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Everything posted by Quatschmacher

  1. Will be in London in two weeks though. Also happy to help via video chat (have done so a few times already).
  2. You’ll need a USB-to-MIDI interface such as the Roland UM-One MKII. Some audio interfaces with MIDI ports will work too but not all are able to handle large data files (my Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 can’t). Then either download the firmware and editor here: http://pandamidi.com/support or easier still, click on the link above and then follow the link to the online updater (google chrome only) which holds your hand through the process.
  3. That’s a shame. I imagine a few will turn up used now that the MC8 has launched.
  4. Stomp plus Morningstar MC6 controller is a good option, both nice and compact.
  5. Here’s a patch I just cooked up recently: And here are many of the clips I’ve made so far:
  6. This is a much better size:
  7. Massive - see photos.
  8. What firmware and editor version are you running? What platform are you on?
  9. New patches, available on the sharing platform: https://auraplug.com/fidatabase2/
  10. @HazBeen, you still have a wanted ad up for one of these but am guessing you no longer need it after buying my MC6, but just in case...
  11. You’re welcome. That’s not to say the C4 isn’t capable of some amazing synth sounds too - it totally is and the dual sequencers can produce some incredible results that the FI cannot do. It is worth remembering that the FI can be played via midi so you can easily trigger it with a sequencer.
  12. I’m sure I already wrote about this either earlier in this thread, on the FI thread or on the generic synth bass thread. In a nutshell FI has much better envelope control, better oscillator options (the ability to have more than two of the same shape at the same time and the ability to have all three waveforms simultaneously within each oscillator), pulse width modulation and the mod matrix is brilliant. C4 has a wider choice of filters, including dedicated phasers, dual processors, FM synthesis, sequencer and intelligent harmoniser and some cool routing options. For proper synth sounds, the FI wins. If the C4 were updated with full ADSR envelopes then that would close the gap a lot, or even a sustain stage control would help massively. I really hope they take note. They didn’t sound like they would but then Andras didn’t want to add ADSR to the FI either and only added it after I and a few others pestered him. I’m glad he gave in in the end as it’s absolutely brilliant now.
  13. I forgot to check for output balance over the two pedals so the second one is a bit louder. The C4 is brilliant. Between it and the FI I have a lot of sounds covered.
  14. Clip of the Mu-Tron Microtron IV and my attempt to recreate it on the C4. See if you can guess which is which.
  15. No, the spacing is wider on the mc8. If you set switch sensitivity to maximum you won’t accidentally trigger bank switching.
  16. That's all done before it ships, the rest I can tweak with the app.
  17. Aside from the electronics, it’s a normal bass so setup is the same (as long as you don’t mess with the frets).
  18. I’ll see how it is when it arrives and if needs be take it to Jon Shuker to change the setup.
  19. I’ve formally put together a spec and ordered a PJ! James has been incredibly patient and helpful with all my requests and I’ll be ending up with a bass which has (almost) everything I asked for: I didn’t want to forgo the passive tone control or the “normal” jack socket so they have agreed to let me have stacked volume pots for the magnetic pickups, a passive tone control and a front-mounted jack socket (along with the extra knob for MIDI volume etc.). I’ll be paying my deposit soon and then will have to wait up to a year for it to be made. That’s going to be a long wait but will hopefully be worth it. It’s pretty exciting.
  20. Have you checked Voodoo Lab? They have an option to make your own.
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