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Everything posted by OldGit

  1. [quote name='Bilbo' post='861307' date='Jun 8 2010, 06:21 PM']I used Parcel Monkey to send a bass from Felixstowe to Cardiff. It got there in one piece and cost about £12. I can't say any more than that, really. They also took an amp to France for me without any difficulty but that cost £44..[/quote] Looks like you were lucky Bilbo [url="http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews244602.html"]Parcel Monkey Reviews: one star out of 5 from 100+ reviews[/url] Typical response "horrendous customer relations dont buy 24 hour del as it can be anything up to 5 days like i've exp no phone number no reply to emails - until it was delvd funnily enough bunch of cowboys "
  2. [quote name='CSurgy' post='861286' date='Jun 8 2010, 05:55 PM']about the cash, i just do not play for free and i think nobody should.[/quote] Welcome to basschat CSurgy We go round this ol' "pay to play" loop about every three months or so.. It may be different where you are but in the UK there's a load of bands playing [b]orginal material[/b] who want to play in a venue. They want to play but they don't want to do any marketing or selling tickets or take their mates along to see them. Or they are not good enough for their mates to go and see them (more than once). Thus the venue makes no money out of them. Thus they have to pay to play. It's not really "pay to play" its just facing up to teh cost of putting on a band and being responsible for your part of the expense of putting on a gig - PA, sound person, bar staff, loss of takings over the bar, publicity, rent. elecricity tc etc etc. It's simples... You have to do things that enable the person risking their job and/or money to put your band on to make enough money to make it worth while. If you don't then it is only fair that they ask you to pay to cover the costs of your rehearsal in public, for that is what it is if you don't do the do and take a crowd to buy tickets and drink loads of beer. So Take 200 people to every gig and you'd get paid. That's it in a nutshell.
  3. all this stress for a 50 capacity? You probably don't need your proper stuff then, just take the new/old poo combo
  4. [quote name='Sibob' post='861162' date='Jun 8 2010, 04:18 PM']Agreed, the Neck plate doesn't look right! And I think technically speaking, the case should be white if its an original '63 case Doesn't look like an era accurate refinish, but still, if it was all original 4k would be good money for this (half off for a refin). In fact, sure the neck plate is fake: 80,000s to 90,000s 1963 90,000s up to L10,000s 1963 L10,000s up to L20,000s 1963 There is that dash on the left of the number, but if that was part of an L, it would be too high! Si[/quote] +1 Looks wrong. Need to see under the plate, PUPs and the surviving orginal pot too.. Also the routing in case the third pot was associated with some butchery...
  5. [quote name='Bison' post='861069' date='Jun 8 2010, 02:58 PM']I never let anybody use my gear, but then again I don't borrow anybody's either, unless it's provided as backline of course.[/quote] Incidentally do you ever ask where the supplied backline came from? Maybe some other poor bassist on the bill is "lending" it to you under pressure from the gig organiser... I suspect Urbanx is under pressure to comply or not get any more gigs from that venue. He's already said it's one of only two venues in town that have his kind of gigs so he needs gigs there if he's going to play anywhere... I think buying the lender amp is a pragmatic solution. You get to use your real gear, you don't have to lend it to others, the show will go on and you get more gigs at the venue. With luck and a following wind the promoter may even like you a bit more and give you a better deal next time.
  6. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='861053' date='Jun 8 2010, 02:44 PM']One plus is that it suggests to all the bands and gig-goers around here that I must have an impossibly large mid hump.[/quote] Fixed
  7. [quote name='Chest Rockwell' post='861030' date='Jun 8 2010, 02:31 PM']aha!! many thanks! what a coincidence that I went lurking in this thread and found your reply from only yesterday! currently it's sitting in my spare bedroom. I think I may be doing a straight swap for a Fretless Cort BF4L or thereabouts, since nobody local is interested. not that I've tried too hard [/quote] Where are you?
  8. [quote name='Toasted' post='860852' date='Jun 8 2010, 12:01 PM']S'always a laugh isn't it OG. Damn you and your too many notes![/quote] ha ha Well at the start there was just me and a drummer so I played bass and chords so the guy could try and sing. Maybe he meant that. Tell you what, I spent a good week learning his tunes well, re-arranged Mrs oldGit's yoga night, went round and helped him out (for free) and, a week later, he's not even emailed me to say ta. Next time it will be for MU rates.
