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Everything posted by hiram.k.hackenbacker

  1. That’s a shame. It makes it very difficult when there’s a whole bunch of stuff you dislike. There is quite a bit of negativity towards Oasis and although I do think Liam is a complete kn8b at times, I love the music. A very good friend of mine has met him on a couple of occasions when there was no-one around to large it up in front of and he said it was like he’d had a character transplant. One of those occasions was in front of Noel and their manager! I still wish he wouldn’t behave like we see that he can, but I really love a lot of their material irrespective of him. I once asked our (incredibly talented) guitarist ‘if you could be in any tribute band, who would it be a tribute of?’ and he said Free. That’s something we haven’t got off the ground, but I would definitely be up for that. I would have to play ‘All Right Now’ at every gig, but I could put up with that 😂. I’ve only recent;y been asked to learn ‘Teenage Kicks’, so that’s a new one to me. I say learn, there wasn’t much learning involved 😂, but I’m over 50 and it doesn’t bother me. Never done any Proclaimers, but I guess it would go down well. My only veto is - and everyone I play with knows it - is nothing associated in any shape or form with Marc Almond.
  2. I don’t think I would stay around too long in a band that insisted on playing loads of stuff I hated. Is it the bass lines you hate, the bands they come from, the whole songs?
  3. When I dep with the ska band, ‘Nite Klub’ and ‘On My Radio’ are two that I look forward to as well as all the Madness songs they do: ‘Baggy Trousers’, ‘Night Boat to Cairo’, ‘It Must Be Love’.
  4. Irrational? I’ll say. Think I would have to play my veto and find another band member 😂
  5. I used to play a lot of the Blues Brothers tunes in a previous band and one of my favourites was 'Going Back to Miami'. We did lots of the other ones too including 'Flip, Flop & Fly', but there seemed to be some resistance to doing 'She Caught The Katy' and there never was a decent explanation as to why. Great tunes.
  6. Just out of interest, what is the correct pronunciation? Is it LAKE LAND as in Lakeland Plastics, or is it LACK LAND?
  7. It’s a great bass. Kicking myself a little that I’ve never sought one out to try before. I haven’t come across any other players that I know who own one. Yours will be mustard once Mr.S flattens that heel and identifies the dodgy fret. Shouldn’t be that way, but we live in an imperfect world.
  8. I had a similar thought about the pick-up’s on my Bob Glaub. I’m thinking about buying the cream coloured Lindy Fralin P-J set. The Olympic white finish on the bass is ageing nicely and therefore I don’t think white would look quite right, but the cream J should just disappear in the body colour and the cream P should stand out surrounded by the tort plate. At $290 not including shipping and taxes, they’re not cheap though!
  9. Ooo, that's just reminded me, I have some Phish Food lurking in the back of the freezer. Laters....
  10. This is a very interesting thread. Can I ask what maybe a daft question? Are the strings in the OP’s photo’s all under tension. I’m presuming so as gaps in the windings in photo’s 2 & 4 are quite significant/more than I thought they would be for flats. Gonna have to get one of those magnifiers. Didn’t even know they existed.
  11. ....but you are starting to sound like the definition of your username. Chill out man.
  12. That would be this one.... I should add that I was a keys student in my early teens and my tutor had (what turned out to be) my first bass hanging in his wall. I was sufficiently distracted by it to get him to teach me this tune on it....the rest, as they say, it history 😂. I still have the bass.
  13. Nah. Never seen the point. Anyone who has their cable coming out of the bass and going straight to the floor (if not wireless) deserves anything they get.
  14. Yes, deffo regarding price, but I do wonder whether the colour of the BD just looks lighter because of the flash?
  15. I have to say, the one shown at Bass Direct does look more appealing as the fretboard appears to be much lighter in colour. The one on page 1 of this thread looks a lot darker and makes it look like the black dots are fighting to be seen. I quite like the Bass Direct one, but it might look different in person of course. https://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/MM_SR4HH_BFR_Pink_Champagne_Sparkle.html
  16. Their web site has changed and there are reduced options now. When the Sparkly Night finish was announced, I spoke with Strings & Things (their UK distributor) and managed to confirm an HS configured Stingray with a matching headstock and an SLO neck. It’s a seriously nice looking/sounding bass and plays beautifully. Obviously that wasn’t a BFR, but even now, I don’t think you could order an SLO on a limited run for the reasons already stated by @drTStingray.
  17. Not that he’s in this picture, but if I got that gig, having a pink sparkly bass would be the least of my worries. Jamareo Artis is a seriously funky player - IMHO.
  18. Anything particular that floats your boat so to speak. I could justify that Dargie Delight if I sold one of my current ones 😂
  19. Sounds fun. I’m a sucker for a Bond theme. I look forward to hearing it.
  20. The ones that are really in trouble are the venues that have no option for outside performances and there is nothing we can do to help them. A venue that we play regularly has a 3/400 cap, with restrictions in place for social distancing, the cap would be so reduced they couldn’t afford to open the doors in the first place. Hard to feel that sorry for the proverbial Dog & Duck with a stage in the beer garden and expecting a band for nothing. Don’t buy that sorry.
  21. Respect to those who would, but not for me and I'm fairly sure neither of my bands would either. The purpose of being asked to play in these circumstances would surely be to increase the takings at the venue, presumably to a level where they not only cover their costs, but make some money out of it - but none goes to the band? Given that pubs can open (within restrictive guidelines) and the only way most bands can play at a pub is if the venue has the facility for outside performance, I find the 'for free' thing a little difficult to comprehend at the moment.
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