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Everything posted by fiatcoupe432

  1. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Tv-RYJzin1vd3slS4fJwIWHlJkRtjsiA
  2. Hey Russ , here a video of the bass you are looking at
  3. any reason why it wont open any sounds? plugin open in logic but no kits founds?
  4. Don't really care what it is ! I'll even act if they asked me 😉
  5. Cheers mate ! I think I'll wait and see what kind of deal they gonna do for Black Friday or thanksgiving ! I think last year they offered a 50% off which is amazing
  6. Hi guys just wondering if anyone has experience into get komplete ultimate . Im new to N.i. I only ever used omnisphere which I ve purchased few months back and is great . Looking to get kimplete 12 and wondering if there is a cheaper easier way ? I get confused there is komplete select which cost £159 does this mean that I can upgrade to 12 ultimate just by buying an upgrade ?
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  8. i ve asked my wife and she said defo fingering !
  9. Let's hope I'll do such a good job 😉
  10. This bass is a monster ! As I ve said before I'm the previous owner and I have a sound sample if anyone want to listen this beauty
  11. So ..... few times over the last few years i was lucky enough to do some music for advert and television .... the guy was really nice and he told me he saw a video contaning my music which i ve done for a media company in London . However , he told me they already have a music composer that they have worked for years but he told me they are very busy and need a hand . when i asked him what kind of movie it was i was shocked ! Never done music for a porn tv before so i went for it . Checked the website and they have won loads of awards in the last 5 years, big company . now , just purchased a 50 inch 4k tv just for this job ahahahahahahahaha and another positive thing is that i can never get caught "sorry love im working "ahahahahahah
  12. however Alan , i think your instruments are really really special! something really special about your fretless basses ...i dont know what you do but i love it. i dont own one (yet ) played many times diffferent acg but one day im gonna have a 6 string build (fretless) of course
  13. what can i say .... bought `sean ibanez on wed morning recived the morning after ! same day postage . deal with confidence with sean ! is one of the good ones
  14. very lucky tony , they are a rare species (just like your leduc masterpiece) ahahahahahaha
  15. The problem is that she always hit on the same place and still after 12 years of being abused everytime i buy a bass related item it still hurt Tony ! My grandad always s used to say : " need to look for 2 things when you search for the woman of your life , she needs to be blind , deaf " should have listened to the old man ;/)
  16. My wife is gonna kill me as I ve just purchased a DB ! But @ this price I must have it !!!
  17. I only came here to see the socks but I feel disappointed now 😉
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