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Everything posted by casapete

  1. Tonight’s gig was at The Paramount at Penistone, a community theatre and cinema near Barnsley. We’ve been playing here every year since I joined the band, and get really well looked after by Brian and Amanda who run the venue. Home made lasagne and cakes for all the band and crew is something we all look forward to, and it’s rare we all eat together before a gig so a nice change. Venue holds around 350 and it was full tonight. Despite me having bass issues the gig went well, with lots of people dancing at the front during our second set. It was our last gig this year, so have a break now until January - most of the theatres we play have pantos on in December. (Instead of the usual stage pic I thought I’d show our band and crew just after we’d eaten!)
  2. Funnily enough Dave we tried the jumper lead thing but it wasn't that! On tonight’s gig we narrowed it down to my bass preamp misbehaving, so that will be getting seen to in our time off now. Had to use my backup Precision-a-like, which is okay but a tad heavier than the P-Lyte as you might expect! However looks like the GK is blameless as I’d hoped, so some consolation. Thanks. I’m a big believer in spare stuff, and have a double of everything apart from carrying another 410 cabinet. I’ve been really fortunate over the years in little going wrong, but when it does it’s good to have options.
  3. I’m looking to continue with the band until probably April 2024 Paul. ( That’s assuming we get sorted with my replacement by then.)
  4. Maybe your guitarist doesn’t like it due to the solo being a bit tricky to play?!! I sometimes dep in a band that does this song, and the main riff is getting a bit tedious just as the great solo section arrives and elevates it IMO. Needs to be played at the same tempo as the original as well, any slower and it loses it’s urgency. Always goes down well with the crowd too.
  5. We were at Chelmsford Civic theatre last night. A 400 mile round trip for us, so a long day. Sold out crowd of around 500, nice sounding room and good stage. However, about 3 songs into our first set, I heard a crackling noise from my amp. Went off, then returned next song. Our brilliant tech Sam quickly swapped my leads (guitar to DI / DI link to amp) and it seemed okay, then started playing up again. Sam then got my spare amp out and swapped it over and the problem disappeared. First time I’ve had to use my spare, so glad it was there. Also first time a GK amp has given me problems, BUT! Our sound tech said it sounded to him more likely to be a faulty XLR cable from the DI to the desk than the amp. Anyway, finished the gig using the spare head, and have one more gig to do tomorrow in Penistone before we finish for this year. I’m going to get there early and try to pin down what the fault is - it’s a fairly local gig for us (70 miles away) so not a problem.
  6. All I can think Daryl is that he must be an amazing drummer for you to put up with that? If everyone else treated gigs that way there wouldn’t be a band! Pete.
  7. Result ! - you did the right thing and then got the rewards. Have a great gig.
  8. A nice hotel in Scarborough (on the East Yorkshire coast) with three friends. Did it last year and was actually okay - decent audience having a gala meal followed by us playing to around 12.30am. Very civilised and no bother, which after too doing many in previous years elsewhere which weren’t is just fine with me! An hour’s drive away, decent pay and an easy set up with just my Fender Rumble 100 combo and Precision bass Lyte to carry in. Small PA provided so happy days. Last year we took our ladies too and we were all looked after with drinks/ food by the hotel manager. I’ll be happy if this year things turn out the same.
  9. These two posts beat me to it really. Having more theory skills would have undoubtedly been better for me. Also being in a highly regarded function band for a long time and watching some of the members gradually wrecking it (drink and other stuff) was quite detrimental to me on a few levels. When I joined my current band I couldn’t believe how great it is to be surrounded by players with the same goals and attitudes.
  10. Thanks! Hope someone on here may be interested as it’s a lovely band of decent people to work with. I’m actually going down the ‘semi-retirement’ route, continuing playing in my acoustic duo with my best mate doing local (ish) gigs, as well as (hopefully) the odd dep or two. Will be strange not having a regular ‘electric’ gig, first time in decades!
  11. I haven’t alluded to the finances as I don’t know them! I appreciate this may seem strange, but I’ve no idea how that side of things will pan out. As stated in the advert, I’m just putting this on here to put the BL in touch with anyone who may be interested in the gig, then he can take it from there with them. May be seem a bit long winded, but it’s not my call etc. Interested people can let me know via PM by Wednesday 15th November, when I will forward stuff to the BL, after which it will then be down to him as to how things proceed. Hope that helps!
  12. Jerry Barnes getting a bit overslaptastic for me , but good stuff nevertheless.
  13. Fabulous song, but the original by Charlie Rich is the killer version IMO.
  14. In my previous band we referred to it as ‘LSD’, lead singer disease. We got through quite a few singers during my stint, and the pattern was remarkably similar - they started fine ,then gradually became more assertive ( regarding lots of stuff like song choices / rehearsals etc) and then when they felt they weren’t getting enough attention or changing the band enough to suit themselves, resorted to spitting their dummies out before finally resigning. To be fair, they did take a lot of stick which seems a common thing in such scenarios. I think in order to have the bottle to stand at the front and represent the band, you do need a large amount of self belief and this can soon be eroded by some p*ss taking musicians. I’ve also found that in most cases lead singers who also play an instrument are mostly easier to get on with, both musically as well as socially. (Maybe also as a bass player who sings backing vocals I’ve realised how hard it is to do their job?)
  15. Mrs CP is currently watching ‘Portrait Artist of the Year 2023’ on Sky Arts. One of the sitters is Nigel Havers, who has brought with him a Hofner Violin bass. Said he played a bit in bands a few years ago. Who knew?
  16. It’s probably just the same variables that affect all others types of band - how much of a draw / following / how far to travel / size of venue etc. I earn more from my band than I do from when playing local pubs. 🙂
  17. Thanks, it has been great for me. Could be as good for the right person too!
  18. That’s a great bass fest Mick, forgotten that one!
  19. For me it’s missing Jim’s rather more interesting original walking bassline - Dave Hill sticking pretty much with just the root notes ( probably to allow him to stomp about like he does).
  20. Absolutely, and that’s why I mentioned it doesn’t maybe sound ‘right’.
  21. I’m guessing because it’s a ‘live’ version? Co-writer Jim Lea played bass on the original, and much better than Dave Hill does in this version IMO. I liked a lot of Jim’s bass stuff, really made many of Slade’s hits for me.
  22. Thanks Loz. I’ve been with them for around 14 years so it’s going to be difficult for me. Hopefully we can find someone who will enjoy it as much as I have. 😊
  23. So grim I couldn’t recall how to spell his surname too….😆
  24. Was going to post this myself, wonderful song. ( Just don’t mention the George Micheal version….)
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