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Everything posted by cheddatom

  1. one of the drummers things would probably do it, something like this: https://www.roland.com/uk/products/spd-sx/ I've never done it myself though, maybe check out some youtube demos?
  2. A small pub in Chester last night with my band Dandelion meow meow. A very small audience, and I've been knackered all week. I was expecting to have a bad night but playing with this band is just too much fun. So funky!!!!
  3. oh well, it seems it's just a fact of life and I'll have to live with it. I'd still prefer if the sound for the support acts was "acceptable" IE drums audible to the audience, but then if they want to turn the whole thing up and put on a light show for the headliner - fine. I have to say we've headlined quite a few shows and it's never happened for us, but then we don't take our own light or sound engineers
  4. The Xvive v19 only supplies 300mA I can't seem to find a definitely spec for the current draw of the tonehammer, but a couple of talkbass threads suggest it's 500mA MXR 87 is only 19mA according to this site: https://effektpedaler.dk/en/product/mxr-m87-bass-compressor/ Boss TU-3 draws 30mA So you want a power supply can can do 550mA or more. It looks like the Xvive won't cut it v19
  5. Outstanding work, I'm really enjoying this thread, thanks!
  6. If a promoter said to me "Would you like us to do terrible sound and lights for the support acts before you come on?" I'd say no, and I'm pretty sure that's the case for 99% of other musicians, so I just wondered where this practise comes from
  7. I get that, it's a similar situation to the touring band who take their own sound engineer.
  8. I always thought that as most of the audience are there (or should be) to see the headline act, then they would see it as a climax anyway. I'm not talking pyros but lights and sound should be decent all night, surely?
  9. Like I said, if they bring their own sound/lighting people then I get it, and for most "big" shows that's the case, but I'm talking about small 100-500 capacity multi-band originals gigs where the same people do sound and lights all night
  10. I've heard it said that on some multi-band gigs, the sound and lighting is intentionally improved for the headline act. I'm quite cynical but I also believe that in general, people are nice, so I really don't believe this to be the case. That being said, here are some of my experiences: Playing at Sound Control in Manchester. The sound is OK but the lights are just static - fair enough, but when the headline band go on after us the volume is turned up and the lights change and move in time with the music I can't remember the venue but the same deal, same headliner a couple of weeks later, except this time they kept the house lights on for our set, turned them off for their set, great lights, and a smoke machine Many, many times I've been asked to show up at 4 or 5pm to sound check, only to hang around waiting for the headliners to get their sound perfect, leaving no time for anyone else to check Last night the drum mics were very quiet in the PA for all 3 acts before the headliner came on and the same sound man cranked them up If the headliner has their own sound and/or lighting guy, then I can totally understand why things would improve for them, but that doesn't apply to any of the above. What are your experiences? Does anyone know if this is a real thing? I can only think of those few examples and I've played hundreds of gigs over the years. One of my bandmates thinks it's the done thing to try and make the headliner look/sound better but I reckon he's just paranoid. P.S I thought we'd done this topic a year or so back but I can't find it so sorry if I've duplicated anything
  11. I thought I'd done a thread on this before but I can't find it. I'll start one now
  12. Esquires in Bedford last night, I was on drums, 3rd act on a 4 band bill. Watching the first two bands it sounded to me like the drum mics were barely on. You couldn't hear the bass drum and there was no clarity to the cymbals or snare. The guitars were very loud so the drums did need reinforcement. When I finally got behind the kit it sounded just as terrible up there. I was having to use the headliner's gear and the bass drum was very quiet indeed, meaning it definitely need a lot of help from the PA, and it got none at all. It's not a big place so I could really tell there were no drums in the FOH We played really well and went down well, so I'd normally just shrug it off, but as soon as the headline band came on there were the drums, booming out of the PA. Same sound man, same drum kit, WTF?!?
  13. only just seen this - great stuff! Awesome bass tone
  14. The young guy on drums at that gig is a good mate of mine. He's on tour with them now. Phenomenal player. I think there's a good debate to be had about it - blokes can get away with being topless in many more situations than women, for example. Is this blatant inequality or do breasts have some unique place in our society? This is probably not the thread for that debate
  15. The Soap Girls get a lot of stick for this. A lot of people think it's just a gimmick and that they're nothing more than that. IMO as far as punk bands go they're very good, and the message they're trying to get across is that we shouldn't always sexualise women. I think there's a debate to be had about whether you can untangle nudity from sex but I respect them anyway
  16. Thanks! I guess it is supposed to be a bit jarring - the lyrical themes are definitely "adult oriented"
  17. And this is how we perform live - there's a backing track with percussion, some synths, and some backing vocals. I play drums
  18. We turned up at a venue, we'd been told there would be a PA and soundman, but the PA was a couple of knackered 12" speakers and a knackered powered mixer, one mic, and a woefully short XLR-jack cable. We had to do our own sound. The next time we were booked for the same venue, we took the bassist's PA and did our own sound. Fine, except there were two unexpected support acts that demanded to use our PA and needed us to do the sound for them. The next time we were assured, 100%, there would be a brand new PA and a sound engineer to operate it. When we got there it was the same old knackered PA and no engineer. WTF?!?
  19. Yeh he mentioned some problem with the gear but I know F all about PAs. Why do speakers need processors? It's all beyond me! Good to see you anyway mate
  20. our new EP, INVASION OF THE PU$$Y SNATCHERS, out now! iTunes; https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/id1478791054?app=itunes Spotify;https://open.spotify.com/album/783WKvoj23CqPClJUIyl5s https://www.facebook.com/dandelionmeow/videos/935269833493091/
  21. Friday night at The Underground in Hanley, local for me. We were supporting Spear Of Destiny who were apparently a big deal in the 80s? We've played with them a few times, and they're pretty good We got a very basic line check and for the first couple of songs it sounded like nothing was coming out of the PA from FOH. There was a big cheer when the sound man sorted it out. No idea what went on there but it put me in a sh*t mood. I played OK but too hard so my hands were knackered when we finished, and still are now. We went down well, sold a bunch of merch, got paid extra by the promoter for selling the most tickets (it was sold out) so all good Saturday night we played a private party, someone's 50th. It's not something we've done before, and I wasn't looking forward to it to be honest. A couple of songs in, feeling a bit grumpy, I looked at the set list and realised I'd got another 17 songs to play yet, so I'd better cheer up. I finished my beer and opened the 2nd, and from then on I had a great night!
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