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Everything posted by OldGit

  1. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='859477' date='Jun 7 2010, 01:30 AM']Search for 'funky monks' on you tube, particularly 'give it away'. Rick Rubin tells Flea 'not be too not-ey'. just before the take flea does a hilarious burst of notes. As big as Jaco, but with Madonnas teeth.[/quote] Do you have a direct link? A search for Funky Monks finds several tribute bands, including one with a female lead vocalist .... Oh and Jaco in a [i]rock[/i] band? Yeah, sure ....
  2. At least Mr Flea is still making new music in a band that's mostly still alive. It was pants though, even the presence of Mark Radcliffe and Copeland couldn't keep me on that programme whilst ironing I was most impressed, however, when someone said that Moon must have been a right royal pain for the rest of his band. Usually these things are all confetti about how wonderful they all were.
  3. [quote name='BenTunnicliffe' post='858618' date='Jun 6 2010, 01:37 AM']Absolutely brilliant insight there OldGit, thanks very much. I'm working on a website myself with a web designer and being able to go in with a more sturdy idea of things to pick his brains about or what should definately go into the layouts and designs can never be a bad thing. Cheers, Ben.[/quote] You are welcome Ben If you let me loose on your prototypes when ready I'll have a look. OG
  4. The only thing that really matters is if the dance floor was full. If you were the only one put off by this then he's probably doing an OK job. The orginal line that works great for a record/on the radio may not always be the best way to play it live.. Check out how things vary between the records and live versions by the orginal band and you'll see what I mean (gawd bless you, youtoob)
  5. [quote name='ahpook' post='858960' date='Jun 6 2010, 03:46 PM']i like the pickup config ones...[/quote] +1 Shame the P pup seems to be only available in a poo brown hoodie ... Don't forget our own [url="http://www.redbubble.com/people/robotrobotrobot/t-shirts/3418567-1-bass-bot"]Paul H does bass related teeshirts[/url] too..
  6. Not a gig but pretty funny. A local guy was advertising for a whole band to do Cameo style funk-pop stuff. My drummer mate happened to be around in the rehearsal studio last week and got roped in as they didn't have a drummer for the auditions that week. They didn't have a bass player for this week's auditions either so he volunteered me. That's cool. I like playing new stuff. So I learned the three tunes nominated by the singer Turned up and there's me, the singer and my mate. No auditioning people... 20 mins later the keys and guitar auditioners turn up, set up and.. yup I'm the only one in the room who's done their homeowrk on the nominated tunes, including the singer and it's his band... Just as well I had my iPod with me, with a PA compatible cable and with the three tracks on it, wasn't it. Especially a the singer hadn't bothered So a swift listen for everyone and we blast through a poor version of one of the tunes. Singer's missing his cues, no one but me has really got it .. "Just Jam it" says the singer after a while so off we go for 10 minutes jazz funk jamming bassed round the dominent bass riff. Pretty good and pretty tight for a first go with 5 strangers. Seems everyone has working ears so we add in solos, dynamics, locking in, no vocals and chummy is listening to everyone play. Times up for this lot and a bass player and drummer arrive to audition. Exit me and my mate stage left to leave them to it. Two days later I get an email telling me I play too many notes for the material and I'd have to really cut down if I wanted to join? Eh? I wasn't auditioning matey and anyway, YOU failed my audition ... Singers eh?
  7. Were you listening to ear mashing music between soundcheck and playing? Maybe your ears lost the top end. Earplugs when off stage may be the answer.
  8. [quote name='Vibrating G String' post='857895' date='Jun 5 2010, 01:19 AM']Do you really jam with Burke? I saw budgie 3 times in the '70's when I was in school. He's one of my bigger influences. I remember him as being a classic P-bass SVT guy. Coincidentally my other biggest influence in the '70's Chris Squire, also had Roger Dean art on their album covers.[/quote] Yeah the ol' guy pops in now and then. It's always a joy to hear him play. Note choice, timing and just sheer tone he gets from the pile of poo cack bass and amp smetimes provided is always a lesson. I had no idea who he was initially, just some guy with this ability. It was obvious he was held in some serious regard but there's a few regular jammers in that category. I'd heard of Budgie in the 70's (the Yes and Roger Dean link for me too) but I had no idea they were still going. Anyway they are and he's still a great bass player.
  9. The MU has a huge long list of stuff you can claim as expenses against youe earnings as a musician. Keep it legal, do your tax return (or get an acountant to), stick to the MU list and you'l likely never pay any tax unless you are out every night earning hundreds per gig.
  10. [quote name='HMX' post='857716' date='Jun 4 2010, 09:34 PM']Dear Bass Agony Aunt, My hands profusely sweat whilst playing bass in summer. What can I do about this? Or is it natural lubricant for a fast neck? Carl[/quote] Dear Carl, Ask your band's gig booker to add "large cooler fridge with glass front (empty)" to your bands rider for all gigs in the summer. That will help and for once the bass player will be cool as anything. You may need a longer lead. Your's Aggie
  11. [quote name='poptart' post='857706' date='Jun 4 2010, 09:32 PM']Si Yep, as soon as I get the pdf of the review it will be on the site ;-) M[/quote] I guess you get permission as you lent it to them?
