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Everything posted by lozbass

  1. Extremely high for me with every bass - I tend to play in a seated position mainly, and kind of slump/slouch over the bass. This makes the bass sit very high on my chest, just below the chin really, with the back section of the body pushed well under my arm. So, when I stand, the bass has to be very high to replicate the position. I just find it much easier to reach the whole of the neck with the bass very high and wrist rotation is much reduced at the bottom end. I did spend many years (mid to late '70s) playing rock with the bass hung very low - it was never comfortable but I was able to tolerate the difficulty then.
  2. This is an incredible bargain, I too wouldn't sell mine for this price - without doubt the best amp I've ever had (and I've had a lot!) I'd be straight on to this if I was going stereo
  3. "Are you homophobic? Cos i aint." I'm pleased to hear this. In answer to the question, I don't think so and hope not. However, it's probably for others to judge.
  4. Maybe I'm not the only one uncomfortable with aspects of this thread
  5. [quote name='ARGH' date='Nov 5 2008, 07:35 PM' post='322908'] Nothing is ever a problem for Jim... It was when I called him.
  6. The Original is not my favourite shape but that is just gorgeous (and I don't have a problem with the headstock shape) - congratulations. The headless six is jaw-dropping!
  7. Playability, tone, quality, price, re-sale value Good luck!
  8. 'Don't want to hijack the thread but I love the Ripper in the avatar - much underrated (and a lovely complement to the Fodera if it's destined for you!)
  9. Beautiful bass at a ridiculously low price - I can thoroughly recommend Chris as a great guy to deal with! Good luck with the sale - why is this still here?!
  10. Achingly beautiful sound (fretless) and some lovely, unpretentious playing - good luck (I'm a bit of a francophile but I'll stick with anglo-yankee basses for now)
  11. 'Not quite sure I'm following all of this, however, Chris - yes, I am (at least 'as bad' - still got the Mustang though - lovely!)
  12. It's a solid state I'm pretty sure, however, if it's in good condition it'll be pretty lovely!
  13. Wow - never my favourite finish but they look fantastic together. Really impressive! Any reason why the Jazzers have a yellowish tint to the finish (smokey clubs, camera, timber etc.)?
  14. I've just bought some Newtone roundwounds - they're the Platinum series and appear to have a very fine and comfortable wrap (they're built to reduce squeal in recording situations but I'd suspect they'd suit your requirements) - excellent company too with great customer service and custom capability
  15. For very dirty boards, I've used very fine guage wire wool (followed by oil) and can report good results
  16. Hi all, thanks for the inputs - I'll post again with a more detailed review when I've had a chance to have the strings fitted (and I've had a few days to play them in).
  17. [quote name='edstraker123' post='321690' date='Nov 4 2008, 12:13 PM']Pris, Is the restaurant going to be open all day - it was a bit a bit of a shame that it closed so soon after the start last year as there wasn't a great selection of grub in the cafe ? Also is there going to be a printed programme this year as that was also a bit of a pain not knowing what was happening and when without looking at the main notice board. Only minnor niggles though - it was a fantastic day last year, really enjoyable and would thoroughly recommend it to anyone and it is good value for money.Shame Bond aren't on again, I found them the most enyjoyable not being a fan of jazz widdling myself. regards, Ed.[/quote] There are great options for food just around the corner from the venue - an excellent and cheap noodle bar on Oxford Road (just before the Flea and Firkin pub). If you can drive up to Rusholme (5 minutes up Oxford Road travelling out of the city centre - less than a 20 minute walk), you'll find some of the UK's finest Asian restaurants - the Punjab Tandoori on the left is fantastic and has an excellent range of strictly vegetarian food alongside meat dishes. If you can make it into the city centre, the Chinatown district is massive (around George Street) and offers fantastic lunches at giveaway prices. I can't believe what I've done - I'm attending a party in London at the weekend and will miss Bass Day (and a curry).
  18. [quote name='jacko' post='323579' date='Nov 6 2008, 05:26 PM']Is there any nearby disabled parking?[/quote] Sorry - can't find the map, but this link (and the phone numbers) may be useful: [url="http://www.manchester.gov.uk/site/scripts/services_info.php?serviceID=1586"]http://www.manchester.gov.uk/site/scripts/...?serviceID=1586[/url]
  19. "the previous own had mine sprayed Shoreline Gold" Ah, the one from e-bay with the Sadowsky circuit - absolutely gorgeous! I bought the same seller's '75/'76 original Jazz Bass a few years ago - he's a great guy with excellent taste and a penchant for lovely Jazzers! I've a feeling he's on here with us at BC.
  20. Could the sound city cab (and unidentified amp) be for the keyboard? Then the other amp in the picture - HH (possibly VS Bassamp) would be for bass? I used a HH VS throughout the late '70s and into the mid '80s, a very fine piece of gear indeed that lreally made my Ripper growl.
  21. Absolutely beautiful - a testament to your patience and exquisite taste. This must ensure that you're among the most envied members of Basschat!
  22. The silking on my recent sets is beautifully executed (and I could choose the colour!) As indicated above, I needed silking at the ball end and above and beyond the taper. I don't think that I payed much more for the silking - probably a few pence. In fact, for the (apparent) quality, the strings weren't really expensive at all. I'd had a real struggle with lengths and guages (my bass is really quite unusual) but Newtone was able to work to a very detailed spec and fulfil everything without any hassle - a real breath of fresh air. (I hope you got the address problem resolved!)
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