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topo morto

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Everything posted by topo morto

  1. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1321616154' post='1441178'] Whichever it takes to keep her quiet [/quote] I think when you get really good, slapping is just a subset of fingerstyle anyway. Not that I'd know.
  2. SOLD Thanks guys [color=#A9A9A9]I think this is a 'KS' bass, based on it having the same unusual headstock shape as[/color][url="http://www.swapz.co.uk/swapz/1746101/black_5_string_bass_guitar_ks_instruments_b-05/"][color=#A9A9A9] this one[/color][/url][color=#A9A9A9]. Originally bought via this thread:[/color] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/136601-sold-5-string-fretless-passive-bass-with-brand-new-flats-l100/page__hl__fretless+pristine__fromsearch__1"][color=#A9A9A9]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/color][/url] [color=#A9A9A9]Hope Thurbs doesn't mind the link. Basically I did what he did - got this to try fretless, enjoyed it a lot (thanks Thurbs), and upgraded to something a bit better! Things to note: When I got it, the nut action was very high, and intonation at the bottom of the neck all askew, so I've filed the nut down a lot to sort that out - does play much better now! The strings I got it with didn't last long, and I then got some flats which are now on another bass so it doesn't have strings on it at the moment - I may have some I can stick on it but they would be nicer ones than came with it - will think about that more if anyone is interested! I think this is one of those rare fretlesses with 'between the frets' dot markers, so that's a little extra thing to get used to.[/color]
  3. Inspired by this thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/137-warwick-dark-lord-bass-strings-review/"]http://basschat.co.u...strings-review/[/url] I got these, and I got a nice 35" bass to try them on - but I'm enjoying the bass too much in standard tuning to mess with it so the plan has gone sideways a bit! I've tried the F# and B string on for size, but not cut them to length, and not played them for more than 5 minutes, so these are very nearly new. Tapered ends, so as long as you have a front-loading bridge that can cope with a B string you should be fine. If you don't want to file the nut wider, you'll want to take the existing nut off and get a cheap one off ebay to file to the right width for these fatties. £26.50 incl postage.
  4. [quote name='badgerific' timestamp='1321699073' post='1442032'] [url="http://www.asianmanrecords.com/"]http://www.asianmanrecords.com/[/url] [/quote] Aha! They seem quite left-field... I am currently listening to a song called 'People Who Can Eat People Are The Luckiest People In The World'....
  5. The ones I grabbed are with me already... buy with confidence!
  6. [quote name='badgerific' timestamp='1312133446' post='1322339'] [/quote] Does that T-shirt say '아시안 맨' ('asian men') on it? and why?
  7. I pounced on a couple of freshly listed pedals and they were with me effectively the next day. Game played at a lively pace, just like it should be! Many thanks!
  8. Sorry, yes I should stop subscribing to this forum... I'd got my pedals down to a nice sensible number and now here I go again Will have to do another shootout... will try to remember you if I move the PPB on!
  9. I guess you can divide music theory into a number of areas - - science (acoustics and psychoacoustics) - cultural knowledge, like 'a minor chord sounds sad' (to most people) - terminology - notation - 'recipes' for writing and playing music in certain styles - (probably more I can't think of) As I said, my music reading is bad, but I'm happy doing the interesting chords bit... I pretty much use numbers and shapes, rather than note names or dots, to think of scale degrees, and use tab if I need to write anything down. I reckon I can learn 'recipes' for different styles OK without bothering with the dots. I [i]used[/i] to read notation OK - it's just a skill I lost cos I never used it.
  10. Looks like an interesting little number, but probably a few too many unknowns - after all, there are all sorts of fancy axes within range once you start getting towards the £1k mark. Mightn't it be worth spending a few bob on some strings and putting some well-recorded clips up? Anyone who is seriously interested is going to want to try it out anyway, and strings will help there too!
  11. Do you have a use for it? I understand music notation but can't read it at any speed, and it doesn't particularly bother me. If you basically 'get the idea', maybe dive in and use it for what you want to use it for, and if you have no use for it... don't bother?
  12. ...and I bought a bunch of books, which also arrived rapido! Thanks again!
  13. Kind of appropriate for the weekend... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4RyYtkifTM[/media]
  14. Basses can be very different to each other, even within the range of 'normal basses' - an active fretless 5 with a ramp, flats and 16mm spacing sometimes doesn't even feel like the same instrument as a standard P bass with rounds - different techniques are possible on each.
  15. Now on ebay - [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270850891491"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270850891491[/url] - but we can still talk!
  16. That STR is a stunner too - £850 seems a pretty friendly price!
  17. Any more themes on the way?
  18. Suggest a few additions to your repertiore - which, of course, just happen to have ridiculously complex guitar parts, in a style he can't do. Stick with them long enough that he realises that he ain't all that. Don't say anything to him of course.
  19. It's well weird for a studio to not have a DI. If they had loads of outboard gear, surely they had something with a HI-Z input? I'd say a bassist's responsibility ends at the jack socket.
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