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Nice looking IMHO but overpriced Wishbass

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I think this looks very nice, but US$700? Come on....


It also says that it looks just the same as when it was purchased. With a Wishbass, I'm not sure that's a sales point.

Edited by Annoying Twit
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They're very idiosyncratic: the necks don't have truss rods, so they're very chunky, and they ship in a kind of half-finished way - not in a playing/setup sense, but the finishes are kinda rough, and they have an artisan feel to them. Having said that, the one I had was the most organic, responsive fretless I've played: it positively sang. They're nothing like a factory product, but then (other than this one) they're not in that cost ballpark. I'd still have mine if I wasn't such a hamfisted fretless player, and if I ever really wanted to go down the fretless route again, I'd look for another.

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They sound great but tend to be uncomfortable to wear, have poor/non-existent finishing and are hard to tune properly. Electric components are quite cheap and there's no tone control which is quite limiting. But I suppose that makes them sound like they do.

I had a 6-string Single-cut Peanut (number 368) for a while and loved the tone but was never happy with how it looked. For a long time I didn't even have it strung because I was desperate to make it look presentable by waxing it over and over again.

Eventually looked alright but just didn't need it anymore. I sometimes wish I'd kept it because it did sound pretty good.

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