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Everything posted by bassfan

  1. Marc is a top BC’er people. Deal with confidence! Lovely looking jazz mate.
  2. B@stards. Hope you get it back. Where are you based ?
  3. Our old singer had a habit of running up mid song and taking my hat off me..... annoying but she thought it was funny, until one gig I’d turned around and was facing the drummer and she tried it as I turned back around... not quite a black eye by the end of the gig but close. Thankfully my bass was ok. 😂😂
  4. It’s killing me. 😂 special coloured finish, not spoiling the surprise.....few lights too 😉
  5. I guess my fingers being crossed for the last 6 weeks hasn’t helped. New bass is likely to arrive mid/end Feb😢
  6. An AC Cobra (or a very good kit) preference for silver with the stripe but any colour will do 😃
  7. Never.... 10 years gigging.... thought my wireless system failed once but it was a battery 😂 I carry spares for all my cables and a DI “ just in case” but never needed them. The guitarist on the other hand..... strings, midi cables, power cables, amp jack...you name it, it’s broken on him, and in his defence not his fault either.
  8. It will indeed ! Box set binge for the next week.
  9. I can’t believe you have 2 of these up for sale. I was after one for a long time.... not got a white one stashed away somewhere too have you? GLWTS.
  10. Looks lovely... I feel your pain about the wait. I’m 4 weeks into a potential 16 weeks build time. If I had hair I’d be pulling it out... your week will pass agonisingly slowly, but this time next week you’ll have It! 👍🏻 Spare a thought for those of us that will still have 11 to go... 🤯
  11. That won’t bother me too much, we are only there a couple of days. I’m sure they are on a par with the good folks of Budapest. We sat in a coffee shop, ordered 2 pieces of cake, a coffee and a hot chocolate. The waiter huffed and puffed and told me it wasn’t cold enough ( mid December ) for hot chocolate so would I order something else. The irony is I never would not normally order that... just fancied it. When it arrived (20 mins later) I was tempted to leave it, but I ate it, I say ate because it was literally 2 melted bars of chocolate you could stand the spoon up! 😂
  12. Thanks All. I go out for one day and so many recommendations... I’ll go through them and report back in December!
  13. Sir Duke... nice work on that... sounds great 👍🏻
  14. Thanks funky... that’s certainly the plan for one night, walk, street food take it all in.. 😃
  15. The wife and I are off to Prague for a few days at the beginning of December, mainly for the extensive Christmas markets. Whilst we can look on Trip advisor all day long, it’s always nice to have some recommendations from people that have been for must see or do, resteraunts, bars etc. Lets hear your views.
  16. What pickguard Andy? White pearl?
  17. Nice looking bass Andy, snapped it up in double quick time too! 👍🏻
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