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Fat Rich

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Everything posted by Fat Rich

  1. How about "McVicar Most Wanted"?
  2. I work from home, having music gear to hand (especially drums) really helps me to relax when things get really stressful. 10 minutes playing is usually enough to calm down and come up with a solution to any work problem. If your boss allows it, I'd definitely recommend having a bass to hand at work. (assuming you're not a aeroplane pilot, bus driver, brain surgeon etc.)
  3. How about a shop in Warwick that sells leads?
  4. [quote name='Doddy' post='963440' date='Sep 21 2010, 03:55 PM']Well....as Fender own the name 'Jazz Bass' I'd say that they are a 'proper' Jazz Bass. Everything else is either a copy or an evolution.[/quote] Yup, but pre CBS. All the others are just rip offs. :snob: (Ducks for cover, grabs coat, gets out the back and runs away )
  5. Pretty sure you're going to need a battery, I'm surprised you're getting any signal out of it all. My Jap Jazzes had EMGs installed when I got them, seemed to be a popular "upgrade" in the 80s and early 90s. I think the feeling now is that they sound a bit sterile and the original pickups have more of that Fender sound. If you swap to different pickups you may need to change the pots for volume and tone at the same time, I think the active pickups used different values from passive. I'll be interested in what everyone else thinks as I'm considering changing mine to stock Fender items but I don't which are best.
  6. [quote name='dmz' post='962797' date='Sep 20 2010, 10:07 PM'].......... However - I am intrigued as to what an alder bodied black beauty or graphite capped alder (graphite) might sound like - does the alder body make much difference over more typical walnut ? .........[/quote] I'm not familiar with the Kingbass, I prefer S2 Classics but I have an Alder / Graphite shell S2 Classic on order and I've been told by Rob that it'll have a little more top end bite than the standard mahogany + facing bodied S2s. There are Status players who seem to prefer walnut tone blocks on their basses, I assume they've tried different configurations back to back and come to that conclusion. I think Rob's view generally seems to be that the graphite neck and the electronics are responsible for most of the tone, with the toneblock + body secondary, but I'd say drop him an email and he'll probably answer any questions you've got when he gets time.
  7. Graphite necks (Alembic I think), headless basses (Steinberger?) and Hipshot D tuners. I prefer headed basses but headless was definitely an innovation. Kubicki probably deserve a mention for their laminated necks and unusual low D arrangement.
  8. Set a click going and play it really slow, and then even slower? Not familiar with the tune but try going right down to 50 bpm and see if you can nail it at every tempo in between 50 to whatever the song is at.
  9. [quote name='molan' post='960840' date='Sep 18 2010, 11:31 PM']I really liked Queen Emily, great to see a, mostly, older white band laying down a great funky groove. Really nice tone from the Kubicki / Ampeg set up too [/quote] She was the only act I watched right through - fast forwarded through most of the others after a minute or two apart from Herb. Thought she sang well but something was missing that made the band sound like an average covers band, not helped by the hi hats being lost in the mix (or maybe my hearing has finally given up). Not sure what the Klaxons were doing, didn't sound like they were in the same band half the time let alone playing the same tune.
  10. [quote name='iamthewalrus' post='905222' date='Jul 25 2010, 09:08 PM']Just an update on Bilbo's reply to my original post. I've been working on my reading from an old bass book my first bass teacher gave me 25 years ago called "The Complete Electric Bassist" (which I think is long out of print). Although I'm progressing slowly (playing all the exercises at 50bpm on the metronome), it's all starting to come together. The plus side with the book is that there's no TAB, so it does actually make you read & work on your fingering (which is all 1-2-4 in the lower positions). Am looking forward to continuing the journey & be able to play this stuff fluently.[/quote] [quote name='stevie' post='905623' date='Jul 26 2010, 11:46 AM']The Complete Electric Bassist is by far the best book published to help you learn to read for the bass guitar, IMO. Only available secondhand now, it leaves others in the dust. It's such a shame they didn't publish volume 2. For a bit of variety, dig into the Major's Boot Camp here in the Theory and Technique section. The Major covers a lot of the same material but in a more modern way.[/quote] Bought this book based on the comments here and it's really good. No tricks, no shortcuts but a thorough progressive approach to learning to read music. Many thanks for the recommendation!
