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Everything posted by JimBobTTD

  1. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1468738745' post='3092917'] I very rarely adjust tone or volume on the bass or the amp during a gig. Add or roll off bass & middle on the amp as required to suit the acoustics of the venue, any tone changes after that are due to where I attack the strings with my right hand. [/quote] Exactly this for me, too.
  2. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1468538305' post='3091698'] Chinagraph pencil. Mark the gain & EQ settings for your various basses on the amp so you can go to them quickly & easily. Always worked perfectly for me, though it might not appeal to people who like to have an excuse to buy another bit of kit for no reason. [/quote]
  3. Rolling Stones and Satisfaction, I would say.
  4. I wish...I play for a few minutes of noodling a few times a day, sometimes longer, sometimes not at all. I wish I could have the time and energy to have more structured practice time. Oddly, I still have time to read Basschat and Facebook, where I read about other people's lives instead of living my own. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1467543248' post='3084367'] ...if the drummer never plays drums apart form at gigs and rehearsals ... [/quote] Most of the drummers with whom I've played have done this. One was in so many bands that this was not a problem; he rehearsed four times a week and gigged almost every weekend before he had to give up our band due to, as you can guess, having too many bands on the go. One drummer I knew, though, was 17, absolutely fantastic, and would spend a couple of hours in the rehearsal space most days. We played together for two years until the guitarist went back to the US and the drummer went off to university...and stopped playing drums. My most recent drummer was so naturally talented that playing in rehearsals only was ok for him. The one before, though, was rusty even after half an hour of warming up...during our 90 minute rehearsal!
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1467185091' post='3081662'] You learn to recognise the difference between a drummer and someone who owns a drum kit. Although one drum kit owner I played with bout a two seater sports car and put a large sub in the boot making it impossible to transport his kit anywhere. [/quote] I was in a band with a "drummer" who didn't even own a drum kit. Nor an electronic one. He just had sticks. I kept the rhythm in that band and he played off me. Needless to say, it was terrible. Thankfully, he left and was replaced by a more normal gentleman.
  6. What's the difference between Lance Armstrong's saddle and Sheryl Crow? One is leathery and covered in his ball-sweat and the other is part of his bike. (Worked better before they split)
  7. I have no problems with popping, interference or the power supply. I have an EU one, though, rather than a UK supply.
  8. Like something from a horror film. Not something cool from a horror film, just something from a horror film.
  9. I'm a bit late to the party, but you can get older Line6 stuff for peanuts these days. A PodXT would do what you would want. They are cheaper than the HD line.
  10. In Ohm: [media]http://youtu.be/mOrmj8MlS4A[/media] And my favourite: [media]http://youtu.be/rigELsRq_64[/media]
  11. He died on stage, it seems. Rust in Peace, Nick. http://metaladdicts.com/site/former-megadeth-drummer-nick-menza-dead-at-age-51/
  12. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1463524003' post='3052105'] Also: Are you sure you mean a momentary switch. This will change state only while you're holding it. If you want to push it in and it stay in then you want a 'stayput' switch, which you'd then pull out, or a toggling switch that will change state every time you press it. [/quote] Yep.
  13. Perhaps I am being a bit unreasonable thinking that a cheaper one might exist - they are a very niche product. I remember looking for one a while back (before Shadow started making them) and coming up stumped. But the plus side is that they do exist and I can now get one!
  14. I am looking for a pot that has a push momentary switch on it so I can use it as a kill-switch. Shadow do them, but they are rather expensive...the cheapest I have seen was €13 and the most expensive was £19. Any ideas of anyone else who makes them?
  15. [quote name='Jimmybass1978' timestamp='1462957600' post='3047187'] I can listen to music on my hi-fi or in the car at fairly high volume and not have any problem. [/quote] I think that stopping this will help you. Try to stop being around anything that can be classified as "high volume". I have ringing in my ears that sometimes manifests itself as a high pitched squeal with a roar - imagine the sound of waves crashing, but isolate the crashing sound - and sometimes just as high pitched squeal. The roar would sometimes wake me up at night and, obviously, leave me unable to go back to sleep. I think that it was caused by loud music (with a finger pointed at my Sony Walkman), playing with bands at tremendous volume without any hearing protection (I was not aware of its existence before I was 18 or so, and it was too late by then. Besides, "real men don't wear [etc]"], practicing at home at loud volumes etc. However, I think that the general noise of life was a major factor. Life seems to be noisy, with little to no respite. Even lifts have a voice telling you that the doors are about to open or close (why? why is this suddenly necessary? But that is another thread...). I think the world is just loud these days. Sigh...
  16. I got a fretless about a year ago. It is lined. I think I might prefer it to fretted. Lots of people say that fretless is more expressive or natural-sounding than fretted. I found that I started seeing it from the other angle - fretted sounded less expressive and less natural than the fretless. Similarly, I do not like playing with a plectrum, as all I hear is the click of plastic on string (just when I play, though). My fretless has totally changed how I view the bass.
  17. Three in my old blues band - Wonderful Tonight (that was great), Honky Tonk Women (less so) and Mustang Sally (that the crowd, at least, loved). Whisky in the Jar in my old thrash covers band because Metallica did it.
  18. [quote name='nbtone' timestamp='1462044816' post='3039944'] IMO GK should have stuck to their RB line of amps. The new MB models turn me off, so I figure they are just adding another one along that line. Bob Gallien must be 80 years old, so how long do you think GK can keep going? [/quote] What don't you like about them? I moved from a 700RB to a 500 MB Fusion and I am really happy with the sound. When the rest of the band are playing, I cannot hear much if any difference. Back on topic, these new preamps do not excite me in the way that the Le Bass did. They look like they have too much stuff crammed into one box. I am a separate FX rather than multifx, and this seems to be for the latter.
  19. [quote name='Schnozzalee' timestamp='1462034827' post='3039847'] It is bizarre that you can't buy a Fender American Stratocaster w/ Floyd Rose Interested to hear about Kahlers, as that's another one that gets a bad rep... [/quote] I'm thinking going the Warmoth route... I have never used a Kahler. Not sure I have even seen one in the flesh.
  20. I love Floyd Rose trems. I think the terrible reputation comes from people who do not know how to set them up. I sold an Epiphone Flying V with a Floyd because it would never - never, ever, ever - stay in tune. Now I know how to set them up, I kick myself for selling it! Now...a black Strat, rosewood board, chrome Floyd...yes please!
  21. Hello! More info about the PJ set, please! What model names are they? Spacing?
  22. Sold a pedal to spritchaser. All went well, of course...the man is a gent!
  23. This just came up on my eBay feed http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-SR905-5-string-Active-Bass-Guitar-Thru-neck-Wine-Red-/121935495774? If it stays around that price level, then it is a serious bargain. Furthermore, it looks [u][i]the sex[/i][/u].
  24. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1459068990' post='3013204'] I am so far off being one of the forum's Fender experts, but I'm pretty sure that isn't a pre CBS Precision logo. Anyone verify or correct this? [/quote] It is indeed a CBS logo and not one from earlier. But the seller says these are CBS era, 1960s strings. So it is all above board.
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