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Everything posted by Quatschmacher

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  2. Thanks. Yes, the tracking is markedly improved in the v3 firmware compared to v1.
  3. Source Audio Lunar Phaser (or Gemini Chorus or Mercury Flanger - all the same sounds are available on all 3 pedals, choice is dictated by which knobs you want/need more).
  4. Realised I was playing one note in the wrong octave. Fixed now.
  5. Make sure your muting technique is sound; the first string needs to be muted at the point you strike a note on another string. Try adjusting the note on and note off levels too.
  6. I’ll have to check that later. Just waiting for a gig to start.
  7. You could try it but there’s no guarantee it’ll work properly. There is a user who has had luck with a cheap interface like that, @Kiwi, I believe. The Roland is usable with iOS devices and other tablets (not sure about the others) which is useful for remote controlling the FI. You’ll use the cable for more than just the update as it’s how you put new sounds on your pedal.
  8. Had you already tried to install the previous version of the v3 editor? Let us know how you get on.
  9. When did you download the editor? A corrected version was posted to the website a couple of days ago. Try downloading from the site again and see if that helps. Otherwise there’s a fix outlined above from an earlier post. I don’t have a Mac so I can’t really talk you through these steps but perhaps another Mac user might be able to. There are a few Catalina users on Talkbass FI thread but since the fix was issued they haven’t posted further.
  10. Not currently, though it has be requested as an update by a few users. You can fake it by selecting the highest or lowest pitch for that step, it’s not perfect but can get the desired result with an appropriate filter setting.
  11. My exact thought, such a shame they stopped offering the SLO Special neck option, right when I can finally afford one.
  12. Go to the second post in this thread and just click on the link to the online updater. Do you have a USB-to-MIDI interface already? If not, you’ll need to get one. I posted a link to a good deal on a Roland UM-One Mark 2 earlier in the thread.
  13. The MXRs track tightly all the way to low F for me, not that I’d ever use them that low generally.
  14. Did you check your spam folder? If they said they’d send a confirmation-of-postage email and none arrived, it is worth letting them know as there may well be a system fault they are unaware of (I’m not sure if shipping confirmation is a manual or automated process). When I suggested amending your post, I meant to reflect the fact that, contrary to your statement, it had in fact been posted, but that you hadn’t received a confirmation of shipping. (Obviously you weren’t to know that until your pedal arrived, but it would be useful for others to have a fair representation of the facts.)
  15. MXR Vintage Bass Octave and Bass Octave Deluxe have for me always given the quickest response and held notes where others have failed. And I’ve tried and owned a fair few octave pedals over the past few years.
  16. A little patience was all that was required. Hope you enjoy it. Perhaps you may wish to amend your initial post of disappointment to reflect this.
  17. Do please bear in mind that it’s a very small company with one or two people doing all the work (assembling all the pedals, packing and posting out orders, fielding emails, bug fixing, etc). It may be that the orders have exhausted the initial fully-assembled stock or perhaps that they will post all the initial orders in one go. I’d suggest emailing them if you need an update. I’ve never ordered directly so don’t know what the procedure is as regards confirmation emails, etc. @Andras Szalay would be able to tell you more.
  18. Worth bearing in mind that the FI is no longer solely a bass pedal so one cannot reasonably expect the factory set to be filled with only bass patches. I’m also pretty sure there are at least 10 good synth bass presets in there. Please give some examples of what you mean. Have you played the patches that are labelled as “MIDI”? A lot of the basic analogue synth bass sounds are really not too difficult to create even if you’re new to synthesis. Have a read of the manual, there’s a section showing you how to build your own sounds from scratch. As @GisserD said there are plenty of patches online; sign up to the online database (link in second post) and download and audition them and pick ones you do like.
  19. Why would you need an OC-2 with this? It does intervals.
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