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Everything posted by LukeFRC

  1. upside down didn't work. red plectrum rather than purple did!
  2. a great looking bass for the money! mmmm
  3. [quote name='Thor' timestamp='1335824320' post='1636744'] Ignorance doesn't carry any weight I'm afraid....one should be aware of the rules [b]before[/b] posting! With regards his pricing see my previous post! As previously posted by others, no one is going to "get rich quick" by buying this at the sellers agreed price and subsequently offering it for sale? As I stated before, I don't wish to slight anyone, however, after [b]offering the asking price[/b] I was then e-mailed (privately) asking if I'd like to increase my offer! That is what I object to! [/quote] I like to think the best of people. He gets lots and lots of offers and probably PM's telling him it's too cheap. He panics and writes the post he did- he was wrong to do so but it's understandable. The rules are rules but lots of the etiquette on here you have to be around a bit to pick up. But yes, he should have withdrawn it for sale temporerally and then brought it in at a higher price rather than what he did, which is utterly not basschat.
  4. The fella doesn't know the forum rules, he now does. The bass is a wee bit underpriced for a 1991, if he want's to increase the price I wouldn't have a problem with that- his pricing was in ignorance. Personally I would suggest sticking it on the warwick forum at a higher price first and being prepared to post to europe....
  5. so sorry for the reasons you have to sell this man
  6. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1335764421' post='1635497'] Hi Phil, good to see you here, (it's Tom from church) What a stunning bass that is! I doubt it'll be here long at that price [/quote] tom, you not looking for a light weight bass? my one of these is under 8lb ....
  7. fender had the anodised aluminium ones in 50's-60's (or whenever) for some models. Work well in my exp, I fitted one to my P bass. Was good for recording as easy to make sure it was grounded.
  8. if I were shopping I would get one barefaced cab.
  9. ooo an early one. How old is this? (last two digits of the serial number)
  10. Not band but PA folk, I was playing at church 5 piece band and in a not massive area in a school hall- and a fairly loud drummer right next to my right ear. I have to stand pretty close to my amp which was an ashdown and just a wee bit woolly, but anyway. what with the PA folk turning the singers up too loud through the foldback and a drummer about a foot from my right ear I turn up to the quietist I can to hear myself- which of course in a big empty hall sounds fairly loud. I get told to turn down,I do I get told to turn down I do I get told again and do, only now can't hear myself, so start hitting the strings harder to compensate- which doesn't sound great so turn up a bit. Get moaned at again. and through the last song in the practice/soundcheck just turn the volume on my bass off and mime along. No one notices keep miming no one notices do my best flea bass playing impression slap bass mime no one notices play with my teeth- drummer is cracking up but utterly unnoticed.... finish song- yeah that sounded great- much better. !
  11. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1335723334' post='1635059'] I didnt say it was going to be good for you!!! You're right, you wouldn't replace these with anything better for the price, that's for sure! [/quote] I just need to 'find' an 'original' 1962 jazz to swap for your two JV's! stranger things have happened!
  12. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1335721763' post='1635018'] I thought the burn marks were from an orbital sander. [/quote] same here
  13. now I can understand people who collect guitars. and players who enjoy having vintage instruments. And I can understand people who buy various old parts and put together their own 'vintage' bass. And I can understand why folk would pay a lot for old parts. But for a wrecked old fender neck? I mean it's not going to be too 'collectable' and as a player for that sort of money I could get a brand new custom build or at the moment, in these sale forums pretty much anything I wanted!
  14. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1335717362' post='1634948'] I'm not either but I've owned a few... Fender Japan certainly used to make two versions of a few of their models, as Luke alludes to - one with lower quality hardware and another which is often supposedly US hardware. All the standard and 62RI Jap Fenders I've seen have had the bridge wire. If Luke has also seen standard jazzes with the truss rod access at the headstock end then that's probably ok too, the ones I've seen have been at the body though. [/quote] http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/index.php?f=data_fender_japan_new_guitars&a=3
  15. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1335717217' post='1634944'] Keep playing righty, TRUST ME. There are NO guitars out there for lefties. [/quote] err I was thinking more along the lines on just turning this one upside down! [quote name='EskimoBassist' timestamp='1335717539' post='1634951'] Ebay is normally pretty good for lefty guitars. They often seem to be cheaper second hand than their righty counterparts (smaller demand after all). Luke, do you play a right handed bass? I'd just stick to whatever you're used to playing. [/quote] yep right handed. Pretty good advice
  16. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1335715895' post='1634914'] Well if the guys are happy with those tuners then so am I - I ain't no Fender expert. ... I don't have a MIJ here right now to compare but I kind of find it hard to believe as I have a less prestigious Jap bass here with way nicer tuners on it and a Jay Turser bass with almost identical ones to these. Is the bridge earth wire ringing any bells with anyone? I recently serviced a MIJ but it had your average hole through to the control cavity job. [/quote] Some of the early japanese fender basses had the bridge earth wire, it became a bit of a trademark fender japan thing on quite a few of their jazz models. I would be more worried if it wasn't there. Apart from the tuners which I don't have enough knowledge either way, and the scratches that I can't explain then this looks 'ok'. The body seems to be a fender japan standard body- or the stamp suggests the (lower level) '62 ri. The neck logo and truss access is the same as a fender japan standard jazz one. I would wonder why there wasn't a stamp at the heel of the neck and about the tuners- but if it plays well I wouldn't worry that much.
  17. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1335700638' post='1634679'] Perhaps you should sell me yours then, which would mean I'd have to keep them wouldn't I [/quote] Hmm thinks about it (and a good question for you too...).... the value of my JV squier < amount needed to get similar quality (but not collectable) replacement I've have got more and more worried about taking mine out live as it's become more and more collectable. At some point I'll move it on for something I'll worry less about- but would be hard to find something nicer I think!
  18. hmmm.... to me it looks legit, a fender japan standard jazz bass. though would question the tuners and lack of made in japan on back of neck. what makes you think the decal is fake? And more importantly how does it play?
  19. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1335631068' post='1634039'] Don't do it Pete........times change, you'll want a 4 again one day and end up doing the Rimmer knuckle biting thing! [/quote] +1 You have two 5 strings, sell one of them and buy a classic 5...
  20. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1335609028' post='1633645'] The font used for the words "JAZZ BASS" is just wrong, seen it before on many a faker. [/quote] it's not wrong, just 70's style. very few modern fenders use it- my old 2002 usa FSR jazz did
  21. new bass... with 70's style type saying 'Jazz bass' which only a few models use. Plus the headstock shape is slightly off
  22. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1335517792' post='1632388'] Ditto! mine is pretty much identical to yours Luke! [/quote]
  23. really??? how much is the strap worth? He also isn't a vintage guitar guy... but he likes to sell other vintage guitars http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1961-Fender-Jazz-Bass-2-Knob-Stack-Knob-Slab-Board-Sunburst-RARE-WOW-/261010806237?pt=Guitar&hash=item3cc574d5dd#ht_22078wt_1219
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