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Everything posted by EBS_freak

  1. bass_ferret has recently taken delivery of a new white Spitfire and its well worthy of inclusion in this thread - "Broken white" with snakeskin plate. Bound neck... matching headstock. Mmm. Lovely.
  2. [quote name='Chris Horton' post='1221549' date='May 5 2011, 08:55 PM']That BBNE2 bass looks sweeeeeeeeet I have gas for these instruments. I play a TRB 5 PII & TRB 6 II, how would you compare the sound between these bass guitars ? Chris[/quote] I have only played the TRB5 - on two gigs. Have to say, nice bass but the Nathan East did it for me more than the TRB. That may be down to be being more familiar with it but it just felt nicer and the preamp just felt a little smoother sounding than the TRB. Both great instruments but they are like chalk and cheese - completely different. The BBNE2's single coils are sweet and with the preamp, it has a great range of sounds in it.
  3. [quote][b]Yamaha BB5000, fretless [/b] [/quote] Love solid colour through necks - the transition from neck to body always looks the business.
  4. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1220702' date='May 5 2011, 10:08 AM']It looks like the answer to "What are really unfashionable at the moment?" is...... Status players Thanks guys! [/quote] Do you get a free pair of slippers with every Status?
  5. Have to say, I didn't enjoy my experience with the Nordstrands - they are very mid humped with harsh treble and are very, very noisy - even on a bass which was shielded to the max. My favourite J pickup - especially when run passive, were the Bare Knuckle pickups. Despite what the bandwagoners on here say, I find Bartolinis very pleasing (and not all dark and muddy) when used with an active circuit... not so much my thing when they are run passive.
  6. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1219588' date='May 4 2011, 10:17 AM']It'll be interesting to see if Chris Wotsisname from Muse will make Status fashionable again..... I hope not [/quote] Interesting - Status seem to suffer from a bit of a typecast thing, not that Status should be complaining, Kingy has kept their order books full for years. Chris Wolstenholme is an interesting case - there's not many bass hero types that can sell basses. Is he one of them? Maybe, maybe not. Only time will tell!
  7. [quote name='fryer' post='1217938' date='May 2 2011, 07:19 PM']I don't know why, but I get the impression that you're a bit partial to EBS stuff ? Could you provide a bit more info please ? I currently have a Peavey Firebass, which I like the sound of, but need something lighter. I was thinking of getting something better, like GK or this. I normally use it with an Epi UL 410, but I take it I could run two cabs ( with a peavey 410 ) if required ? How would this compare to the Peavey ?[/quote] I've got a lot of EBS stuff... and it was a name that was given to me... which stuck. Like everything in life, there is stuff I like and stuff I don't like. The best amps that EBS have done, imho, are the HD350 and TD650. All the other stuff, whilst good stuff, doesn't quite hit the mark for me. I try everything out and stick with what I like - for example, I went from Proline cabs to Neoline cabs, back to Proline cabs because I preferred the sound of the Proline. Not that Proline are better -they are just different and what I prefer. The Peavey Firebass - I presume you are talking about the black fronted panel amp? I've used them at rehearsal studio - and they provide a lot of amp for the money. I didn't like the fact that it appeared to run out of power at relatively low volumes - mostly due to the Peavey speaker protection thing kicking in. I didn't see it as a remarkably loud amp and for your bog standard bass sound, it got the job done. I use a TD650 - in comparison, it delivers with more balls and covers a wide spectrum of sound. See it more as a PA amp. It doesn't shelve your highs... so you get sparkly slap and tap if you want it... along with all the features of other amps out there. You'll hear people say that EBS are loud watts. They do appear so. Shep is selling this and keeping his 350w head. It's a seriously loud 350w head and when plugged into the right cabs, will move lots of air with no problem. As for going lighter..,, I wouldn't put the TD650 at the top of my light list... and I would move to a lighter amp... but I haven't found anything that delivers like my TD650 yet... so I'm not moving anywhere yet. As for cabs, the EBS will run down to 2 ohms. That means you can run a combination of cabs with the amp depending upon what the impedance of your cabs are. For example, if you wanted to run multiple cabs, you can run 2x 4 ohm cabs, or even 4x 8 ohm cabs... As long as you keep above 2 ohms, the amp is happy. I would say though, if you are looking at 4x10 multiple cabs, its best to keep them matched - at a very minimum, their impedance. (Isn't the Epifani 8 ohm and Peavey 4 ohm?)
