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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Well it's been a while, but I had an email today to say she should be back by Christmas. Finish is on and dry, and the fine polishing starts next week
  2. I survived my last one with that particular band all the while trying to talk the dep drummer through the set and endings - easy as he's a pro & really good and tight, though the second set got looser & looser as it progressed as many songs just stopped by falling apart (the main reason I've finally had enough and knocked it on the head to become another member of the huge "survivors" group ). How does one try to explain the odd endings (that really shouldn't be) all the while trying to do the odd backing vocal and keep it together...car wreck disintegration it'll be then. Used the SmoothHound radio for the first time, having decided to get back on the radio bandwagon after selling all my kit last year having not used it for a while. Now it was a small venue and I never got more that 10 feet away from the receiver, but all good and solid and sounded fine. Next up replacement IEM's So that's the last gig where I get to do a couple of lead vocals unless I happen to be asked to dep...and actually give in and say yes. Rather bizarrely I was told the I had been accused of ruining the pool table at the previous weeks venue by putting some superglue substance on it - apparently he'd been through the CCTV and reckoned it was me did something. Utter BS of course as all I have is cases full of bits of wood and wire, not a drop of liquid of any sort in there. Ah well. Shame though as I was going to go in and try to get a gig there for my main band. Looks like I'll have to send one of the others in...so no gig there then as no other bugger seems to do much to chase up gigs
  3. Happy days. We're supposed to be recording a new album across the continents this year, though it's hard work herding the cats to get it all together. In the meantime a load of old live videos are being dripped out on a weekly basis. Can't remember what amp I had at the time. I have a sneaking suspicion that it was a Peavey Megabass biamped into a Peavey 1516 cab (2x8 +15). All things considered for a video from 26 years ago and the sound rescued as best as possible it doesn't sound too bad. We had some bloody good fun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl4ys-zeYkI
  4. I have a lined G&L L2500 fretless. Still can't always intonate properly in the heat of battle but it's fun to have around
  5. I'm tempting fate, but we do covers and have had a YT channel for a few years now with an assortment of covers (funnily enough) and to date have not had a copyright hit, perhaps we've just been lucky or selected songs from bands on labels or with lawyers less like Mr Rickenbacker at hurling Cease & Desist warnings at the slightest sniff of a potential infringement. Even got a "[color=#000000][font=Roboto, arial, sans-serif]great job.. Rock on[/font][/color]" comment from one of the lesser known bands covered in the comments section If I upload them I always refer back to the original artist. Whether that helps or not I have no idea ... and you know that the next thing I'll find is we've had a hit next week
  6. All of mine are similar in terms of what they cost : replace as new and they're all insured for current list (for the L2500's) and best estimate on recent sales for the Wal that I suppose could be replaced now Paul is building again but to me is virtually irreplaceable. I suppose there is a reasonable trail of sales for the Wal that I could/should be able to rely on as back up along with decent photo's that I have. Had to claim on damage to one of the L2500's recently (see elsewhere) and while the claim form asked for what I paid and the insured value was I had no problems with the company on supplying photos of the damage & a quote to strip & refinish - all approved within a week. Perhaps not the same as replace as new if one were stolen, but it was reassuring all the same
  7. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1477307675' post='3161207'] hi specto, Wal-elitism (Walism)..... welllll, i did not want to say so .... but yea, i like to think so Joking aside, i use my G&L more than my wal now, been using mine for 30 years and the poor thing has done it all without a single moan, when i say done it all, to put that into perspective, its on its 3rd wal case, its done ALOT, so now its sort of retired, I did have a problem replacing it, the only thing i found ( and i have alot of basses to choose from) is a G&L L2000 the heavy older ones. (But esp the E series with mk 1 pre amp) has not got the tone scope of the wal but has the power and feels right[/quote] Funny that as that's pretty much where I'm at as well Love my Wal as it is a joy, so easy to play and sits so well in a mix. She's semi retired now after 35 years of hard graft with me for the L2500's, but still comes out to play for the occasional prog gig and rather more regular & laid back originals band. It'll be the last bass to leave me. My youngest son, who is a pretty good guitarist (fr more technically proficient than me) started noodling on bass and borrowed a couple of old passive basses from me when he was teaching himself. I came home after a holiday and he admitted to having sneaked a go on my Wal while I was away. His comment was "now I see what all the fuss is about". That said I will happily admit to having tried a couple out at the Bass Centre in Wapping before I got mine in around 82, and really did not get on with them. Then I got mine and fell in love. Nearly fell for a Geddy Lee 4 a month back that similarly was a joy to play, sounded great and completely blew away the other bass I tried in the shop that day (an M series G&L Tribute that stood no chance)
  8. From the entirely opposite direction I saw GUN at the Wedgewood Rooms last night and they had at most one small combo on stage. Bass player had a Sansamp & tuner in a rack and one guitarist had just a Kemper sat on top of a flightcase and no cabin sight, so really it was just the kit coming off stage and everything else through FOH. Stood near the front in the middle it was a little unusual. Great gig though
  9. [quote name='el borracho' timestamp='1476909195' post='3158461'] The Tubes in Gateshead tomorrow for me. [/quote] Brilliant show both nights for me. Think they may have run out of merch unless they've sorted a resupply though. Sunday they only seemed to have XL t's.and DVD's Roger Steen's using a Kemper, which sounded great and Rick Anderson's got a Markbass rig that was also sounding immense The favourites, the costume changes, some songs I've not heard before and a funky James Brown medley. I love this band (can you tell) and they were a huge influence on me & my band mates in a different incarnation back in the day. Spent the whole of Saturday night turning to my vocalist and saying in unison "this'd be a good one for us to do". We spent a while 'educating' the masses by covering WPOD a few years back, which was always fun Interesting to watch Rick and his almost minimal style at times that really locks in tight as with Prairie Prince.
