in white - it's the bass I had always wanted as a youngster and now I have it! I'm giving 5-strings a real shot at the moment, so the JBS is sitting in a case. It's a great bass - light, well balanced and makes nice noises. It's the one with the unpainted neck. I'm a pretty big Duff fan too. I collect old GNR bootlegs, as well as Loaded, Velvet Revolver and Neurotic Outsiders, so I've seen a fair bit of Duff on video over the years. I also went to VR's last gig in Amsterdam. Bliss!
  8. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='534340' date='Jul 7 2009, 01:44 AM']Reliced amps? Crackly pots, missing knobs, cut out, catch fire and electrocute the user. It's the way forward.[/quote] Already done. Fender do cosmetically aged amps. I'm sure a few tweaks here and there can sort out the missing knobs and electrocution which you want!
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  10. I have an older version of the SR705 and I love it. I haven't played a Prestige, so I can't answer that part, but I say that the hype about Ibanez is true. They don't get much respect, though... Three out of my four basses are Ibanez, so I'm perhaps not the most impartial chap to ask.
  11. Relisted-the-5-string-set-bump! Free postage! I now have enough from the sale of the 4 and 6 string set to get a set of EBs - 60% donation to basschat if bought direct! That's a tenner from you, of which £4 to me for postage and £6 to basschat.
  12. I'm not going to be in the UK for a good few months, which is a real shame as I would be pulling £100 out of my account right now!
  13. [quote name='OldGit' post='530242' date='Jul 2 2009, 10:06 AM']@Janek You are talking as if everyone reading BGM is, or should be, an aspiring pro musician. If they were the only readers of BGM it would have gone bust years ago. Beginners and intermediates buy the magazine, loads of beginners. Also the weekend warriors who do fine on a Squier and old Peavey TNT but who may just want to upgrade to something just a bit better. That's the readership who are not being served (by the reviews anyway).[/quote] If that group is the majority, the next largest group probably consists of people who frequent gear forums (judging by how much of a response this thread has on this forum). Reviewing basses w-a-y out of our reach will anger us, whereas basses within or just outside our reach will make us subscribe. The problem of getting companies to send basses for review may be severe, but it is not the readers' problem. As a reader, I don't care how much of a hard time the magazine is having getting basses in for review; I only care that the magazine has what I want to read in it. Things like typos, poor grammar and punctuation are also big things which need to be fixed. I see a lot of things which a simple spell check would correct, and there are times when I have read something a few times to understand it. If BGM doesn't care enough to check what it is publishing for the whole world to see, then I am not sure I can trust the reviews inside it (the quality of which has been brought up in this thread). In short, when BGM can say the following, I shall renew my subscription: 1. We review all types of gear in all price ranges in all issues (unless it is a special edition). 2. Our reviews are impartial and informative because, as reviewers, we are judged on the quality of our reviews. 3. We check the spelling, grammar and punctuation of everything we write because, as writers, we are judged on the quality of our written word.
  14. Yup, it's an SR705, made in the Fujigen factory in 2002. I'm now looking for a neck-through MIJ 5er to go with it, and we are now derailing AxelF's thread something rotten! Very nice fretless, by the way. Excellent colour. Good luck with the sale! [Edit for typo]
  15. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='528128' date='Jun 29 2009, 10:10 PM']it would be as my subscription has just lapsed [/quote] Mine too, just before this new one. Is it worth resubscribing? I can't get loose copies in Sweden, so I'd need to subscribe to test it out.
  16. [quote name='Bassassin' post='528005' date='Jun 29 2009, 07:57 PM']...This one's 1994 & made at Fujigen Gakki, probably making it one of the last MIJ SRs....[/quote] My 2002 SR is MIJ.
  17. Wow - that's a stunner. Congratulations!
  18. On the 'bay: Rotosound SM66 4-string set (40, 60, 80, 100) Long Scale Hybrid Gauge [Edit: now sold via Ebay] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=270413515755"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=270413515755[/url] Rotosound RS665LD 5-string set (45, 65, 80, 105, 130) Long Scale Standard Gauge [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270419774162"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=270419774162[/url] (relisted) Rotosound RS666LD 6-string set (35, 45, 65, 80, 105, 130) Long Scale Standard Gauge [Edit: now sold via Ebay] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=270413519927"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=270413519927[/url] Offers to basschatters who buy direct (skipping EBay): Ebay fees saved go to Basschat.
  19. I have recently moved over to 5 string. I picked up an Ibanez SR705 (the older version of the model) from the classifieds here for a steal (£150), and I find it great. It has narrow spacing at the bridge - 16.5mm - and a narrowish neck too. I have always liked Ibanezes for their great necks, weight and balance. Slightly off topic, but I have not noticed any major problems with adapting to the extra string. This is perhaps because I was never a genius with 4 strings, but possibly because the bass is so welcoming. So, I would get an Ibanez. Get one with the SR5 neck, pref a neck-through with Barts, and take good care of it. If, in a few months, you decide you don't like 5ers, drop me a line!
  20. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='519923' date='Jun 21 2009, 02:08 PM']God, First you give them the vote and then look what happens...... BB[/quote] Indeed. Next they'll have their own left handed shops!
  21. Pre-Ebay bump... A quick look on Stringbusters.co.uk tells me that I am sitting on £54 of Rotos, and asking for 2 packs (@ £22 each) of EBs. How about 1 pack of EB Power Slinky 5s and a donation to this site?
  22. Go custom! There's a chap on Ebay called [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/merchant/wildwesthog_W0QQ_nkwZQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZ"]Wildwesthog [/url]who makes straps. I got him to make me one for a treasured guitar and it is perfect. Not cheap, mind. Or...
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