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Everything posted by OldGit

  1. Quite like Stu Ham's Fender Urge II
  2. [quote name='Johnston' post='866745' date='Jun 14 2010, 09:23 AM']There is actually two MD sigs a squier and a genuine Fender. The Fender has the contoured '55 body and scratchplate I think custom shop '59 split pup's, Badass II, '60s(?) neck profile and no silly star. Infact I don't think it says Mike Dirnt on it. Someone correct me if I'm Wrong anywhere al the above has been garnered from various websites so the usual disclaimer applies . [url="http://fender.com/products/search.php?partno=0138400341"]Fender mike dirnt here[/url] On paper to me anyway it looks like a good cross breed of various years of precision.[/quote] Ah Ok! That's much better .. Mike's Manager "Hey Mike! I got this fabulous news! I've got Fender to make a signature bass for you. They reckon it will sell Fenders to your fan base" MD "Wow, man, that's fantastic! Well done! That puts me up with Pino, Geddy and Marcus. Finally I've been recognised as a major influence in the bass playing community" MM "Yup and It's even better. They are doing two; a pukka Fender one for the label snobs like OldGit, and a great cheap one under the Squier brand, made in China and sell for £200 for the kids and for people who don't care about lables and just know a good bass when they plauy one" MD "Hey great. So like Flea but with a beginners' bass kids and parents can actually afford? Outstanding! How much are they paying?"
  3. [quote name='basskit_case' post='866744' date='Jun 14 2010, 09:21 AM']What is the Death Star - Bass Cellar[/quote] LOL!
  4. [quote name='andyjingram' post='866686' date='Jun 14 2010, 01:54 AM']Signatures usually put me off (why have a Sting bass when you can have a 51' reissue?), but I did play an Ibanez K5 for a time. Not a Korn worshipper, but I tried the bass in a shop and was most impressed with the tone- and comfort factor. The Mike Dirnt, like others above, ticks a lot of my boxes- a few tweaks and a horrific paint job and there's my daydream custom 'signature' bass, right there. I also think he was wise to leave off any marks or signature on the main model.[/quote] I like that one too. However it says "Squier" on the headstock and, as a lable snob, that would stop me. Mike's Manager "Hey Mike! I got this fabulous news! I've got Fender to make a signature bass for you. They reckon it will sell Fenders to your fan base" MD "Wow, man, that's fantastic! Well done! That puts me up with Pino, Geddy and Marcus. Finally I've been recognised as a major influence in the bass playing community" MM "It's going to be under the Squier brand, made in China and sell for £200" MD "Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ......... So how much are they paying?"
  5. Of course if your name is Mavis and you live in Japan you can have lots of sig J and P bass copies, and Amplifiers ... I've seen "Brian" basses for sale in Japan too...
  6. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='866566' date='Jun 13 2010, 10:54 PM']Of course you know that makes us "gallery brothers". Or should that be "gal pals"? The purple one was sold on here not too long ago. I don't know who got it though. And I think we know who got the black and the white ones. [/quote] Ha ha yeah... I think I may have to get a JJB at some point
  7. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='866532' date='Jun 13 2010, 10:06 PM']Ha ha I never realised this but.... your bass is directly above mine in Jon's gallery. [/quote] ohhh yeah So you have a sig bas too I really must do a pic strip instead of my wordy gear signature
  8. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='866521' date='Jun 13 2010, 09:54 PM']Hey that's actually a nice design - suits it. Did Jon do it or was it a homebrew?[/quote] One of Jon's skills is as a designer so I did a rough mock up on a picture of my headstock using photo shop and he tidied it up, did the proportions, layout and positioning on the head. He's a clever guy.
  9. [quote name='benzies123' post='866244' date='Jun 13 2010, 06:34 PM']Probably [b]the worst[/b] quality video on here, the audio (despite the bad levels) isn't however that bad, aside from all the mistakes Enjoy if you can this wonderful spectacle of mobile phone camera filming complete with giggling friend behind the lens... Oh and I apologise for the Janek lick and the huge intentional tempo change... ha[/quote] Nice version of the Jazz "Mustang Sally"
  10. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='866490' date='Jun 13 2010, 09:36 PM']Pics or it didn't happen Si. [/quote] Well here's the headstock. Can't find a pic of the parking ticket thing but the SC on the end of my bass looks like the SG on the ticket.