  10. GUN @ The Wedgewood Rooms tomorrow night. It's been a busy week for gigs for me with Saturday & Sunday gigging in two different bands as well
  11. Of course I found the page, but can't work out which vol pot it needs, or how to remove them from the body (do the vol & pan knobs just pull off?)
  12. I've got a Superbass 100 that I believe dates to 68/69. Still going strong after a bit of a rebuild about 10 or 12 years ago because it hadn't been used for a while and (I believe) the capacitors had dried out - well that's what the repair guy said. Just seen what they go for sadly mine is hardly pristine because when I bought it for SFA 40 years ago it got used & hurled around the van unflightcased, but it still sounds HUGE! It might go a way towards funding a Wal 5 I've seen nearby though
  13. Well, after The Tubes last night in Brighton (bloody marvellous as ever) it was to be Gun in the Wedgewood Rooms, on Thursday, BUT had a message from my guitarist this morning while I was rehearsing with another band to say he has the lurgy and can't make the gig tonight so I have his ticket for The Tubes in The Brook tonight instead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMveLJ489XA
  14. WalMan


    This is the first track released of an originals band I am in. Very different from the other stuff I do, but I like it. The track is G&L US L2500 fretless top & tail and Wal in the middle soloy type section [url="https://soundcloud.com/vaughan-watson/kickin-up-dust"]https://soundcloud.c.../kickin-up-dust[/url] It's been through some iterations of mixes with a couple recenlty where the bass had almost disappeared, but it's back now
  15. Easiest question ever to answer...PB1680
  16. Depends which band I'm playing with: the classic rock band, the prog rock band or the laid back originals band. Normally manage not to mix them up
  17. It rather depends who/what I'm playing with at the time, but generally something enjoyable and something I'm happy to be doing
  18. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1476393170' post='3153997'] If the pot is on a PCB (printed circuit board) then you may well need a solder sucker to remove the old solder and to remove the pot. After that the new pot should slot straight in and you then simply re-solder all the legs. We don't know what your soldering skills are like, but it shouldn't be too hard. [/quote] My soldering skills are abysmal I shall probably take it over to someone who can [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1476395036' post='3154027'] Have you tried cleaning the pots yet, or do you think they are beyond redemption? [/quote] Well they've been doused in switch-cleaner which helped a little
  19. Yup. I've been paying the premiums long enough & that's what their for. And as you say right under my forearm
  20. Yes. Found the bits, just not sure if it's something I can manage or if it's feasible as the stacked pot looks like it might be part of the board
  21. A couple of weeks back (on the evening of the SE Bass Bash) I managed to ding my fretted L2500 at the end of the evening. Put it down carefully in a quiet area of the venue, away from the pissed nutters, and turned round to get the case to put it away. Next thing I hear is a sickening thud, crash, twang and it had fallen on the stone floor and taken a chunk out of the top of the bass. Luckily it's insured on the MU scheme and an email with photos sent on Sunday was responded to first thing Monday with a claim form to be returned with a quote for approval. Wifey took the bass over to the Eternal Guitars on Tuesday, Had the quote emailed back Wednesday evening after a quick exchange re options. Emailed both claim and estimate to the broker Thursday and had the approval to go ahead Friday. Because it has a translucent top the options were:[list] [*]fill and colour match, but the repair will show; or [*]completely strip the top and refinish to her former glory. [/list] Funnily enough as I am not one for relicing I went for the latter, which was what the estimate was for, and looking back about half what I paid for the bass on here years ago, even if the insurance replacement value was more based on the price of a US L2500. I suspect some will say "what are you worrying about it was a small(ish) knock and is just part of the life of a bass". Perhaps I am more OCD than I think I am, but while a minor knock I can probably live with this was a bit more. So photos of the damage: #2 son was over with one of his guitars at Eternal's a couple of days ago and saw my baby, dare I say stripped, on the work bench so took a photo for me So it's on its way back to full good health, but there's still a few weeks yet to allow the job to be finished, lacquer to fully dry etc. Also gives me a chance to properly date it from the stamps in the neck pocket. More to follow as things progress
  22. Picked up an old S1 from Barneyg42 a week or so back to use while my L2500 is repaired (don't ask! I may post a separate thread). The S1 is light and really easy to play so I'm thinking of keeping it as a cheap backup fretted 5 string, and for any gigs at pubs that are even more divey than usual. But it needs some work on the electrics to change all the pots. Looking at the Status site and parts catalogue it looks like it has the TB5 (stack) tone circuit, and you can buy the stacked pot separately. The question is...has anyone just changed the pot and how easy a job is/was it to do (refix to the board) if you have?
  23. Check the local Crack Converters if you haven't already
  24. WalMan


    [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1475842856' post='3149153'] Listened to the whole of 'Milliontown' for the first time earlier. OH. MY. GOD. How is it that I have never heard this masterpiece album before? Now hooked. [/quote]My favourite album of theirs. Bought the remastered FLAC version a while back and heard all sorts of bits I'd missed I also love this as a band intro - https://frost.bandcamp.com/album/the-philadelphia-experiment
  25. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1475733804' post='3148254'] Sold my old Status a few days afterwards and won a case of old leads!!! [/quote]OOPS It became a short term necessity after the gig that evening
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