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Everything posted by fiatcoupe432

  1. Who owns owned a carvin bass? I own one and has been the bass that I bought then sold then bought it back again the borrowed to a friend (with problems) who pawn it and I bought it back again! I love the bass to bits but not really suited for the kind of music I play. I love how it feels how it sound how it looks but I the same time I only use it at home. do you feel the same for your carvin? Shall I sell it or keep it? Need a jazz bass but I don't have the funds unless I sell this but then I'm scared I want to have it again
  2. You own some great basses my friend! Glwys
  3. I think you can buy them from China for £300
  4. I only pay to support the bass community and basschat! I don't use Facebook anymore so this is where I spend most of my free time. I hardly sell so my £20 a year goes as thank you to you ped for making this happen and I will def help reports idiots
  5. Amazing price on this This are worth way more love roscoes
  6. This are great bass, I do t get why that weird scarf joint
  7. Is this the bin next to yours Tony? Can't believe it still here
  8. Wow absolutely stunning Wish I had the cash Glwys
  9. this is one of my favorite part of being in a band !!!! enjoy and have fun until it last
  10. Wow I honestly don't know why this is still for sale....u wish I had the cash
  11. Thanks everybody! I know all my modes and s ales pretty well all over the fretboard on 5 and string, I encounter the problem tho that when I'm soloing it just sounds like scales and not some nice impro
  12. Hi guys, Just wondering what exercises improved your soloing by a 1000 times? What did you guys practice? Thanks in advance
  13. In my opinion Zon will be a collectible item. One man building, takes him 2/3years to complete a job and never replies to email phone calls messages Already hard to get hand on
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