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Everything posted by AnalogBomb

  1. I'd recommend a GK MB500, as that's what use at the mo. It is plenty loud, sounds great and has some really good features (Boost, Contour Section). There could also be a case for sticking with your RH450. TC make some cracking gear, IMO, from the budget stuff upwards. Guess it's just what you like.
  2. Bought an Aphex Bass Xciter from Adam. Great comms, speedy delivery and the pedal was in mint condition. Great fella to deal with, you can buy and sell with confidence. Cheers, Adam!
  3. Karl is a great guy to deal with and knows his gear! Met him at Birch Services on the M62 - great comms, honest as the day is long and looks after his gear! Traded my GB Streamliner 600 for his GK MB500 and it was/mint. Deal with confidence!
  4. Did this sell in the end? I've got cash if not....
  5. Just completed a trade with John - went really smoothly, great comms and gear was totally as described! Would happily do business again. But/trade/sell with confidence.
  6. Cheers Steve, what sort of info would be useful? I've had the neck off and there are still no clues!
  7. [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]Hi Folks,[/color][/size][/font] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]Just after a bit of help and wisdom really! I acquired this somewhat lovely P Bass in a trade some months ago. The guy I got it from was totally honest with me and said that the person he got it from claimed it was a Japanese P Bass body, but not the original neck. You can tell this as it has a Fender Big Block Logo on it and has been finished really well – you’ve got to get it under a light to tell that it is actually a decal! [/color][/size][/font] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]It has a plate on the rear of the neck with some form of serial number, but again, this is not original. I just wondered if anybody had ever seen a similar body? It is a really nice bass and has a SD Basslines pup in it. Sounds great and plays really well.[/color][/size][/font] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]If somebody could shed some light as to its origins, or where I could find out some more info, I’d be most grateful. [/color][/size][/font] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]Cheers[/color][/size][/font] [font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]AB[/color][/size][/font]
  8. [i][i][i][i]Yeah, I'd always say, 'if it's not broken, don't fix it!' Having said that, one of Duncan Designed pups in my VM Jazz gave up the ghost recently so I bought 2 Entwistle's off ebay and would say they sound marginally better/clearer. So you SD will sound a lot better! But you've got a good bass (IMO) so why bother messing. Just move the other one on.... (I don't know why this is in italics)[/i][/i][/i][/i]
  9. I know this is a strange request, but would you consider selling me the cover? I've just got hold of a BG500 and could do with one! No worries if not...!
  10. Seconded! I've got the BG500 and it blows me away every time. Great amps! Have an appreciative bump!
  11. Hey up mate, I'll trade you for my Big Muff Bass PI if you want?
  12. This is a lovely bass! Would you be interested in a Yamaha BB424 in trade?
  13. Thanks for the info guys - as always, really helpful. I've decided to book it in with a local guy who has got some excellent testimonials. I think I might bite the bullet on some new pups as well as new pots - might even stretch to a setup!
  14. Hi Folks, I seem to have a small problem on my hands. The bridge pickup on my Squier VM Jazz seems to have given up the ghost. One minute it was working fine then I plugged it back in and there is just no output. I'v removed the pup from the body and also removed the control panel and can't seem to see any loose wiring - in fact, it's in all intact, as if it were new. I've had the bass for about 6 years and so I wondered if maybe it's just got to the end of its life and I need to replace it? It's currently fitted with Duncan Designed pups. Has this happened to anybody else or have any idea what the problem could be? Thanks in advance.
  15. Hell yeah! it will be awesome, until I have to load it into my car.....
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