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Everything posted by Quatschmacher

  1. Yep, that’s why I pushed for this. That is correct. See my video demonstrating this in action several posts back. However, the MC6 works for changing patch up and down right now on v3.00 as it has a PC scroll up and PC scroll down function and last night I worked out how to get the MC6 to show the patch number in its display too! It may look overspecced but it isn’t. I thought it’d be too much too but then it has opened up so many new possibilities. Want to be able to use expression pedal to control filter and then within the same patch, switch to using the pedal to control modulation? No problem. Want to do both simultaneously? No problem. Want to then switch to being able to control the synth volume while keeping the dry bass going? No problem. Want to use it to control LFO speed? No problem. Want to be able to play 4-note chordal synth pads behind your bass, no problem. You see where I’m going with this?😆 As you get got more into MIDI you’ll find cool solutions and new ideas of creative ways to use it. There have been a few coming up second-hand and it is a transformative device. It unlocks all the potential inherent in the v3 update and I can’t recommend it highly enough.
  2. The operation of the footswitches has not changed at all. There are two modes for footswitch operation, selectable via the boot menu, and there always have been. All that has changed is which one is the default setting. Seriously, get a Morningstar MC6 MKII as it adds so much to the FI. See my posts above with soundclips of all the chordal stuff you can unlock.
  3. It’s coming in 3.01. See the videos I posted earlier in this thread. Also, I am working on FI-specific MC6 MKII banks (again see the soundcloud links earlier in this thread) which I’ll be making available when they are perfected. I’ve made banks for preset scrolling, bank scrolling, active/bypass, tuner on/off (another v3.01 feature) and a page for selecting which expression message gets assigned to the pedal. I ordered a Bright Onion auxiliary switch yesterday and I intend to put page toggling and bank selection and a couple of other things on the external switches if possible to make things smoother.
  4. Might be worth amending the initial post.
  5. Thanks for supporting my local. Wonder if it might have been worth waiting a day for Black Friday deals.
  6. It does all the Manta does and way more. It’s actually better for synth than the Manta as you don’t have to fudge the envelope down shape like you do on the Manta (it always comes back upwards so you need to cut off notes before that happens). It’s not as immediate as regards knob control for setting filter types. You could map envelope speed to one of the control knobs and cutoff to the other, but that still doesn’t sort out depth. Most likely you’ll program with the PC or phone though so not so drastic. Not as good as having hardware buttons though (at least the way I like it). The octaver is pretty good but not quite as full-sounding as an analogue one. Tracking is spot on though. By the way, I sold my Manta when I got this and I loved my Manta.
  7. Sadly, I’ve tried everything except an OC2. The MXR is my only octaver now.
  8. I preferred it over the RR - the lack of gating made it a bit noisy for my needs. I agree with this.
  9. Damn, I really would like to get the Octo Nøjs again, the fuzz circuit is really lovely.
  10. I personally find the FI interface better (though I’ve spent way more time using it). Seeing all parameters at once is useful. The signal flow is fixed so once you’ve grasped it it’s fine.
  11. I’ve managed to achieve it. It still needs some alterations I think to make it better. Sloppiness due to my expression pedal not always hitting 0% and 100% (where I have the inversions mapped); might need to get a different one. Buttons on MC6 toggle between major and minor chords in root position now - one button in the bank for each of the 12 notes of the chromatic scale. Expression 1 controls the inversion - heel down for 1st inversion, toe down for 2nd inversion. The drawback with this is that you always have to start with the chord in root position, which isn’t always desirable. The cool thing is that you can sweep through inversions though. Still needs some tweaking or another solution. I might see if I can combine my two implementations somehow.
  12. Got a better implementation of slash chords going, but only in root position so far until I work something out for inversions again.
  13. I’m tempted to get a second FI just so I can get one of these housings. Though that would open the floodgates. I wouldn’t mind a v3 either, especially since I worked on it.
  14. Blue, black (with gold lettering) and purple look wonderful. I bet the blue would also look great with gold lettering. Do orange with blue letters too.
  15. Next breakthrough: I’ve added some new cool functions to my II-V-I functions on the MC6 - I can now switch whether I’m going root up or root down to the V chord by a long press of the II chord. Also managed to build in enough functions to jump back to the main FI page.
  16. That is cumbersome, I suggest we email Source Audio and they may well change it. You can use a phone/tablet into the USB port to control patch changing. I’ve just got a Morningstar MC6 MKII and it’s allowing me to do wonderful things with the FI. Extra kit isn’t always a negative thing. The drag with the C4 in this regard is that it needs a USB host (the MC6 isn’t one) do I still need something to get it to communicate over MIDI. The biggest drawback is that most USB hosts only allow for a single USB MIDI connection. However, once done, there is loads of extra control available as most parameters can be assigned a MIDI CC and controlled in real time. Source Audio stuff works really well with their Hub, especially with the SB2 line as you have access to all parameters on the pedal surface. It’s a bit more tech-heavy with the One Series stuff as you either have more limited access with just the six presets and four knobs or you have to use the Neuro app (either phone or desktop) to adjust parameters. In fact I could just use the Hub to store patches instead and it’ll hook straight up to the MC6 via 5-pin MIDI DIN. I think this works pretty well as you get to audition patches really easily and can decide if you like it and download only those you like, rather than downloading loads and wading through. While browsing, you can simply “add to library” and then tweak and burn to the pedal later. (Or you can immediately load it on). I’d prefer all parameters to be visible without having to scroll the page (The FI does this and it's a major plus.) The phone app is tricky as it’s only one way communication (it sends signals via audio so cannot read information from the pedal). It means that there can be a “disconnect” between what you hear after making parameter changes and what the app burns to the preset slot. Making small adjustments without first doing a “burn all” is more for saving patches on the Hub which will scan and store the pedal’s current state. By contrast, burning the app contents to pedal memory will send the current app settings which may not correspond to what is being heard on the pedal at that moment. (If you always burn all parameters from the app before building a sound then this avoids this.) The other thing is that you can’t see what’s already on the preset slot you plan to overwrite. An integrated keyboard in the editor would be pointless as the C4 is triggered by audio only (remember the FI can also be triggered by MIDI notes, which is why there’s a keyboard). Do you realise that while the pedal is hooked up to the app/editor you can simply click the patch name and it gets loaded into the edit buffer to audition immediately? (You don’t need to burn it to a slot/toggle switch in order to hear them.) Or is it that when downloading you don’t/cannot have your bass plugged in and pedal plugged into the amp/audio interface?
  17. Fresh from the lab: major and minor triads in all inversions with semitone offsets up to an octave. B2CC4519-D546-4CAB-9736-EDB48D5356C1.MOV
  18. You had that bit right - input and output of the interface.
  19. Yep, the Fender PJ I have for sale with old Labella 760FLs.
  20. Here's something to show off my new chord-switching with the MC6:
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