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Everything posted by clauster

  1. I'got a modded Bassballs, with the pots mounted externally. Much more versatile in my limited experience (I'm not a funk player so I just have an occasional fiddle with my balls for fun )
  2. Piano as a young child, bit I always wished it was guitar instead. fast forward to secondary school and I started to get more into music. I settled on bass as the instrument for me. So my folks made me learn guitar first.
  3. Mani popped up on here a few weeks back and twenty something years ago I sound engineered a gig for them before they were famous. Burning Organ (Silverfoxnik's band) I've seen a couple of times. Walman's band (the Alibi?) once. The Plan (WaynePunkDude) twice I think. As LowEndBee has already, we supported them a couple of weeks ago at the Grey Horse. Someone else whose name escapes me right now also at the Grey Horse. JimElliottBassist with the Good Ship Band. I know there are others, but time to start work for the day Edit: Crikey in T Alan more than once (I think we've been on the same night as them at least twice) Another edit: All have been great acts, but Burning Organ stand out as a fantastic covers act
  4. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1332880793' post='1594487'] Every P bass I have tried felt very average compared to my Wal, Warwick and even my Hohner Steinberger copy. That's playability, sound. Sexiness? [/quote] Horses for courses mate. I had a Warwick. It was a great bass, really fantastic. Build quality second to none. In the shop I tried loads of basses and this really sang Then my guitarist leant me his Affinity P that he had for recording and it was like coming home. Just that sound that comes from (nearly) every P-bass. The sound that in a band setting has the Goldilocks effect (just right) Edited for usual Clauster typos
  5. Better start saving (or fill in my tax claim form) - big shopping list to fill - Pedal Board, power, Boss eqb-7, chorus, octave, leads etc etc
  6. [quote name='deej' timestamp='1332533022' post='1589816'] How about the Badger Effects Schism? [url="http://www.badgereffects.com/paraxv.html"]http://www.badgereff...com/paraxv.html[/url] Ive had an eye on this recently, not sure on the price though. [/quote] Looks good, but gotta say the Wounded Paw is everything I could want and just a bit more. Great price too IMO
  7. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1332532142' post='1589798'] boss ls-2? andy [/quote] LS-2 was the first thing I looked at. As far as I can make out, you can blend 1 effect chain and clean, or two effects chains. I was trying to work out if you could use 2 in combination just before I started this thread.
  8. [quote name='Thor' timestamp='1332528210' post='1589723'] This looks to be just what I'm after too! Wonder if they'd do a deal for two of them? [/quote] If it's buy one get one free, can I have the free one?
  9. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1332525580' post='1589689'] wounded paw super-blender has clean and three loops, two of which can be switched so one feeds into the other if required. seperate volume controls for each loop plus bass and treble controls on the clean channel. oh and a feedback dial on one loop. bliss. [url="http://www.woundedpaw.com/effects/"]http://www.woundedpaw.com/effects/[/url] [/quote] That's it!!! Thank you so much. Gotta love Basschat. Having lusted over the Battering Ram I was almost afraid to open the link in fear of the price, but that's pretty reasonable. It also has my ultimate pain-in-the-ass-customer requirement of switching the effects from parallel to series should it ever be needed. That'll be going from 1 pedal (I've never had more than one since 1989 (before that it was none!)) to 6 in less than 18 months
  10. Following my last thread about the ODB3, I now know I'm keeping my Blogger and getting a blended loop pedal. But in the quest for real fatness I've started wondering about a second loop that also takes my clean signal and on that one I can blend in an octave pedal (for example). Can such a beast be bought off the shelf or do I need to build my own/ speak to Max at SFX? Apologies if this has been asked before, I have done a search on loopers, but there's so many threads.
  11. [quote name='EskimoBassist' timestamp='1332522160' post='1589617'] You could always run it in a parallel loop and blend in your unaffected dry. [/quote] That's plan A (get a blended loop pedal and stick my bass blogger in there, then add an EQ pedal in the loop before the Blogger). Just trying to keep my number of pedals to a number that doesn't require a pedal board (I know: weird huh?)
  12. Thanks, I was hoping it just acted on the distortion. Back to plan A.
  13. One sound shaping tool that's useful in any genre is a good compressor. The ME 50 has one built in but IMO isn't great. £100 should easily get you a used EBS Multicomp around here.
  14. [quote name='soundbass' timestamp='1332444126' post='1588563'] I currently have an LH500 and yes is is clean and very clear through the Barefaced Compact cab, as a matter of interest what is your favourite tone setting on the LH500 through the Cab? [/quote] Mids about 3 O'clock, bass just before 12 O'clock and treble about 10 O'Clock. Bright and limiter disengaged. How about you?
  15. Get an ad up on the [url="http://Warwick.de"]Warwick.de[/url] forum. That's where the best money for this lies IMO
  16. Hi Guys, The Boss ODB3 has tone controls and a mix control. So, does the EQ work on just the distortion or on the clean too?
