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Everything posted by OliverBlackman

  1. I would say the general rule when unsure is sell for 65-75% of what you paid for it if its in mint condition and you don't mind waiting a while for it to sell. Basses under 65% of their original value tend to sell quicker
  2. Warwick hard case for all basses (although 35" is a tight fit). Coolest looking case ever but i can't afford to keep it! Looking for £40, postage costs on enquiry [attachment=106767:jackson bass 1 7.jpg] [attachment=106768:jackson bass 1 8.jpg] [attachment=106769:jackson bass 1 9.jpg] [attachment=106770:jackson bass 1 10.jpg]
  3. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1335912671' post='1638109'] Yes Guitar Guitar in Epsom is a good place for bass and they stock Aguilar too. [/quote] disagree. Rude and uninterested staff, i was not happy since i had travelled to visit the store in the hope to have a decent play on sadowsky basses. However, the staff who said they worked there on bass day were nice. So maybe its hit and miss on what day you go. Also in terms of stock, not meaning to sound like a snob, but its pretty much the same mid-range stuff you get at dawsons, PMT and so on. Bass direct and Bass gear are leaps ahead IMO
  4. [b][u]Tokai jazz sound[/u][/b] Mid 80's, gorgeous to look at (O.W. with tort guard). It has loverly hot pickups, low action and i like the lacquered neck. At £350 it represents great value for money. It needs a new pot and the bridge is kinda crap. Also it lacks a bit in low mids so when i can afford a nice new 4 string jazz this will unfortunately be going. [u][b]Warwick Thumb NT 5 Fretless[/b][/u] Best sounding fretless i've ever played. Really dark and wooden. Perfect for jazz. Also it has 5 strings, 26 "frets". Quite weighty, lots of neck dive and the jack input barrel needed replacing. Also its my most valuable bass so when i need the moneys i will have to sell it first [b][u]Overwater Jazz 5[/u][/b] My working man bass. I use this for almost everything as it fits every genre perfectly and has the nicest mids! Also the B is pretty good. [b][u]Fender precision (MIM)[/u][/b] strung with flats and OMG. It was my first fender and yes theres dodgy paint finishing in places and the neck pocket isn't perfect but with the linty fralin pickups its so old school! It just has that home factor about it, and puts a massive smile on my face.
  5. 1. You don't need an estate, i've got the skoda fabia hatchback and DB with full rig (2x 1x12) fits fine with another person in. 2. i went with ensleigh, who have a scheme where after 6 months of no claim they give you a years no claim bonus. So after 6 months its cheaper. I paid £900 for the first 6 months and it shouldn't be more than £500 for the next 6 months. Admiral had me down for £2800, I'm 21.
  6. this is one of dirty loops greatest hits [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=0LXQYAphr0M"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=0LXQYAphr0M[/url]
  7. its got some great moments although the bass solo doesn't do a lot for me. Not saying its not good but i wasn't particularly overwhelmed by it. The stabs and some of the keys playing is amazing! The guys got a great voice too, i think they've been hyped so much people expect the impossible from them.
  8. its 60's spacing. I've lowered the neck pickup as low as it will go and i can't raise the bridge pickup anymore. Its still an issue. Amp wise I'm going through the fx return so i've bypassed the pre-amp. I think i might take it to the gallery to see if they can re-wind the bridge pickup.
  9. same issue, it'd be like £50 and 2hour trip a go. There must be someone wanting to do this
  10. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1334835086' post='1622026'] Jam nights are all round the best way IMO, if you're in an area that has some. [/quote] trouble is with jam nights is you either have to by chance know the songs being played or have a really good ear and knowledge of harmony to be able to pick up whats being played. I was at a jam night last year and the cock didn't tell me the key, i spent once round the form working out what key it was in and then the progression and must have looked a right tit
  11. The neck pickups not got much room for adjustment as my actions low as well. The difference in volume on mine is beyond pickup height though. For example if i have the bridge pickup on full, i have to have the neck pickup on 70% for it to become an acceptable volume. This is just for bedroom playing as well. Starting to think from responses on here that its just a fault with my bass.
  12. thanks for the responses guys. I've got the pickups so the bridge is a little higher than the neck already but i don't want to move the neck pickup as i really like the tone's i can get out of it. I appreciate that the bridge pickup is going to have smaller vibrations over it but i would like to be able to make the frequencies picked up by the bridge pickup more audible. Is not not the way the pickups have been wired then? I thought that the tighter the wound the higher the output, and maybe my bridge pickup was wound to be weak on purpose.
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1334829380' post='1621864'] You should be able to adjust your pickups as each should have its own volume control. [/quote] yh i know that lol, i'm on about when the controls are on 100% theres a huge difference in volume between the neck on full with no bridge and the bridge on full with no neck
  14. can you please check something for me. I noticed my tokai has a much higher output on the neck pickup than the bridge and i think this could be responsible for it lacking a bit in the low mids. I was wondering if people could check theres out and comment on what the difference in output is like. If you could also specify what model you have as it would be interesting to see if theres a purposeful difference in and place of manufacture. cheers, Ollie
  15. we need to know what it is. It could either be the recent red one, which retailed at £1800. Or is it one made in 1996 where its just got a thing on the back of the headstock that says "50th anniversary". If its the latter then its not worth anymore than £600 because there were thousands made and £5-600 is the going rate for s/h american fenders.
  16. if you always play with people better than you you will get more out of it. If your timings not great, playing live in a band will make it better. If your ears aren't great, playing live in a band will make them better. If you lack confidence, playing live in a band will make it better. ect. Aslong as you enjoy it and have a laugh with other people in the band you'll be fine in most bands.
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  18. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1334698008' post='1620067'] Parallel to this, although I've slimmed down my own gear to a combo and a stand, the PA has grown, and the lighting, and I've picked up my share of that. So by the time we start playing I'm ready for a lie down. It has to be a really really good gig for me to get much of a buzz out of it. Add to that a total absence of GAS. I still look, but nothing stirs any interest. Maybe I'm just too old for all this. Is approaching 60 time to switch to jazz? [/quote] switch to jazz as soon as you can but yeh, keeping a band afloat is an awful lot of effort.
  19. as expected, this is terrible. I haven't enjoyed any of the acts
  20. jools holland is back tonight.... with paul weller. Im hoping for a bit of a better series than the last one, metallica & lou reed? It can only get better, surely?
  21. will try taking some decent pictures tomorrow bump
  22. Congrats again, and a great performance. Was the bass your first instrument?
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