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Everything posted by AntLockyer

  1. Sorry I meant to say the G&L the rest were ok but that LB100 is droooooool worthy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6VIPCoJArg
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS4Frg2gfzs
  3. Any interest in trading? I have this for sale http://basschat.co.uk/topic/240194-very-very-clean-aria-sb1000-1980/
  4. Interesting the purist Blues thing came up. We are a blues band, we play blues songs and we only take gigs with large audiences that we fancy (we don't play much as a consequence). What we are doing is not re-enactment, we are playing a bunch of songs that people will know, we are playing a bunch of songs that only the hardcore blues fan would know but we are doing it from our perspective today. Personally I want people to feel dazed, confused and wrung out by the end of or set. It should be heavy, it should showcase the talent of the song writers and definitely make people dance.
  5. My mate Matt does proper trad blues about sh*t going on in the real world (Brixton) its an interesting thing and very British. The Blues outfit I'm in tends towards songs with appropriate lyrics [color=#000000][font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif][size=1] Well, I fly off the handle A little too quick[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif][size=1] Guess you could call me a nervous man For the last week or two It don't take too much To make me wanna raise my hand[/size][/font][/color]
  6. I think there are some cool young blues artists playing the blues and being influenced by the modern world. Jarekus Singleton and Gary Clarke jnr both are modern I their own way.
  7. I wish this was for sale when I still had my CV jazz. If my Aria sells I'm interested.
  8. My black one sold for much more than this. I loved it and only moved it on as the compressor in my EBS amp did what I needed it to do with less hassle.
  9. Impromptu! Went to a jam night where I have been known to dep for the usual guy. I got a phone call to say they'd hired a new guy to take over as the usual guy wants to return to playing the guitar and I wasn't offered the job as they knew I wouldn't commit to a weekly. I went along, looking forward to a nice chat with my chums and a beer. I walked through the door and was greeted somewhat warmly and asked if I'd brought my amp. I hadn't so they found a DI box and said the other fella hasn't turned up do you want his money
  10. I can't believe I've not heard this excellent German band before https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHJed3m0PHc&feature=share Just spent 5 minutes trying to work out the bassline and struggled a bit. When it goes into that first fast bit what's he playing? C, Octave C then what? anyway check out the rest of the stuff they did, really great stuff.
  11. I've decided to go back to EADG so have this set of strings going for free if you want to try them ras52
  12. I've got one of my basses strung BEAD hardly use it but when I do it is pretty good. Aparently a lot of session guys in Nashville do this anytime they need to play lower than E
  13. I'm starting to feel like this. I think 1 bass is the answer for me.
  14. ras52 are you local to Orpington? You are welcome to try my BEAD P out if we can get the stars to align.
  15. Perfect condition apart from Velcro being stuck on the bottom, never taken it out of the house. £80 posted royal mail 2nd class to normal UK addresses. The actual pedal is up the right way unlike the photo [attachment=184375:2015-02-20 10.40.57.jpg] Thanks
  16. Now I'm really confused. I've got a series 1 and always assumed it was passive with the switch on the rearward most position. What is being switched in and out if not the pre amp?
  17. Dereck Trucks is a great guitar playing, Susan Tedeschi is a wonderful singer. I don't know who is writing the songs but the latest LP is great. Considering getting tickets but I'm finding live music to be so disappointing lately. Saying that the last paid gig I went to was ace.
  18. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1423867411' post='2690014'] No just in general. Grime has been around for what, 10 years? But essentially it's just rap. [/quote] More like 15, and Gunge is just rock. IF you want to reduce everything down to a macro culture then no, its all been done before.
  19. Are you talking only about sub cultures that have gone mainstream? Grime not count?
  20. Well I did as I said and took 2 basses for my house band gig last night. First thing was I got put through FOH for a change and he made me turn my rig down to the point I couldn't really hear to start with, I eventually turned up and dialled in a middy sound for myself as he took a pre EQ out from my amp. I really liked having the options and felt my playing was more varied than it would have been otherwise. Being able to swap between EADG and BEAD helped. I played about 12 songs with the BEAD including Born under a bad sign starting on the F# (and thus ending on Db). A few people commented saying it sounded good (but that might have been the subs in the FOH). The band leader however said he thought it sounded like a pop song you'd hear on radio 2. I take that to be a good thing as I'm trying to modernise a bit (for some situations). I'll carry on like this for a bit but I can't help thinking a 5 string would be better but I'd still have to take 2 guitars with me as my 62 really does the business for blues and for my real gigs I'll only be playing that guitar.
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