  8. [quote name='fryer' post='1217822' date='May 2 2011, 05:47 PM']Hi, what is the difference between this and the 660 model ? I can't find the spec for this one. Richard[/quote] The 650 and the 660 both share the exact same power board (despite the specs saying that the output from the TD660 is 660w and the TD650 being 650w - open a TD650 and look at the label on the pcb), the difference is all in the preamp. The 660 features certain switching functions - like mute, e/q in out, character in/out etc that the 650 doesn't have. It also has a variable gain level on the effects loop. That's about it in terms of functionality. The TD660 has a tweaked preamp from the TD650, to me at least, has lead to a slightly different top end response... (e.g. in the super highs). Oh.. and the small switch LEDs (on the character button for example) are red on the TD650 and blue on the TD660.
  9. [quote name='GT40Graham' post='1217715' date='May 2 2011, 04:32 PM']I can live with broken truss rod cover, it's missing a small corner just behind the nut under the E string. It doesn't appear that you can get them easily nowadays.[/quote] That would be down to the forgeries.
  10. 250 quid or so of wisely spent cash would get that back to mint condition. Sand and proper respray (with holes filled in and strap buttons put back in the proper places). Replacement truss rod cover could be tricky - I don't know how Ricky are with their parts but they maybe get you a new one of receipt of the old one. Fingerboard could be filled, scraped and sanded for an invisible repair. Just food for thought if you wanted to do a full restoration!
  11. As soon as vegan/vegetarian is mentioned, these guys spring to mind - [url="http://www.couchguitarstraps.com/products_all.html?zenid=520si3omn999i2m00n6ddb9ua1"]http://www.couchguitarstraps.com/products_...9i2m00n6ddb9ua1[/url]
  12. He's changed the text and picture content of the auction because he can - because he had no bids. Once a bid has happened, you can't - you can only add to it.
  13. [quote name='Johnston' post='1216387' date='May 1 2011, 10:28 AM']I was looking at a build thread the other day and the guy had put "Tone chambers" into the neck. Looked like two extra, shallow cut truss rod routes. How it would affect the stability of the neck on a bass though I dunno.[/quote] Depends if you put graphite rods into said "tone chambers".
  14. Marcus. Luther Vandross. Never Too Much. EVERYBODY has heard that song!
  15. Try here for a start- [url="http://www.airlinktransformers.com/"]http://www.airlinktransformers.com/[/url]
  16. [quote name='Huwberry' post='1201134' date='Apr 15 2011, 08:30 PM'] Since recording this video it has become apparent that I have a special gurn reserved just for playing with a plectrum. I think it's my concentrating face. Damn plectrums.[/quote] I enjoyed that - what synth pedal are you using?
  17. [quote name='Huwberry' post='1201134' date='Apr 15 2011, 08:30 PM'] Since recording this video it has become apparent that I have a special gurn reserved just for playing with a plectrum. I think it's my concentrating face. Damn plectrums.[/quote] I enjoyed that - what synth pedal are you using?
  18. Awesome amp. TD650 > TD660 (why did they tweak the preamp?!)
  19. Tis a beauty. Hmm. To fret or not to fret... now that is a question...
  20. [quote name='crez5150' post='1212944' date='Apr 27 2011, 06:14 PM']I say let him do it.... take him out of his comfort zone.... let him really show us what he's capable of![/quote] 2 string Sandberg? Have to say, I'd be pretty pissed if I'd paid to see him play and he wasn't on an instrument that he felt comfortable on. But then again, perhaps that would make it more interesting. I'm guessing whatever Vik plays, he could make it sing.
  21. [url="http://www.jamstudio.com/Studio/index.htm"]http://www.jamstudio.com/Studio/index.htm[/url] Something like this?
  22. No updates for a while... but have some of this.
  23. Well done that man. Shop probably learnt a lesson too.
  24. I remember this bass - about the time that this went out to the Netherlands, Bernie had also just completed a matt black version with Blue LEDs - it looked absolutely awesome. I remember seeing this bass (the one for sale) and thought how great it looked. Pics do not do it justice whatsoever!
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