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Everything posted by EBS_freak

  1. Indeed - it’s a formulaic process from that agency for sure. It’s not particularly inspiring - but it does make it even more important that the lineups are static as it’s certainly not the difference in the look and feel that makes a band stand out. Mind you, with that agency, I don’t think they care. If it’s not broken and all that.
  2. Theatre is still moderately buoyant. Wedding scene is largely unimpacted, corporate is well down. Everything else is crashing compared to where it was 3 or 4 years ago. People just aren't spending the money. At the lower budget end of the wedding scene, people that would have stretched to a band are mostly going for DJs. Trouble is for me personally, I'm bored of where I am. Weddings are pretty frustrating in the fact that it's so formulaic and predictable. I can't complain, I've earned some good money over the years and like yourself, spent a few years doing the big NYE gigs. They don't even excite me anymore! Your comment did make me smirk though - one of the things that angers me a lot about the wedding scene, is that it's basically becoming a bunch of scratch bands - and that really doesn't sit well with me. There's folk like yourself with a static lineup which is great - but then, the vast majority seem to be a bunch of musicians thrown together at the last minute, going out with scrappy gear. It's amazing how many of the "UK's Best Wedding Band" go out with inappropriate "Powerful PAs" (a couple of Behringer tops), a sorry excuse for "Amazing light show" (a couple of par cans) and sound absolutely awful and totally non representative of the promo material that they present. I don't think thats fair on the clients who have no doubt spent hours choosing their ideal band only for a band of deps to turn up. That's becoming the norm as more and more musicians scrabble about, ditching gigs for other gigs to earn another fiver. I don't want to be part of that scene, especially when I'm the one holding the contract. The whole thing has mostly become a joke anyway, it's a battle of the promo - and as you'll know and I've stated, the promo rarely represents the reality of what the band sounds like live. It peeves me off seeing all these super produced mega band promos where you can hear the vocalists have been tuned within an inch of their lives, vocal stacks for days, a million over dubs yiddah, yaddah, you know how it is. It's Richard Turpin stuff.
  3. For the price you pay for a pair of C2, you will normally pay the same for one el cheapo condenser! If I recall, you get a stereo bar so it's quite a good all in one purchase for a cheap stereo set up. Also... running stereo ambient and a mono mix can work really well as a half way house if you are only getting a mono IEM mix from your main mixer. (Also assuming your sub mixer can take three feeds a pan the C2s hard left and right)
  4. Thought he was a Fender J 5 man. Dunno. Whenever I saw him play, he seemed to be on something j5 flavoured.
  5. Any condenser will do you. Behringer C2... or cheaper. (Just look for that style - pencil type condenser) If it's just for ambient sound for IEMs, pretty much anything will do you - you just want a condenser that will pick up the room, so a 58 is pretty naff at doing that.
  6. Quick summary of the Xvive system - Good - no compander (ergo better audio quality than an analogue, especially analogue with a poor compander) more affordable than most Bad - 2.4 Ghz is more prone to interference that ch38 mono latency - IF it is used in line with a lot of other digital devices that are introducing their own latency. (Ideally your cumulative latency should be sub 7ms - or 10ms if you are less sensitive to latency. So if you are using a mixer with sub 2ms latency and just a xvive, you are at around 7ms, which is a decent enough figure. If you are using digital mics (or beltpacks on your bass) with digital pedals/modellers in lines... this figure could grow quite significantly) Good/bad depending upon viewpoint - non user replaceable batteries (if you forget to charge it, or it runs out on a gig, you're stuffed)
  7. Pro bands under the age of 50 - most. Certainly on pop gigs, it's a given. Level 42 are in the old school scene - although you'll see PRB on inears/overears (at least with his own band) and on L42 for backing tracks and click. Most MDed gigs will be on in ears for talk back too. EDIT - just looking at L42 - theres a fair few of them on inears.
  8. @ChienmortbbAs with everything... thats a "that depends". There will be some latency with the A/D D/A conversion - but the top systems can now do that sub 2ms. So the tradeoff is no compander, better sounding feed for minimal introduction in latency. Most of the consumer IEM products are circa 7ms+ though... which is significant. Like most things, you get what you pay for. Having used decent IEM systems, I would say for me, the low cost systems dont cut it. Likewise, with channel 70, it's potluck - typically they are ok... but if you start playing areas where there's multiple AV devices being deployed, then yeah, crap shoot.
  9. I have never been so disinterested in gigging. I think covid really took the wind out of my musical sails and got me reevaluating what I want to do with my time. Couple that and dealing with people (music is never the problem, it’s the dealing with people that rips all joy from it) I’m just not excited for 2023 and the headaches it will no doubt bring.
  10. And if you have the delay piped into your ears (via IEMs) the delay is easier to perceive... and be off-putting!
  11. Ah Rotosound. "Hey Nige, is that hard to play? Cos its hard to listen to."
  12. Indeed. It's like juggling. What's the purpose of it... apart from fun? Fun to watch, fun to showboat with. Fun things dont have to have a reason.
  13. All relative isn't it. Back in the day, Hendrix was seen as showboating... yet, his playing can be duplicated by many now. Same for people like Van Halen. Showboating is built out of innovation. Even if the innovator doesn't know what to do with it... somebody will take and develop it. And to a certain extent, music is art... you dont have to like everything.
  14. Theres no latency on analogue as there is no analogue>digital conversion then processing (and then digital > analogue conversion). On modern digital mixers we are now at a stage where it's generally sub 3ms whatever you are using. Most of the common mixers lay between the 0.7ms-1.5ms range. I know that pedants will say there's still latency but it's microseconds, (one millionth of a second) not even milliseconds.
  15. What, you didn't even get the call for the L42 dep thats been going around for years? I thought everybody had done that gig.... like the Drifters.
  16. Of course he could - and has - and no doubt still does. His Youtube channel is all about entertainment and generating views. He would get no interaction if he just played run of the mill stuff. There's an episode I think where he even talks about his history.
  17. Looks like Player Plus preamp
  18. It wasn't really negative or positive - was just pointing out the latency, being on 2.4ghz (so more prone to interference) and it being mono. Of course, the big positive is there is no compander so the quality of the audio is far superior. Stereo is amazing compared to mono. As you pan instruments across the soundscape, you get a much bigger feeling of space and "air". It's easier to pick up separate instruments, and especially makes room for vocals to sit more prominently in the mix. I guess the best was of explaining it is to listen to your favourite song in stereo... then in mono. It's one of those things, once you have stereo, you'll never want to go back to mono. It's just betterer. Whatever is happening out FoH, you don't care. Your monitor mix is your monitor mix. Place instruments at any volume at any position in the stereo mix. Get super crazy and get a tracking system so you can walk around the stage and have the mix change so it reflects your position on the stage..... ok, maybe that's a budget stretch too far! But you get my drift.
  19. Remember you wont hear that effect with your bass - I posted that youtube vid to simulate whats going on when you are a singer (the voice you hear reverberating as you sing around your head being the 0ms and then the feed coming in from your IEM being the latency (if that makes sense).
  20. You wait til you figure out you can do that at gigs and get that brilliant in ear sound too.
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