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Everything posted by bassfan

  1. Damn... I’d best get some effects out 😂
  2. The best effect I use is standing there looking vaguely confident whilst desperately trying to remember what song we are playing.... 🤪
  3. Nice one!! Hope it all works out next year!! 👍🏻
  4. I don’t use any effects at all.... plug and play. I don’t even need a clip on tuner as there’s one built in my RH750! The only time I have used effects is at home and messing about, mostly for my own amusement. 😃
  5. I could collect to. 😂😂 I’m sure Jon will have it back to you better than new in no time and you’ll be lovin’ it!
  6. I’ll give you £51 now? 😂😂 Keep us posted.... 🤞🏻
  7. What bass are you using? Warwick bleached blonde or the dirty blonde?
  8. Calling @walshy it’s a vintage P for the collection.........
  9. I really like my Bergantino CN212, I paired that with my TCrh750 and it sounds great and it’s 4 ohms. I think there’s one up sale on the boards at the minute. I would highly recommend.👍🏻 Of course it also depends on your preference of tone, manufacturer, speaker sizes and budget 😃
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  11. They are lovely Andy. Fretless too.... bet they sound the nuts!
  12. Andy.... that is a lovely collection, without wishing to hijack the thread, can you put up some more pics of the PJ, unless you have a post elsewhere. Is that a matching headstock?
  13. I acquired a Shuker this year. It’s a custom build, but essentially a jazz shape (with a lane poor pup)I have to say it’s amazing, the neck on it is gorgeous, ergonomics are better than most jazzes I’ve played, it’s just so playable. In fact since I picked it up I’ve not gigged anything else
  14. That’s also lovely..... I will say mine is headed, that’s all I’m saying for now...... 🤫
  15. Awww man .... that’s very kind but I’m just going to have to drool for now.....😩🤤
  16. I’m sure it does. You aren’t helping matters.. 😂. I’ve just ordered a bass... I must r e s i s t
  17. That ibby musician is gorgeous, I was GASing for it first time round, now it’s even worse! 🤔
  18. Join sibobs abstaining group for 2019 and sneak this one in before 31/12.... its alovely looking Jazz. 👍🏻
  19. Both very nice..the white one is killer, I love those Roman numerals too.... mine is going to be very shiny, I won’t spoil the surprise !
  20. Put some pics up Lefty, let’s have a look. I can’t wait to get mine...
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