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Everything posted by Highfox

  1. I'd say the pictures are very low quality and don't think they would do you any justice. The letter seems fine to me. Good luck.
  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1354624857' post='1888233'] If you can bag one before they go back up you could do well there, I do quite like a bit of GB gear! the cabs live in the kitchen If the prices were like they are now I would not of bought the Blue Pearl 5 new, whats list price on that now £1900? If I tried to sell it £850? Just googled and GAK do a blue pearl posted for £1499! [/quote] That sucks how prices have fluctuated. I'm skint atm after picking up a 4003. Still got the hots for a Ray in natural tho
  3. Looks like they are going for crazy prices. I've just moved mine on, but know I'll end up getting one again. Nice pic, lots of GB love there as well I see
  4. [quote name='Cairobill' timestamp='1354544100' post='1887155'] **cough** [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/8357-thomastik_jf344_4_string_jazz_flatwound_bass_strings_43_100"]http://www.stringsdi..._strings_43_100[/url] [/quote] I have just put those suckers on there now this weekend off my jazz bass but they seem too floppy. I'm going to try it and them at rehearsal tomorrow and see how it goes.
  5. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1354384009' post='1885452'] Is there any negatives to your Ric at all? [/quote] Only that I'm not touching any of my other basses! tbh I'm still trying to get the right sound in the mix with it.... solo it sounds great. The right string combination and I think I'll be sorted.
  6. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1354302213' post='1884692'] Last night's gig [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTykxukEaj0[/media] [/quote] Nice groove
  7. Just a little update on the Precisions, I tried them on my P and Jazz and they have come to life It must just be the combination of my Ricky 4003 and these strings that didn't get on at least to my ear. Seems it's a matter of getting the right flats to suit the right type of bass. I have some Medium light GHS Brite flats coming for the Rickenbacker, lets see.
  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1354187395' post='1883184'] Did you try the Laklands? [/quote] No they were the GHS Precisions with the purple silks. I thought they were supposed to be much the sameness? Bit gutted to be honest, I was expecting something more after waiting to try these strings for so long. They may be good with a pick, but far too dark for me with fingers.
  9. Thanks Guys. They are a medium set. I'll give them a bit longer, but think it will be back to the La Bella's for me then.
  10. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1353507401' post='1875352'] I've now fitted these to my 70 fretless and my Sandberg PJ5. Very very nice, not so fast out the packet as the La Bellas, but they wear in quickly and just sound great. And two sets for just over the price of one La Bella? No brainer!!! [/quote] Thanks for the tips on these strings. I just put some of the GHS Precisions on yesterday before practice and wonder how long they take to break -in?. I'm finding them a lot slower than the La Bellas as you mentioned, the stickiness and also very dark in sound with a lot of top missing compared to the La Bella's! I don't want to give up on them just yet.. just wonder if the sound will change?
  11. Nice one. Can't see how that wouldn't be able to cut through any mix.
  12. I'm totally smitten with mine, been worth the over inflated price to me
  13. [quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1354041893' post='1881349'] In short - no. My '79 P bass had no such holes. [/quote] Not so sure about that! My 78 did have. I know the old scratch guards were prone to breaking by the input -jack after sometime and a lot were changed because of this.
  14. Looking at his ebay history he's getting through a few bass's. The pics are fairly crap, I wouldn't buy on them alone.
  15. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1353955031' post='1880247'] And he's not the only one. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Sy_YebyGnc[/media] [/quote] Lol. That's just what I need, I'll put it on the Crimbo list.
  16. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1353954112' post='1880230'] +1 to buying them used on here - usually seem to go for £15-20. But they go very quick, so you really have to keep a close eye to catch them. But if there's going to be a BC whip round to buy som TIs, count me in, as I think everybody ought to experience them. [/quote] I think it really depends on what kind of touch you have. I like the TI's but when I dig- in the tension feels a little too floppy, I have to try and hold back a bit or it gets a bit barky! The La Bella FL's have felt and sounded the best to me so far on the P bass and just put them back on the Jazz. Some GHS brite flats and GHS Precision flats on the way to try and sort out what I'm looking for on the Rickenbacker. Trial and error and a bit expensive.. but if you know it's not right.
  17. You can take out a science degree in the mean time to work out what all the knobs do on it.
  18. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1353941215' post='1879972'] I find that I need to apply a little discipline to the actual process of remembering/learning. Playing till it's mindless, a bit like riding a bike with no hands, it's ok til you wonder how you're doing it and then it goes wrong! Paying attention to where I make mistakes (it's not usually random in my case) makes me focus on actively remembering what happens just that part. I can use this as a backup to the mindless playing! Does that make sense? Probably not... I think I mean target your memory where it's needed, makes it much more efficient. [/quote] Actually that makes complete sense to me.
  19. Thanks for all you input so far It's nice to know I'm not alone. I do wonder why it's so hard, they are all my basslines after all
  20. Anyone else out there have trouble remembering what you play? We have about 40 of our owns songs and it seems every week at rehearsal I forget some parts of the songs I'm getting stressed with this as it makes me feel I'm letting the other guys down. I'm ok with the charts but like to ween myself off them. Must be the age I know... Just wonder how you guys do it?
  21. Highfox


    For what I got mine for I think it will suit the bill (home practice and maybe the odd acoustic type gig) I will certainly be trying the DI- out for some recording. My main rig will be used everywhere else. A couple of hours of playing with it now and I'd rate it right alongside any of the quality heads I've tried coming through a 1x10 - 1x15. For a 110 the cab sounds pretty focused and tight at the volumes I intend to use it at, I wouldn't attempt to try and use it with any rock/blues type band without an extension cab. With a P bass and Ricky I have the settings pretty flat on the amp (the phat knob is way down at 9pm) and to my ears hardly colours the basses sounds at all... Just how I like it. If it proves to be reliable I will certainly hang on to it.
  22. Congratulations, looks like a fine example. If you get the chance to put any sound clips up of it, I'd be really grateful. Very curious.
  23. Highfox


    [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1353661083' post='1877003'] My Promethean P3110 is now back at Thomann for repair or replacement. Just wondered if anybody else has got one (Highfox?) and how you're getting on with it? I need to decide quickly whether to accept a straight replacement or ask Thomann for something else. Trouble is, what would that be? [/quote] Hi. Mine just turned up today I'll be giving it good test this weekend. First impressions and a quick blast just to make sure it works are so far pretty good. Lighter and smaller than I was expecting it to be, output seems pretty punchy and focused, I'll report back once I have had more time with it.
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