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Everything posted by AntLockyer

  1. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1412350149' post='2568144'] What did you hear? [/quote] Finding it hard to describe. I didn't really feel gripped by it, but saying that a lot of drawn out prog type stuff does take me quite a few listens to get into and then I'm hooked. Will give it a few more plays, but I certainly wasn't wowed.
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1412341552' post='2568022'] Maybe listening instead of watching is a solution for you. [/quote] Maybe, but I only told you what I saw, not what I heard.
  3. All I saw in the 1 minute of watching was the over the top acting and the scalloped fretboard.
  4. I listened without peeking. 77 then 95 for me too. although with a pick the Mex wasn't bad.
  5. Caveat, I am drunk. Generally people are good at what they are good at, if they have taken on something else as a compromise then the result is in general; compromised.
  6. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1411235272' post='2557804']He's originally a drummer, but they couldn't get a guitarist so he took the job. [/quote] RUN!!!!
  7. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1411047900' post='2555923'] Dammit, I can't get this to play and I've tried on two computers and a phone, anybody got any ideas? [/quote] It is not worth worrying about.
  8. I've been doing a bit. Marlowe DK has a couple of nice bits on Youtube too.
  9. Thanks for the explanation of why they are different and which should be used.
  10. [url="http://www.thebassment.info/transcriptions/bruno_mars-locked_out_of_heaven-notation.pdf"]http://www.thebassme...en-notation.pdf[/url] That was the last one I read. That was an interesting one from a rhythm standpoint and having to move to the A on the E string for the bit at the bottom of page one. It really is astonishing how I've managed to get the notes learned in a day when I've failed so many times before.
  11. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1410028785' post='2545569'] In the key of F, is the 7th a D sharp, or E flat? [/quote] Can I ask why it matters? Genuine question.
  12. We've got a Thursday night jam going out in the country which is nice. No neighbours We are also looking at other venues around Greenwich so hopefully we'll be back (I need the money).
  13. Finally bit the bullet and spent the entire day working through learning standard notation on the bass clef. I've tried several times but working through this http://www.cyberfretbass.com/reading-bass-music/ made it pretty simple. (still took me all day). Now Ive started working through these links here.
  14. Yeah pretty gutted as I think it would have really got going. We are looking at other places in Greenwich to host this. In other news we have a weekly blues jam, Thursday nights at the Woodman, Ide Hill. Great room upstairs and we can make all the noise we want.
  15. I had a Hohner guitar, it was rubbish.
  16. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1409389019' post='2539199'] Does anyone else use a bridge cover but no pickup cover? I love the look and am about to order one for my sunburst Standard. [/quote] Me http://basschat.co.uk/uploads/monthly_06_2014/post-11682-0-62780900-1402307104.jpg
  17. Did we ever get to the bottom of why there is an apostrophe in the band's name?
  18. It's a jam, jam it In all honesty 99% of the stuff can be described in musical terms. Slow blues in C starting on the 5, A medium speed shuffle in A with stops etc. At the jams I do (and work at) quite often someone will say a name of a song I've never heard before. I smile, nod and just get on with it. Much more fun than trying to play a faithful version of a record.
  19. Can't see why that would be any different loudness wise. I bought the Reidmar as a cheaper smaller alternative to the 350 and am glad I did as I jsut don't think I'm missing out on much at all.
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