  17. You could buy 6 of my used Japan made Ibanez RB950 for £500 (if you could find them)
  18. As Alex said, drop him an email to get the answer from the horse's mouth (so to speak). FWIW I'm using a Hartke LH500 - clean, warm and LOUD! I've also run an Ashdown EB180 through it, also sounded great, slightly better tone for my taste (but obviously not as loud). Thinking of getting the new Ashdown LB550.
  19. On the venues front in West Kent- Tunbridge Wells Forum has been great for us. Eclectic range of bands, so a gig for pretty much everyone. If you join the "Stable" or "Show us your Guns" (both effectively BOTB type things) and bring a few people in, then you stand a great chance of getting a support slot. We've become a popular choice for the more mature punk/indie touring bands. Could also give you chance to play Unfest. If your more accoustic, soul or Jazz, then the Grey Lady in TW is good. Could also lead to a spot at Local and Live festival. Festivals - Lounge on the Farm (Canterbury) have a few small stages for up and coming bands. Nice festival too. There may be similar at the Hop Farm festival too? We've been offered our own headlining gig at the Forum. Just trying to sort our drummer situation before going ahead. If you might be interested in one of the support slots, let me know. The Jetsonics (LowEndBee's band) may also be playing that night if it all works out for everyone. As a band, we're also thinking of trying to put on some smaller nights in the Sussex in Tun Wells (pub with small venue (actually tiny) in the basement). Again, let me know if you're potentially interested. Oh, and there's very strong links between the Sussex and the Forum, so it can be another way to get in there. Otherwise we mostly make the trip to that there London for gigs.
  20. Promote it like Hell through Facebook, Reverbnation etc, Hastings Rock FM (only broadcasts in May) was good for us. Local(ish) for Kent, only does Rock music, we got one track on the playlist. Boosted sales massively and in the listeners' chart we placed one higher than the Clash's London Calling Our singer tried to boost sales by mentioning at gigs, but just led to a demand for CDs (which we lost money on in the end). Next time we're going to advertise on flyers to put around at gigs.
  21. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1332347389' post='1587065'] Have you factored in the fact that Status necks come with blank headstocks? This is to facilitate the fitting of non-standard tuners, string guides, etc. If you're handy with a drill or have a drill-press or similar, then fine, but be warned... If you want the holes cut at the factory, it'll cost extra. [/quote] Not according to their website - [quote name='www.status-graphite.com']We also machine the tuner holes in the headstock to suit normal tuners which have a 17mm (11/16") bush. If you want to fit smaller Gotoh or Hipshot tuners we can machine the hole at 14mm. The neck is not supplied with tuners as standard but it is not difficult to fit your existing tuners.[/quote] False advertising perhaps?
  22. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1332234782' post='1585069'] That sounds like a lot of fun! Right so I now want... A Darkglass B3k Darkglass B7k and a good compressor (although I have a good one on my amp) [/quote] I'm on the same quest as you and I've been searching for about 18 months. Started with a Bass Blogger for dirt (nope, it's not the most extreme or best quality, but it is (a) cheap and ( moderately versatile). My guitarist is an effects junky and has given me advice as well as leant me a few pedals along the way. We've tried chorus and octave (separately) to add "bigness" but with the dirt they added more "mush" and the sound lost focus. Adding the comp (a Boss CS-3 with Monte Allums mod kit and a bigger input cap) before the dirt really helped the distortion. A little taming of the dynamics gave it a more consistent tone and made it "fatter" too. Putting the blender in (actually, at the moment it's in the FX loop of a mini-mixer) brought the authority of the bass back in. I tried the comp before the dirt in the loop, but put it back before the loop because the fattening helps the clean sound stand up to the dirt. The EQ (a borrowed Boss GE-7) I only tried a couple of weeks ago and OMG!! Current shopping list is - Pedal board, proper blender, GE-7 (or 7B) and a BDDI (and power and patch leads). Or leave my current band which is heading towards heavier sounds and join a country/folk outfit and just keep the comp lol
  23. Huge and brutal? Distortion/fuzz on it's own can get you the brutal, but not always the huge. Think angry Alsatian. Certainly big and strongh, but you can add more to get really huge and brutal. For a real rabid Rottweiler of a tone, I'd start with a compressor. It'll fatten up your tone and can help your distrortion/fuzz produce a more consistent tone. If it can also introduce a bit of grit, this might not be a bad thing, but you want one that definitely does not lose your lows. Then into distortion/fuzz with blend - you'll want to keep that fat bass from the comp for the hugeness. Want the guitarist quaking? Lets slip this p1ssed off pooch some crystal meth. Get an EQ and put it before the dirt and put both in the loop of blender. You've opened up your dirt choices, because we don't need a blend on the pedal and the EQ will let you push the dirt harder and shape it more. Shall we add a collar with big pointy spikes? After the blender you could stick a milder drive to push the dirt a little further and add a bit of attitude to the clean tone. One case for prosecution under the Dangerous [s]Dogs[/s] Distortion Act.
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