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Everything posted by Highfox

  1. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1358646176' post='1942882'] Sure that was booze and not acid? [/quote] I stupidly dropped that before an audition once, thought I wouldn't come up till it was over.. how wrong I was lol. The roadie had to take over on bass for the rest of the session, I still got the part as the Guys knew me and realised it was a mistake.. young and foolish lol.
  2. Groovemaster General. He makes it look easy lol.
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  4. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1358498869' post='1940142'] Make sure to try before you buy, they vary in feel quite wildly [/quote] Maybe I was lucky but the 3 2012 models I tried were all pretty much the same, it was only the colour that set them apart.
  5. I bought a 2012 Rick for around that price and I have absolutely no regrets for getting it. It gives me a great feeling every time I strap it on No other bass going to give you that sound! I say go for it, if it's what you want.
  6. GarageBand is ok, tho you need an iRig or similar if you want to connect your bass up ... Quality with the iRig is ok but a little noisy.. hopefully they will keep on developing the software. I use funkbox for an old school drum machine and hook that up to the amp. There are lots of bass amp apps.. I've only tried the free ones and found them all to be a little noisey.
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  8. Anyone with a decent ear able to help me with a tab or notation for Killing Jokes Bloodsport. I'm close but not close enough ! It's driving me nuts. Revisiting all these old tunes and love Youths early work. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa3hAJQq-44"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa3hAJQq-44[/url]
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  13. I'd say you had some bad luck! To be that badly setup, they must be copying the Jamerson signature! Saying that any bass I buy new or second hand needs some tweaking to get it to play the way I like. Normally it's a change of strings, a tweak of the truss rod, intonation, Pick-up heights etc. We all play a little differently, be it with a tender touch/digging in with pick, fingerstyle, slap etc. I agree Fender could do a bit better with the factory set-ups, or even the shops take the time to give it a once over on arrival. Any decent guitar shop should offer you a setup if your interested in buying and not happy with how it plays. They are great as we all know once tuned to your liking
  14. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1357376296' post='1921694'] I don't wish to sound patronising Milt but, those are the qualities of a decent set of flats! [/quote] Confusing yes! I was talking about flats being smoother and easier to slide lol- Edited to try and make it less confusing, again.
  15. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1357374334' post='1921678'] Personal preference i suppose. I don't like the unsilkyness or unslideability of them. [/quote] I don't wish to sound patronising Milt but, those are the qualities of a decent set of flats!
  16. Any of the groundwound or halfrounds I have tried I haven't liked at all !.. It's flats all the way or rounds if you have to.. These halfway strings have done nothing for me... It's great that we have so much choice but gets expensive if you experiment too much like I have done I'm truly settled in the flats camp now..
  17. He was definitely a one-off, like a lot of the other greats that went too soon he lived the lifestyle to the full.
  18. More than one bass here. I use the Ric for one band exclusively. Another band it's the P or the J, depending on how busy I want my playing to be. Then there are a couple of numbers that the fretless could come out on. Recording I'll use which ever bass I think suits the song the best.. Each bass seems to give a different colour to the music. I could use just one but enjoy the swap and the subtle differences each has.
  19. The more I listen to it the more I like it. Let us know when it hits the shops Lozz!
  20. Nice one Lozz. Great tune. Good luck with it. I was going to ask if you were miming, now you cleared that up.
  21. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1356557277' post='1911223'] Our singer sent me a message saying she really wants to do this song ....at a showcase we are doing on the 12th Jan, so could i look at it .....never heard of it as i am a boring old fart that listens to planet Rock Glad to hear its an easy bass line ...I guess I have to hit youtube [/quote] You might have to practice your dance moves! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13oXf68zRcM
  22. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1356539422' post='1910915'] I did get thrown out of Heaven in Charring Cross once. [/quote] You must of been a bad boy! I had many wild nights there and never got into trouble. Great place to pick up girls I remember being, having the odds stacked nicely
  23. Bruno Mars, anyone else think it's a great sounding bass line? Even with headphones on I think I'm driving them indoors nuts playing along to it. Teach them to get my CD's from Crimbo.
  24. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1356530939' post='1910795'] Maybe it'll end up on YouTube for the Skyless amongst us [/quote] Hope so.
  25. and a vid of Bakithi demoing some of the Graceland stuff. Great rhythm and touch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAgd9Ijw6WI
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