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Everything posted by EBS_freak

  1. and in chrome for comparison - midiumpagechrome.mov
  2. Lightning fast in chrome. Chronic in safari. midiumpage.mov
  3. I guess it would be a suck it and see thing then!
  4. There’s a length restriction on USB. Think the spec says it’s only about 2 metres. You can power a board independent of USB (usually from a 3.3 or 5v supply) however, you will still need that long data run to your computer… which will knacker your design.
  5. Just check you buy a board that is compatible (e.g. of being a USB keyboard). I haven't checked that board above (it may not - EDIT - it is). That's literally just to show you the pin outs. Off the top of my head, I think it's Leonardo arduinos (and knock offs) - a compatible board is probably named in that initial link
  6. They are usually a solder point... typically D2, D3, D4... GND is the ground. So it will be (in the case of pin2 ) a cable soldered to D2 on the board -> the other end of that cable soldered to one side of the unlatched switch . Then... another cable soldered to the other side of the switch -> and then the other side of that cable soldered to GND) (there will be three switched soldered to GND in the end.
  7. #include "Keyboard.h" //declaring button pins (this is where you solder your momentary switches to - other side of switch goes to ground) const int buttonPinA = 2; const int buttonPinA = 3; const int buttonPinA = 4; int previousButtonStateA = HIGH; int previousButtonStateB = HIGH; int previousButtonStateC = HIGH; void setup() { //declare the buttons as input_pullup pinMode(buttonPinA, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(buttonPinB, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(buttonPinC, INPUT_PULLUP); Keyboard.begin(); } void loop() { //checking the state of the button int buttonStateA = digitalRead(buttonPinA); int buttonStateB = digitalRead(buttonPinB); int buttonStateC = digitalRead(buttonPinC); ////////// button A if (buttonStateA == LOW && previousButtonStateA == HIGH) { // and it's currently pressed: Keyboard.press(32); // ASCII character for space delay(50); } if (buttonStateA == HIGH && previousButtonStateA == LOW) { // and it's currently released: Keyboard.release(32); // ASCII character for space delay(50); } ////////// button B if (buttonStateB == LOW && previousButtonStateB == HIGH) { // and it's currently pressed: Keyboard.press(97); // ASCII character for a delay(50); } if (buttonStateB == HIGH && previousButtonStateB == LOW) { // and it's currently released: Keyboard.release(97); // ASCII character for a delay(50); } ////////// button C if (buttonStateC == LOW && previousButtonStateC == HIGH) { // and it's currently pressed: Keyboard.press(98); // ASCII character for b delay(50); } if (buttonStateC == HIGH && previousButtonStateC == LOW) { // and it's currently released: Keyboard.release(98); // ASCII character for b delay(50); } /////////////// previousButtonStateA = buttonStateA; previousButtonStateB = buttonStateB; previousButtonStateC = buttonStateC; } This should be the easiest for you to read. This will give you three buttons. When you plug the arduino on over USB, it will identify as a keyboard. Then the three buttons you click are just like pressing a key on a standard keyboard- output being through that USB connection. I'd probably use something like an ethernet cable with ethercons on the end to connect the unlatched switch box to the box housing the arduino. If you can solder, you can do this.
  8. Easy. I've built a foot controller for a teleprompt that does space, up arrow, down arrow.... The only thing that may be an issue for you is if you want LEDs (you can get around it but there's more code involved and ideally youll need to power over the cable so you haven't got any other PSUs on stage with you. All doable though.
  9. It showing ok in both now... but performance in Safari is super slow. It takes an age for the images to load.
  10. Mac, running Chrome. Just checked on Safari (dont use it but thought I'd check for you anyway) and that appears OK.
  11. Not that I'm nagging - I did take a look... but it did take me a while to figure out those images are infact videos! Interface looks great. Nice and responsive too by the looks of things. Clean. Nice. Good work.
  12. Homebrew it. Found you some example code. https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/micro/keyboard-press easy enough to add a resistor and led to another pin put it all in a Hammond box. Neutrik d chassis socket for usb. Put in jack socket. That all lives by computer (and powered over usb) use remote unlatched switch to plug into jack socket. This lives on stage. (I personally use a stagg piano pedal type)
  13. https://retropopmagazine.com/keisha-buchanan-regains-sugababes-name/
  14. I feel your marketing material isn’t really selling the features of this product well given the questions being asked here.
  15. Just looking at those playing in the videos I've posted, I can tell they got some moves. Don't recognise any of them... but the bass player and drummer defo taking it to church!
  16. Yeah, cooking band. With original line up. Nice.
  17. I saw them first time round - yup. Some very capable musos. I couldn't say nowadays - I don't even know who backs them nowadays.
  18. In other news, I've just started a tribute... and for once, I can be hyper realistic on the sound alike front.
  19. This is my fave clip so far - He's done his fans up like a kipper. Just looking at the other bands there, the ticket price seems to be the going rate... that rate will get you the likes of Happy Mondays, The Saw Doctors, James Bay, Placebo... hell even the Sugababes (and I bet they have a band with them (that may or may not be miming))
  20. Nice tone. What you got going on processing well. Its sounds nice and full. Plummy!
  21. This is the key difference of this product - enhanced functionality that lets you ditch the laptop. Whether it will do as complex as Logic.. well, that Yup, you can get another MIDI sequencer pedal (already mentioned but I won't mention again as that's not the product in question) - but it's not a doddle to program - in the fact that if you need to make a small change on the gig, you need to get your laptop out. It falls down on the UI aspect. With LFO, yup, you can do that in logic - but then again, you are carrying around a laptop (not a big issue if theres a laptop already present in your setup) but a bit of a ballache just for supporting a LFO. And whilst yeah, you could say knock up some code to do the sequencing and LFO on say an Arduino, it's the ability to edit again which is the ballache. The big point about the midium is the fact that it's bringing this UI into the unit to help with the ease of operation. Alot of MIDI products - require you to mess about with a PC/MAC editor... (which is still preferable if you are doing a lot of deep editing) - but simple changes on the device are nice to be able to do. And thats where the UI is so important. Who can remember Chunk's Synth pedal - what a complete failure of an onboard editing UI!
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