  9. [quote name='razze06' post='860992' date='Jun 8 2010, 01:58 PM']Ever thought of a resonator bass? There is one for sale in an edinburgh shop. I played it some days ago, and it is quite loud, i suppose...[/quote] I got one for something similar. Not that much louder and very twangy. great plugged in though
  10. [quote name='steve-soar' post='860987' date='Jun 8 2010, 01:53 PM']If the show had been done in a more schoastic manner and was screened on say, BBC4, then God know what kind of atrocity would have occurred. "And the award for The Greatest Bassist Of All Time, voted by you, BBC4 viewers goes to...." Anyone?[/quote] Mingus
  11. Sat Jun 12th: Kington Langley, Wilts 8ish -11ish Venue: Village Hall The village Scarecrows weekend knees up. They have themed scarecrows all over the village. Cream teas on teh village green, kids entertainers etc etc etc.. This year's theme is song titles.... [url="http://sites.google.com/site/scarecrowsite/"]http://sites.google.com/site/scarecrowsite/[/url] Our Melodeon player is the supreme champion scarecrow builder, runs workshops and usually includes electronics, water squirting and music in his scarecrows We play in the Village Hall in the evening to raise funds for the kids' play area. Details/tickets from Liz 01249 750466 Venue: Kington Langley Village Hall, Wilts. Details and map here [url="http://www.jellied-reels.co.uk/gigs.htm"]http://www.jellied-reels.co.uk/gigs.htm[/url] Give me a yell if you may come .. OG
  12. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='860619' date='Jun 8 2010, 02:00 AM']suggestion time for next time. Book a venue yourself, invite your friends along to see you. Invite a couple of other bands you like to support you/play after you. Ask them to bring some friends, decide if you trust them with your kit or ask them to bring their own. Pay them a wee bit. stick up posters, make a facebook group, press etc Charge your friends and their friends and the other bands friends and randomers to come see your bands make it a bit of a spectacle, create a bit of community give out copies of the nice posters you made or something. make buzz about this night. have fun, make sure the fella on the door stays sober. Pay bands, say thank you. Pay the dude on the door, say thank you. Pay venue whatever it was you had agreed on to book it out. Find out if they liked it, did they make enough? You have enough friends they probably did. Book another night. Look in your hands at the money you made. Find a cool local band with lots of friends. Find another two. Or maybe convince a non-local band to play that you think are amazing and your friends would like. Maybe you could play yourselves again, or wait a while. Have another good night. Pay happy bands with money from happy fans, take the profit as a cut for running the thing. change the music scene of your city[/quote] Yup You'll then learn what a promoter has to go through 5 nights a week to give your band the opportunity to impress... but ... by gig number 5 you'll have bands moaning that you are a "c***" "promoter" that doesn't bring a crowd to see them perform their artistry, that you expect them to actually do promotion themselves, bring friends and fans along to see them play [i]every time[/i] and if they don't they don't even get paid, and that your back line is not what they like as an SVT and 8x10 doesn't give them the fine glassy clarity of their Hartke kickback and they aren't tall enough to reach the knobs..
  13. [quote name='2pods' post='860538' date='Jun 7 2010, 11:31 PM']It can be even worse with the wedding thing we used to do. End of a good night, getting ready to strip the gear, when a few drunks seem to think if they get their pals to pressure us, I 'll be only too happy to give them my nice Anni 'ray and Trace to abuse.[/quote] Some tried and tested answers to that one: Get your bass in it's case, or at least off stage ASAP after the last note, and ... "sorry mate, it's all unplugged now" "sorry mate the bride's asked us to stop now" "sorry mate we're not allowed to play later than this" "sorry mate, our insurance doesn't cover anyone else playing our gear" "sorry mate our public liability insurance doesn't cover anyone else on stage"
  14. A fellow band mate is a serious pro mastering wizard but I suspect you'd not like his fees Meanwhile here's some tips from his Blog [url="http://masteringworld.wordpress.com/"]http://masteringworld.wordpress.com/[/url]
  15. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='860331' date='Jun 7 2010, 08:52 PM']It all went exactly to plan, by the minute.[/quote] Ah, Very Steely Dan
  16. [quote name='Chest Rockwell' post='854930' date='Jun 2 2010, 02:44 PM']thanks guys!! As it isnt shifting in a hurry, not that I've made much effort, I think I'll just move it upstairs and keep it as a 'practice' amp. Should come in handy when the people in the flat nextdoor decide to bang and crash around. have some BASS.. [/quote] Just replied to your post in the show us your rig thread. [quote]Ooh! Your Peavey 300 BW is shinier than mine. I can tell you that yours is a series one Combo 300 BW (that's the 1x15 Black Widow speaker). Made in the USA and possibly bought from the shop in Essex where Trace Elliot started. My orginal one was (in 84).[/quote] Peavey had dealers all over the place but the shop in Essex seemed to have the 300's more than anyone. Enough for me to treck out there from North London to get one. [quote]They are the dog's as far as I'm concerned for that kind of combo. Probably made around 84 or 85. After that they were face lifted, twice I think. I paid £100 for the one I have now about 18 months ago. It does look like it spent 10 years in a damp cellar - because it did. However it does have casters and big inset handles in the side to help limit the back damage. £20 for a bit of dry joint soldering and a swift overhaul and it's fine for my rawk and jam gigs. It's a rag rig. Looks like poo, sounds great and, as you say, loud enough to deter marauding guitarists...[/quote] They were synchronous with the TNT 80 watt 1x15 but are a lot louder, especially with an extension cab. Try your barefaced if the ohms work out Also the clever little powered 2x8 top box with the crossover was a good addition Peavey used to do. Anyway Value? £150 max I think and pick up only too... Not popular with kids brought up on little kickback hartkes etc. Not fashionable and a tad heavy for us old guys A forgotten gem though.