  12. [quote name='poptart' post='857631' date='Jun 4 2010, 08:06 PM']Hey - I bet they wondered what hit them with your "fancy looking bass" ;-D Killer sound though! Mark[/quote] Actually it's interesting how different mine is to the [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/WT_Stock_Ergon_Black.html"]Black W&T Ergon[/url] you have at Bass Direct. Are you planning to put the BGM review of it up on your site? There were a few friendly wolf whistles at the jam however there's a regular attendee playing a very different old, and probably custom, fretless that is also weird compared to a Fender so they'd been softened up It's far from traditional blues type gathering anyway as one of the core team plays one of those odd angular Music Man Albert Lee guitars.. Despite the very high standard of playing of many of the usual attendees it's the friendliest jam session I know with a bunch of 16 or 17 year olds there regularly, some can play, one can [i]really[/i] play... and some can't manage much beyond a bit of slide, but they are still encouraged to have a go.
  13. Popped around to our local blues club jam last night. I normally take my Fender for some exercise and so I can leave it around for anyone to play. However last night I was meeting a possible musical collaborator who is of Italian descent so I took the Wood & Tronics. Seemed apt. Despite the rather under-powered amp the W&T cut through nicely and sounded pretty good when someone else picked it up rather than the designated jam bass ( ) So still happy [url="http://www.wtbasses.net/home.aspx"]Wood and Tronics[/url] site's being added to too. Worth a click just for the gorgeous instrument currently on the home page.
  14. [quote name='Chris2112' post='855092' date='Jun 2 2010, 04:56 PM']Dear Pete, You have reached the level of playing ability where you are no longer content to merely plod on the root note. Get yourself some Level 42 records and start honing your chops, as you've decended to a new tier of bassplaying.[/quote] Fixed
  15. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='856706' date='Jun 3 2010, 11:41 PM']By the time it gets pumped out into some midwest "enormodome" to 40,000 he might as well be endorsed by "apple". IMO it doesn't matter what bass or amp Geddy uses he will always get the same sound due to his very aggressive finger style. That's 99% of his tone. There is obviously a bit of a growly preamp to boot. On some classic albums ( Moving Pictures a good example) Geddy used his Rick and Jazz. 2 of the greatest loves in my life are Rush and Bass and I dont know which he plays which on. I think its even on record he can't remember. If Geddy Lee played my Jap Jazz through my markbass rig I don't think there would be any discernible difference even to us bass players. Joe Public wouldn't even have the first idea.[/quote] So true When legendary Welsh bassist, and Geddy vocal soundalike, [url="http://www.budgie.uk.com/index.html"]Budgie bass player Burke Shelly [/url] plays the rubbish basses through rubbish amps at the jam sessions we occasionally frequent he sounds brilliant. It's (nearly) all in the fingers....
  16. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='856853' date='Jun 4 2010, 09:18 AM']Haha cheers mate, I didn't know that.[/quote] Goodness,.. Don't they teach you nuffin useful in skool these daze?
  17. Pretty sure this has been posted before but DJM currently have [url="http://www.djmmusic.com/itemdesc.asp?ic=ER%2D20"]ACS ER20 earplugs for under a tenner delivered [/url].. Usually about £15 plus P+P so that's a bargain.
  18. [quote name='Toasted' post='856038' date='Jun 3 2010, 01:14 PM']Easy win: Custom fitted earplugs.[/quote] Oh yeah +1 on that too .. Get the ones that can have drivers too and you can use them for your ipod etc. as well.
  19. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='855770' date='Jun 3 2010, 10:17 AM']Maybe a Zoom H2 for recording gigs and practices?[/quote] +1 +1 on the Gramma pad too - excellent value for money and such a great difference from something that looks so boring
  20. Now I use Elixirs ... last me for years through many gigs and hours of practice. After a while they pass through puberty and start getting hairy which look strange but the tone remains ..
  21. [dons natty checked punk anorak] Jazzes started 1962 with stack pots and ended with the three knob configuration. Nuf said. [removes natty check punk anorak] As an aside who takes a saw to a bass, or anything else which is covered with screw heads. without removing all the parts first? No wonder the programme cheesecake takes a whole episode to solve anything.... No, I'm really not jealous, really, even if Mrs Oldgit does emit low groans, moans and whimpers whenever he appears on the screen ......
  22. [quote name='farmer61' post='856808' date='Jun 4 2010, 07:48 AM']Sorry OG, but I demand an "OG Hats Porn Thread" or pics immeadiately! [/quote] Ha ha well maybe ...
  23. [quote name='guzzibass' post='856817' date='Jun 4 2010, 08:15 AM']Sod it, who cares? I wanna hat!!! [/quote] So what's stpping you? .... [url="http://www.peacocks.co.uk/product/index.jsp?productId=3895981&prodFindSrc=search"]Peacocks Trilby £7[/url] [url="http://www.hatsandcaps.co.uk/Jaxon-Hats-Pinstripe-Trilby-P142310/"]Village Hats striped trilby £15[/url]
  24. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='856326' date='Jun 3 2010, 05:33 PM']If you look back to the turn of the last century & everybody wore hats. These days it seems only acceptable if it's a baseball cap and ironically perfectly acceptable for the most unathletic to wear sports gear. Bring back the chap! [/quote] Well you have to steer clear of the short brim trilby unless you are of a certain, er, age
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