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Everything posted by badboy1984

  1. beauty bass and ice fretless too man. I'm not sure about the price to behonest. I know lots of German Corvette were sold 400-500 region. so that maybe the problem .........
  2. damn, i would snatch this off you if i can sell my ampeg stack ......
  3. Was looking for a precision pickup to replace my stock fender one. Was looking into Seymour duncan and wizard pickups. Was wondering which one is good? Seymour Duncan SPB3, Wizard Trad or Wizard Thumper? I play classic rock, indie stuff and gospel.
  4. not interest in Ampeg SVT 410 and 115?
  5. it sounded alot better now. i centre the drum, bass and acoustic and pan left to right on electric. just need to tweak the right tone for distortion now.
  6. thanks man, i give that a try and let you know the result.
  7. which guitar? Acoustic or Electric? The electric have 3 layer, one is left, right and centre. Acoustic just one in the middle.
  8. Here is the demo of the song. [url="http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7GM23AXM"]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7GM23AXM[/url] The drum and guitar don't kick in till around 2.40 ish i think. Couldn't get the distortion guitar right. So advice on the other instrument mixing would help as well By the way the song is in chinese ........ i'm still new to all this stuff ......
  9. i use 410HE and 115E and it sounded very good already. with two 410E the tone will be very very loud. the 410HE is kind of like half of the 810 but abit different. So with two 410HE you kinda get that 810 tone but you can always use half stack if needed lol
  10. i never use the Ampeg SVT 410HE as a stand alone before but it could be good tho. I always wanted another 410HE to go on top of my existing one to get a sound near that classic 8x10 ampeg.
  11. how did the ampeg 2x15 stack sounds? I use the SVT 115E as a single cab before in a gig and it sounded very very old school in term of low end. I bet 2x15 is a beast, no need to worry about lack of low end lol
  12. I will give the amplitube a try as well. By the way i sorted out the distortion issue on the ipod. I end up EQ the distortion guitar and adjust the distortion etc, so it doesn't muff up the sound. But still not the greatist distortion sound but it can be heard in the mix. 4 layer of the distortion but still sounded thin. i think i need to mess around with the EQ to find the sweet spot.
  13. I will just mess around with the advice be given until i have money to buy a guitar amp. i post the track up tonight so it will give a better view on the problem.
  14. got to save up money now ..... consider i blow some money on guitar rig 4 ........... and bought a new bass. Only amp i can get hold of now from my friend is the Marshall AVT50.
  15. The panning advice is good, i will certainly try it again tonight. Maybe i hoping too much on GR4 ...... should just spend the money on a small tube guitar combo instead .......
  16. the playing is done because i recorded clean on cubase. just adding distortion to that clean tone that stab me on the back. I think i might need to borrow a friend's amp and mic it to see the differents ......
  17. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='1228721' date='May 12 2011, 01:08 PM']+1000 I think amp modellers / emulated distortion / digital effect distortion just sounds terrible in 99% of cases. i went through a phase of using them until I decided to mic up my 5150. Would only use digital for the very roughest of demos - certainly never for anything else.[/quote] So i guess I'm wasting my time to get it right ........ unless i buy a guitar amp and mic it up to record?
  18. So i should stick with using guitar rig to record clean than mess around with guitar rig effects later? I think i need to try record the distortion guitar only and try it on the sound system before mixing everything else together. if the guitar sound ok on its own but loss in the final mix, then is a EQ problem i guess. If the guitar sound is bad on its own than is the distortion effect, EQ that i'm using making it bad.
  19. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1228608' date='May 12 2011, 11:55 AM']When you listen to the mp3 with headphones on the PC, it sounds fine, but when you take it to the ipod you can't hear distorted guitars? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. an mp3 should sound the same on every system using the same headphones.[/quote] First I'm using Guitar Rig 4 for the distortion/overdrive sound. Sine I'm a bass player so i won't have guitar amp stuff to record. Apart from Guitar Rig 4 which is software base effect, I've got a studio rack effect. the rack unit is Boss GX-700 guitar processor which have amp mod, distortion pedal, delay , rev etc. I could line out the rack to my audio interface but I only get 1 take to get the effect right ....... Reason to use Guitar Rig is so i can add effects later. In term of ipod problem, I don't quite get it myself, but you can't hear the distortion guitar when playing on the ipod with ipod headphone, but I can hear it on the pc speaker/or my dads sound system using the same ipod headphone. No compression or effect was apply on the ipod, so I don't get it. This is the first track i making that have distortion guitar. Other track i recording was only clean electric, acoustic guitar, bass, piano and drum.
  20. [quote name='51m0n' post='1228469' date='May 12 2011, 09:51 AM']You are rendering this as a vrey high quality mp3 before listening on the ipod arent you?[/quote] I've render the final mix to *.wav because i can't render mp3 on my cubase LE unless i buy the license thing which i may consider doing it. I import the *.wav file to adobe media encoder and convert it to 128 mp3 ........ either 128 or 256 i can do on adobe media encoder ......
  21. Yeah i gonna do it tonight cos at work atm. but I've try this last night. I've done some testing last night again. Like I said, it sounded ok on monitor speaker and pc speaker. Thats a good start already. Sounded ok on my dad's bose sound system but on ipod you can't hear no distortion at all except some more nasty bass added to the song. I thought is the headphone that is bad so i use a different set of headphone instead of the ipod headphone. The result is even worse. So I tried the headphones again on my pc speaker and my dad's sound system, it sounded ok. So is not headphone problem. Only thing I've not try yet render the track with distortion guitar only and try play it back on the ipod to see can i hear the track or not. If it doesn't, i think i got some problem here .....
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