  17. [quote name='Chest Rockwell' post='837050' date='May 14 2010, 12:07 PM']Also curious bout where the Peavey combo originated (Model 115BW, Serial 3A-01417190). I dont see 'em anywhere, except one that went on Ebay recently for just under £300. This has to be early 80's or something and im guessing came from The States? It's damn loud when needed. I will likely sell the Peavey now as I don't have the space, but I'll keep the Aria as it's probably a low cost bass and so worth more to me to keep around.[/quote] Ooh! Your Peavey 300 BW is shinier than mine. I can tell you that yours is a series one Combo 300 BW (that's the 1x15 Black Widow speaker). Made in the USA and possibly bought from the shop in Essex where Trace Elliot started. My orginal one was (in 84). They are the dog's as far as I'm concerned for that kind of combo. Probably made around 84 or 85. After that they were face lifted, twice I think. I paid £100 for the one I have now. It does look like it spent 10 years in a damp cellar - because it did. However it does have castors and big inset handles in the side to help limit the back damage. £20 for a bit of dry joint soldering and a swift overhaul and it's fine for my rawk and jam gigs. It's a rag rig. Looks like poo, sounds great and, as you say, loud enough to deter marauding guitarists...
  18. [quote name='The inglourious bass turd' post='860134' date='Jun 7 2010, 05:48 PM']Man, that's got to be a lot cheaper than a Mojo hand....[/quote] Or a Jon Le Conquereroooo I've got loads of black cat bones .. The cats are still using them though..
  19. I suspect in the middle of this is a promoter who's managed to get one of the bands to let everyone use their gear on his gigs for many years so he's not looking to change that. He's probably telling all the other bands that a backline will be provided and he'd prefer it if they didn't bring their own as it takes longer to change bands over and clutters up the venue. It's always worked out for him 'cos no one playing this kind of gig has the clout to say no and risk loosing that gig and future gigs. There are best practices like asking nicely, getting the bands to discuss and co-ordinate things beforehand and I'm sure that if we were putting on the gig that would happen. However in reality this kind of situation will carry on...
  20. [quote name='El Bajo' post='859995' date='Jun 7 2010, 03:36 PM']One thing I do see in cover bands is that drummers are the worst for playing the drum pattern their own way.[/quote] +1 Check out the incorrect bass drum work by this guy in this covers band It spoils it for me especially as the rest of the band are doing a pretty good job of recreating the original
  21. Not a ta gig but a few years ago a mature, professional-level long term gigging bassist I know called in a panic for a loan after his bass amp blew up. I lent him the expensive combo I had at the time. Next morning he turned up with it after walking it back from town at 3 am after the gig, p1553d as a f4rt. All the bottom was ripped up where he'd hoiked it over kerbs ... He hardly even said thanks. Oddly enough since then I've never had anything else available when he's needed to borrow stuff. I subsequently bought an ancient Peavey 300 1x15 combo specifically to lend out and for others to use at jams.
  22. Laminate this .... [attachment=51597:Borrow.jpg]
  23. I'd certainly be inclined to say no to sharing, especially as someone fried your amp before. Depends on how important the gig is to you as, of course, this may mean the promoter refuses to let you play and your band may not appreciate that much.
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  25. Keep the faith! You now have 60 more songs in your kitbag than you had before. That will come in handy if you go for a covers band again .. Oh and maybe you need a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_cat_bone"]black cat bone[/url]
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