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Everything posted by Basszilla

  1. Argonaut - metal/rock band from South Wales Our 11 track debut album is available for anyone interested (£5) Mixed by Alex Newport (Taint, ATDI, Mars Volta, Melvins, Sepultura, Fudgetunnel) and mastered by Jeff Lipton (Arcade Fire, Battles) www.myspace.com/argonautofsouthwales
  2. Sorry for the delay in reply guys, i'm busy in the studio pretty much all day everyday. Right i've replied to most of the pms i've had so far. Fifeq - you're the first person to nab the instrument cable, so if you could pm me to discuss payment that would be cool, if you don't want it then Mike is next in line. Speaker lead is jack to jack and is OBBM quality. Finbar - i've pm'd you back re the pedals.. Chris - i've pm'd you about the amp Thumbo - if you pm me again about the vfb we'll discuss payment. I'll try and reply to your pms later when i'm back from the studio. It will most likely be sometime tonight.
  3. All items sold except for the beard, uf-01 and barber which are currently on hold. You may see them for sale individually over the coming weeks depending on my situation. If anyone still wants to register interest beforehand then shoot me a pm guys. Cheers all
  4. Guys I've got a mint condition silver barber ltd which are now discontinued. I would like to trade it for a sansamp. If anyone's interested then shoot me a PM. The barber is a great low gain OD, the most natural sounding i've used. I'm looking for a sansamp mainly for a quick and painless studio application. I can add a small amount of cash to seal the deal. Cheers guys Tim
  5. Not that it's much help, but my first ever Spector bass had the same issue. Opened the case one day to find part of the headstock had practically snapped off!! No bumps or knocks either! Completely fixable though, so don't worry too much. I had mine repaired by a good luthier and it was fantastic after that. No further issues at all. Just a bit of a bummer in the meantime I suppose.
  6. I can heartily recommend the fostex vf160ex. Great machine.
  7. They sure look good together Bob... Doh!!!!! I want them back already haha ;-)
  8. Could be interested in this mate - i'll measure my bass later and see if it'll fit....
  9. 2 or 3 is enough for me at any one time. I've just gone back down to 2, which is where I'll stay for the considerable future....until the gas strikes of course. Loving my gibsons at the moment. Plenty of thunder.
  10. I think it's possibly due to the extremely low output of your bass? Have you tried it with another bass? Using my LM amp I never turn the gain up full, even with my low output passive guitars. I use a compressor to even out the spikes which helps..
  11. It's a ripper lads ;-) Nik - my schedule is a crazy one, but I manage to get everything done...just about haha!! Ped - The avatar is just some random photo I found on the net which I used as a 'pic' for one of my songs on my myspace player. Yes, get some new photos of Nellie up!! My brother's got a staffie - beautiful dogs indeed.
  12. Hehe....he's good at balancing basses on his snout ;-) Kenny. That's my old bass mate, in fact it's on some of my old demos!! Nice sounding bass that. Completely different sound on this model though...
  13. Ha ha!! That's a crazy story!! How is Nellie these days? All good? Yeah i've seen bits of that program, it's great seeing what these dogs can do. I've been taking him to dog training once a week myself, he loves it! I've been watching the dog whisperer as well, that's a good watch. They are very 'bright' dogs and extremely loyal. Takes loads of walking tho!!! You'd be suprised the amount of negative press they get, although I can understand being the size he is.
  14. His name's Max....didn't take long for him to grow into the massive beast he is today!! I need a quality hound to guard my basses haha! When I first had him he was tiny, and he would run in and out of the cat flap. Now he can barely get his snout through it!!!!
  15. 1978 Gibson Ripper LS-9. My favourite bass of the moment. Great sound, look and feel. Spector Euro 4LX Ibanez Blazer 1980 2007 German Shepherd - plenty of growl and loads of bite!!!!!
  16. www.testa-rossa.com just used these guys to replicate my album.
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  19. Yeah, you're right. I've just shot them an email about it so we'll see what comes back...
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