  11. Got my own Sig basses One actually has my initials on. Sadly though it look very much like the Cardiff parking scheme logo
  12. I managed to shave the top off my left middle finger with a potato peeler on Friday .. oooouch!. Last night... Our annual barn dance during the village scarecrows weekend in the squeezebox bloke's village in Wilts. Sadly yesterday morning the drummer's sis in law died so he couldn't come. He plays drums and does BV's but he also stores and transports the mains power infrastructure, PA shelf rack all the PA mixer, amps, radio stuff etc bits go on, PA speakers and half the lights/lighting cables .. So we had to cobble gear together from various sources. Managed it though All our deps were out, abroad or too costly for a small fee fundraiser up against Eng-a-lands first World Cup game so we decided to play without drums. That's not as challenging for us as it might be for a straight rock band. Me and the Squeezer have even done duo barn dances in the past... Half an hour before load in time we got volunteer drummer lad from the village. 16, 2 years playing experience (mostly on bass, it had to be said) floppy hair but thankfully no saggies... He turned up with his Roland lekkie kit, assembled, over his shoulder We upgraded his 20 watt amp to a 150 watter which we pointed at his right ear as a drum monitor, then the other ear got a normal monitor so he could hear us. Patched his kit into the PA and monitors and off we went Well this kid was great, played really well but sadly he didn't speak muso All of his experience was with over rehearsed punk originals bands where the cues were well known. So the universal signs for slow down and stop were foreign to him, as were rock n roll endings numbers 1-99.... Funny how you forget a tune has a tricky arrangement 'til you have to communicate it to someone on the fly Generally OK except he was keen on playing just a bit faster than the tune was going which lead to some interesting moments for the dancers and us as we all tried to reign him it... He even did a solo Anyway we didn't tell anyone he was a stand in 'til the end when they went wild including his dad giving a giant "embarrassing dad" hug in front of everyone Another storming gig for the Jellies. With no full drum kit the sound was very quiet on stage That was nice as everything very audible but very weird. We've only done a few with our regular drummer's lekkie kit and it takes a bit of getting used to and a much longer sound check to sort it properly. Anyway I played a couple of tune on my Japanese Precision bass which now has it special pickup and wiring from Jon Shuker.. It was a nice bass before now it's loads better Very pleased with that.
  13. have you made it out of the toilet today yet? I'm even nervous on your behalf
  14. The [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/STINGRAY-BASS-GUITAR-T-SHIRT-/260608258443?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cad76718b"]Stingray teeshirt[/url] is really nice too
  15. +1 to the positive feel to it all. Remember this is just to get someone to call you for a chat.. The details like attitude, rehearsal vs fun practice vs the Wednesday practice club can be sorted then. What you really want is for loads of people to have your phone number. If is true you could add "Backing Vocals", "fast learner" and "also available for deps" as dep players are often teh first call when the original person leaves. I'd then post that up in every rehearsal studio in town and also within a radius you are comfortable to travel - so if you are happy to drive 20 miles to rehearse post it up in the next town's rehearsal studios too Also the free ads papers, Gumtree, whatever you have local to you.
  16. Bass and Guitar advert tee shirts .. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-1973-AD-GUITAR-T-SHIRT-/260608258437?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cad767185"]Nice P bass Tee Shirt[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BASS-GUITAR-T-SHIRT-/260608257685?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cad766e95"]Multiple Basses T[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1953-BASS-GUITAR-AD-T-SHIRT-/260608257686?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cad766e96"]1953 P and amp advert T[/url]
  17. Wecome! It's a friendly place
  18. [quote name='umph' post='864688' date='Jun 11 2010, 09:01 PM']serious gas going on for some bases there! not sure why i want this one even though it looks like its been dragged behind a truck! - [url="http://www.ishibashi.co.jp/u_box/ubox.cgi?T=syosai&sline=3315&print=1&keys2=kawagoe%40ishibashi.co.jp&tid=list3"]http://www.ishibashi.co.jp/u_box/ubox.cgi?...p&tid=list3[/url] can you still buy off this site?[/quote] yeah but as it says "The Arudabodi, USA '62 version was equipped with Bintejipikkuappu. Also seen in the overall process seems to be decorated after the relic, is easier to purchase because we can see is light neck screws. Rod for the neck is covered by full warranty. Made in 1997 and 2000. (Pre-12 months warranty included soft case" PM'd
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  20. [quote name='Rich' post='863741' date='Jun 10 2010, 09:34 PM']I recommend it if you can make it, Si's band are a great laff and you're guaranteed a good time.[/quote] You might even get to play Mustang Sally on my Shuker whilst I show off a bit, eh Rich? [attachment=51849:si_rich3.JPG]
  21. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='863670' date='Jun 10 2010, 08:19 PM']If I'm around I'll come... that will be the weekend of my wife's 40th but as it's so near her folks, ya never know[/quote] Bring her party to the gig. We've had that before .. 50 tickets is a lot cheaper than hiring the band and hall etc ...
  22. [quote name='99ster' post='863816' date='Jun 10 2010, 10:53 PM']Oh dear, oh dear...he's not doing himself any favours by BS'ing like that.[/quote] Yup That says "walk away" as much as anything else to me.
  23. Asked for pics of the pickup windings, the back of the scratch plate, the aluminum shielding plate, the pot code. No pics forthcoming and "this is a 63 L type so it doesn't have an aluminium shielding plate. That was on the earlier slab neck ones. I have two of those and thy have plates .." Hum Bass Doc confirms that ali shield plates were in use into the 70's .... My view hasn't changed.
  24. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='863560' date='Jun 10 2010, 06:22 PM']Oh bugger, I'd have come to this as it's the next village along from my in-laws... I'm in Scotland though so you'll have to turn up to at least 11 for me to stand half a chance of soaking up the atmosphere! Have a good one[/quote] Awww shame. Book first weekend of June next year
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