  11. [quote name='chris_b' post='960257' date='Sep 18 2010, 11:18 AM']It's a bit like driving your Ferrari to Tesco for the weekly shop, but I guess there are people who like to do that![/quote] Saves time and money cooking the food when you get home? [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/11071047"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/11071047[/url]
  12. [quote name='funkygreega' post='958470' date='Sep 16 2010, 04:03 PM']Hie everyone, I would like to find out if there are any SWR dealers in the United Kingdom or mainland Europe. Thanks in advance, funky[/quote] Could only find this on Google [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/SWR_MM2.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...ts/SWR_MM2.html[/url] Otherwise it looks like it's US and Canada dealers only.
  13. I play the B string pretty sparingly so my thumb is usually sitting on the E muting the B and the E. When I'm playing a lot on the D, G and C strings I hop my thumb to the A string, if I'm just playing a couple of notes up there I'll keep my thumb on the E and lay my little finger on the A string. I'm going to work on the floating thumb though because that looks the most efficient way. I've been learning slap style and fretting hand muting has become very important so I'm starting to play flatter on the fingerboard generally, but on faster passages that doesn't always work.
  14. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='958066' date='Sep 16 2010, 10:02 AM']Am I the only one who keeps reading this thread title as 'On stage, at the moment...are you?' [/quote] That's when you know your Basschat addiction has gone too far!
  15. Something about the finish of the body says home made, but the neck looks like it's come out of a factory. Looks like if could be quite a good bass though, especially for £80.
  16. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='951799' date='Sep 10 2010, 01:35 PM']Ugh. To me, this looks like a double-neck with a 6-string and a 6-string. The bridges are clearly different, and the fboards are made from different woods, but other than that, I can't see what distinguishes the two halves. They both appear to be fretted. Anyone know? S.P.[/quote] The difference between the necks is that one neck is too high up to play comfortably, the other one is too low to reach properly.
  17. [quote name='Musicman20' post='951704' date='Sep 10 2010, 12:07 PM']I was waiting for someone to mention these two! Personally, when I first saw the Bongo pictures when it was released, I thought 'what is going on?!'. Now, Ive warmed to it. Purely because its very well designed. The Big Al....well Im weird because I instantly took a liking to it, and thats weird for a tradtionalist like me.[/quote] I absolutely hate the Big Al in sunburst finish, but in a metallic solid colour I really like it.... odd I've decided I don't like Ritters either. In fact there seem to be quite a lot of ugly basses coming out of Germany at the moment, who puts a lion on their bass?
  18. I could never sight read but could get through most written basslines eventually although after 12 years of not playing I seem to have forgotten it all. I've just started ignoring the tab in books and reading the notation and I'm immediately finding that some of the tab is wrong....
  19. A bit too busy for my ears, if he started a bit simpler and built up to it towards the end of the song I would have liked it more. Clearly a good player otherwise though.
  20. Never liked the shape of Pedulla MVP / Buzz basses, looks like the horns could snap off. Probably a great sounding bass though but the one I tried had a neck like a base ball bat. Not a big fan of singlecuts, LEDs, f holes or ramps, but each to his own I guess. Didn't used to like headless basses but I'm sort of getting used to them. Edit: Great minds think alike! Although looking at the website most of their basses look OK, it's just the Buzz
  21. Bloomin couriers! Hope you find another EUB and OldSlapper gets his insurance payout.
  22. I think I'd be asking for a full refund after 6 weeks, pretty disappointing service.
  23. It becomes more important on 5 or 6 string basses and needs more thought to keep everything under control. Also playing slap style requires much more muting on your fretting hand as your thumbing hand is pretty much off the bass most of the time. Possibly also true for pick playing too but you can use the palm of your picking hand to mute too.
  24. [quote name='cheddatom' post='950353' date='Sep 9 2010, 10:23 AM']I cover mine in superglue. Seems fine[/quote] Stick to what you know, I always say.
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