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Everything posted by clauster

  1. And I'm soooooooooo excited about this one
  2. Another one with a Nickel alergy here. I find Eliltes do good SS rounds that are a lot more gentle on the fingertips than Rotos.
  3. Back in our own neck of thw woods at Tunbridge Wells Forum. This time supporting UK Subs
  4. As soon as you realise you'll never be any good at the guitar. That's when you become a bass player And just in case you missed it
  5. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1350854372' post='1844407'] The code on the Fender site is 025 so still Japan by the looks of it. I thinik 025 & 027 are the main two Fender Japan codes. The Marcus MIller and Geddy Lee models have already been changed to 014 for Mexico [/quote] I never knew that! Thanks both for the confirmation.
  6. Anyone know if these are still coming from Japan or have they moved them to Mexico?
  7. After nearly twenty years of being in covers bands (with an 8 year break because I got fed up with playing tunes I despise) I've now been in an originals band for 3 1/2 years. Enjoying myself much more. We do have a handful of "spun-up" covers (tunes that are done in a completely different style to the original- so that's alright then ) and one or two straightforward covers for soundchecks and auditioning drummers (which seems to happen once or twice a year).
  8. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1350253184' post='1836555'] well ideally, yes. why? [/quote] I was interested, but won't have £60 spare for a couple of weeks. I've now acquired a red POD XT for a paltry £20! It did need a repair though. Good luck with the sale Luke. At £60, I'd recommend a POD just for the compressor alone! Add in the amp sims and these boxes are fantastic!!
  9. I guess that means you'd like the cash for the POD asap?
  10. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1349161746' post='1822443'] Dave Hall does the same for about a third of the price [url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/page37.html"]http://www.davehalla....uk/page37.html[/url] [/quote] But by the time you add on the cost of his comp (which the Alexbass includes) it's not far off.
  11. Hi Chris, As you're in Kent, Aylesford Couriers may be worth a try - 01622 790637. Local courriers who can (and do) work nationally.
  12. Thanks Bluejay, just found out we're headlining
  13. Cheers Ade, Really looking forward to it. Just found out we're 3rd on, usually a good slot there on a Thursday. Can't believe it's onylt our second gig since we supported the Jetsonics there.
  14. As a Compact owner I can confirm it is light. BUT, while certainly not in the league of a 4X10, it is quite cumbersome. I played a gig in the summer and had to park about 1/2 mile away. Carrying it back after the gig was possible but not easy. One other point about the BF cabs - while they do do LOUD they require some power to do so.
  15. My band, Run Leia Run are back yet a again with yet another drummer! Returning to our second most played venue - the Grey Horse in Kingston upon Thames!! Lovely intimate venue, good bar 'round the front with a fine selection of ales. What's the weird bit?..... We're on with a singer song writer and two covers bands!! Run Leia Run: bringing you pop-punk/ska/rock/alt originals since 2009!!
  16. [quote name='wishface' timestamp='1346830004' post='1793638'] [attachment=117530:headstock.jpg][attachment=117531:bass body.jpg][attachment=117532:bridge.jpg] Here is the best i can manage with a ropey old webcam I borrowed. Anyone that can identify the instrument from this deserves a medal. [/quote] Winding the strings on properly could help!!
  17. [quote name='wishface' timestamp='1346859509' post='1794137'] I'm sure I could learn to adjust the truss, but that's heavy duty work. I'd have to take the neck off and, assuming that specialist tools aren't required, monkey around! Bit of a risk. I'd rather have this bass than no bass. [/quote] No need to take the neck off - just unscrew the cover plate on the headstock at the end of the fretboard. No specialist tools. just a reasonably long allen key of the right size. Clockwise for less bow, anti-c/wise for more. Don't do much more than 1/8 turn at a time and put a bit of pressure behind the headstock (just a bit) to take some of the strain off the rod before adjusting. Let it settle for a few hours and repeat again (and again) if necessary.
  18. [attachment=117380:20120903105547-9495.jpg] Based on an idea I've had for ages for a Statmoth Except it would have a Status logo and not a Fender one
  19. A new recommendation - specifically for folks in the South East needing to send a bass or amp (or any other parcel) to elsewhere in the UK, but also may be of interest if any one needs delivery to the South East. Aylesford Courriers - 01622 790637 I know the owner personally. Paul Taylor has many years experience in logistics. They offer a very personal service and will let you know by phone when your package has been delivered. All parcels are handled by people at every stage of the journey, no automated parcel hubs, so your parcel will not be dropped or bumped. Prices are very reasonable too. If you do use them, please say Nic Lambert put you in touch. Also Paul does storage, so any Kent bands looking for somewhere to store band equipment, give him a ring.
  20. I voted for the last option (I play guitar but find that it hinders my bass playing). Its not quite correct, but closest to my situation. I have carpal tunnel issues and the different left hand positions for guitar and bass mean that I'm better off sticking to one or the other. For the last few years it's been bass.
  21. I voted Elites as they've been my string of choice for more than 20 years, but recently I've had a couple of sets of Rotosounds from the local music shop and they've been really good. Might be changing allegiance soon.
  22. [quote name='Kesh' timestamp='1343638980' post='1752860'] Is it true that optical compressors are banned by the EU? [/quote] Optical Comps are not banned per se. But the materials used in the photo-receptors used in some opto-comps are banned under RoHS,
  23. In a word - AWESOME!! New bass for me, new drummer for the band. Both performed really well. It was an important local gig (last elctric gig at Tun Wells Forum before it closes for a refurb) at which overall we pulled an okay performance. I really enjoyed the other three bands too (one of whom has a bassist who's a member here who needs to start a porn thread for his bass - seriously special instrument) Okay, we did have a slight tech blight when the vocalists effects pedal packed up leaving FOH vocals a bit patchy for 1.5 songs. And I did learn that my T-bird Pro leans away from me so I can't see what my hands are doing which was a bit disconcerting. On the flip side, it sounds like a P-bass with more bite ( and is easier to play). Our new drummer is brimming with enthusiasm and has contacts so we can start pulling together other bands that would work well with us (plus a few we've already played with from here). Overall I remember why I LOVE being in a band!! N x
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