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[quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='242690' date='Jul 18 2008, 01:37 PM']I've only got 2 now![/quote]
And when I get enough money to prise the blue one off you you'll only have one :huh:

EDIT: or was it the red one I liked (the one you've jsut sold?!)? :)

Edited by Merton
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Count me in.
Had it for about 11 years.
Marvelous instrument.
I've played several;
Mine, Luke's Passion S3 V, Ped's Passion S2 IV string and the good Doctor's Arpege S2 IV


An S3 Arpege IV, a fretless Passion S3 IV and another Passion S3 V

All were excellent instruments. All a bit eccentric, but excellent nonetheless.
The Maple "Customs" seem to sound a bit deeper than the Alder "Standards", which are a bit growlier...
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I have had two Vigiers for some time now (had three for a few months and eventually sold it to Lukeward2000 to share the love)

Nothing sounds like them to me. They have everything I crave - stability, cutting clarity, beef, a real 'weight' behind the sound, light weight, beautifully shaped and extremely comfortable to play.

As I am sure you are sick of seeing mine by now, I have attached some pics of various Vigiers I have come across on my web travels. The first two are mine....

A Passion S2 (with Marleaux electronics and Roland Vbass pickup) and a Passion S3 Fretless (With U-retro Deluxe pre)

A couple of Nick's #1, a S2 Arpege

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A cool flip painted Passion S2

Red Passion

Early white Passion

Nice silver Passion

Tasty blue... you guessed it... Passion

A fretless (conversion) Arpege

Some geezer with a fetching purple S3

Nice shot of a blueburst S3 Passion

A very early Passion S1

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That Blueburst Passion S3 V is exactly like the second fiver I played (Serial #191 for the Anoraks!)
The fretless Passion S3 IV was #1144.

I like low-volume production instruments. You can keep track much more easily than the truly mass-produced instruments...!

[i]Edit- I've seen that purple flamed Passion before, too. 'Twas a custom order for a lady in America IIRC...[/i]

Edited by Lfalex v1.1
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Kev, there are two red Passion Series 3 basses on ebay at the moment as it happens - both in Europe though but quite unusual. One has a BIN of about £1k and the other is open to bidding...


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Also just a bit of clarification for those who are not familiar with the models:

Series 1 - wooden neck-thru with brass laminate under the fingerboard
Series 2 - all graphite weave neck-thru
Series 3 - two very dense (75% carbon) rods through neck and 90% maple mix
Series 4 - as series 3 but with bolt on joint

Word. Truly some of the most innovative, different, French and sexy instruments out there!

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that £900 odd BIN one is stunning, simply stunning

man this is bad GAS!! i think the fact that its got 4 strings and not 5 is gunna save me from doing something my girlfriend would kill me for!

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People in Spain and France seem only to want to post to Spain and France for some reason

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oooh.. mine is 733.. a 1988.. yours was made on 20/11/89.

Now get some pics up my son

P.s Kev I would be surprised if that Spanish bloke gets any bids with such a lame advert (description/pics/willingness to post)

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