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Everything posted by toneknob

  1. King Crimson's 'double trio' line-up in the 90s - Tony Levin and Trey Gunn
  2. Totally up to you of course but I'm in for a central block A2 ticket and just about ok to pay that price given new music and it probably won't happen again. Likewise/on the other hand a similar price for Genesis (who are equally as significant an influence on me) doing a trudge through the greatest hits package? I drew the line there. I'm also considering the overseas version and putting a holiday around it (Mrs Knob yet to be consulted btw) for the Berlin gig, here - which looks like GA in all areas. (Not sure if that means GA sitting or standing though)
  3. Looking forward to the show - he's hitting the road with some singer next year. And I hope I'm looking and sounding this good when I'm 76! (had to break several piggy banks for the ticket though)
  4. Hang on no one mentioned photos. Here's me in action at a French trib festival omg was it really 15 years ago.
  5. We did a once-a-month gig at a local pub, we were pretty niche anyway and getting another couple of bands to appear on the same night soon became troublesome - even with backline and soundman supplied. The contentious part was charging on the door - I saw people turn up for a pint, see they had to pay a few quid to get in, then turn around and head elsewhere. My feeling was that it should be free to get in - punters turning up with the added bonus of free bands playing would have been brought in more beer money than was lost to those turning away.
  6. Several Genesis tribute bands from mid 90s to mid/late '00s Do you have to be a fan of the original artist, or maybe you become one? I was already, and it definitely helps. I wouldn't join a trib that I wasn't interested in learning the parts for, or didn't enjoy listenign to. How important is it to be visually/musically identical? How much latitude are you allowed? Not massively, unless it's a big thing of the original band. As the "Rutherford" I wasn't about to grow a foot in height, grow a beard or speak in a plummy voice. Having said that, I know of other tribs who spent thousands of $$$ sourcing the original silk to line their Peter Gabriel's cloak for Watcher of the Skies, so there we go. Do you ‘get into character’ or is it just a gig? Again, no "acting" the part of Mike Rutherford for me. If anything I would maybe dress in the style which was pretty neutral stage gear. Does it feel musically limiting, or is it fulfilling your needs? (Maybe you have a side band?) I was in other bands (although one other band fired me for being in multiple others "we should be your only priority" so maybe good job there), but being in a Genesis trib was extremely helpful in making me a better musician, especially when you factor in the quirky arrangements, 12-string guitar, acoustic guitar, bass pedals etc Do you have any qualms about tributes ‘stifling original music’? Nope, but I probably wouldn't do it again as my only gig. And I don't really go and see tribute bands any more. Have you ever met or been seen by a member of the ‘originals’? What did they say? Yep, Steve Hackett came to see us at least once (in fact I met him for the first time at another tribute band's show in the mid 90s). Have also met Phil Collins, but not at a gig. What is the overriding thing being in a tribute act has taught you? There are some strange people out there, both fans and musicians. I stopped doing it mostly because "you're doing it wrong". (I wasn't) Having done it once, would you do it again? Probably not. I've still got the equipment but it's not seen the light of day for quite a while.
  7. Also, to paraphrase Ian Faith - in the topsy-turvy world of London transport, have a good solid bass guitar with you is quite often .... useful.
  8. I've had no trouble on public transport coming back from all areas of London with gig bag and occasionally another bag (eg rucksack or wheelie case) with pedals, accessories, cables etc. If I'm adding an amp to that (increasingly unlikely these days) then I'll Uber/black cab/get a lift/etc As with all big cities there are rougher areas but keep your wits about you and you'll be ok. Otherwise don't leave kit in your car overnight, and get good insurance (I use New Moon)
  9. Yeah, amazing playing. Gary Tibbs is also credited for bass on Manifesto (the album) but I can't find individual per-song credits. Any idea who played on which songs? They're both pretty handy.
  10. Also called Manifesto. That and Stranded are my favourite Roxy albums. Surprised there's nothing from Stranded on the setlist.
  11. I'm counting Phil Manzanera as a "Roxy muso"
  12. 801 Live is Phil Manzanera and Brian Eno with Lloyd Watson, Francis Monkman, Bill MacCormick, Simon Phillips. Well worth a listen if you haven't heard it
  13. Ellen Brekken from Hedwig Mollestad Trio
  14. +1 for Eva Gardner, recently back with her pals in The Mars Volta but holding it down here with Pink in this amazing version of White Rabbit
  15. Well Jeff he knows less about music than I do about football and that's saying something Brian
  16. Had a listen to new Animals this afternoon - as with most DSotM and onwards material, my main feeling is Cheer Up Rodge
  17. I don't see it - I get Paramount+ via my Sky box, but it's not obvious. Where are you seeing it? Also Channel 5 have another hour's edited version on 12.05am Thursday (ie Wednesday night). Might be the same as the MTV 90s show.
  18. Yep that was the official live stream from MTV (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOnjLuBBkhU - for comparison purposes). I've had a look on Paramount+ on my Sky box, but nothing there yet.
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