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Everything posted by simon1964

  1. [quote name='73Jazz' timestamp='1324660838' post='1476842'] my new love..i think she belongs to here this dirty old biatch [/quote] Gorgeous! That's what an old Precision should look like
  2. [quote name='SidVicious1978' timestamp='1324601437' post='1476258'] so it is a scam? he said i could pickup the bass [/quote] I would go and have a look at it then. If the serial number is MZ***, as he says it is, its not a 73 Jazz. End of! And an MZ number would be on the headstock. A 73 Jazz would have the serial number engraved on the neck plate. There are lots of other clues, but its difficult to say definitively without looking at it in the flesh.
  3. The picture looks OK, but an "MZ..." serial number is wrong. MZ is, I think, a Mexican Fender number (my Mex tele is MN...). The serial number for a 73 Fender should be on the neckplate and should be just numbers (ie no letters in it)
  4. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1324595459' post='1476205'] At that kind of price he only needs to sell one every few months to make a decent living. Question is, is he finding buyers? [/quote] New Kings Road Guitars are an established vintage dealer. Some of their stuff is much more mainstream than that Rickenbacker. They usually have 70s Fenders in the £1k to £2k bracket for example. Personally, I wouldn't dream of spending £12,500 on a bass, but their market is the investor/collector rather than the player, and that Ric is exceptionally rare. Edit - ficelles got in ahead of me!
  5. I've got one on my tele, and find it perfectly comfortable. Mind you, I've had it for about 20 years and never really played anything else, so it may be me that's missing something!
  6. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1324209025' post='1471744'] It says at the top "This listing was ended by the seller because the item was sold" in the orangie yellow bar. [/quote] So it does! Clearly it was me being thick!
  7. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1324205992' post='1471694'] Was ended by the seller. Does that not mean it was sold off ebay? [/quote] I'm probably being thick, but how can you tell it was ended early? I read it as the winning bid being £67? If it was sold for £67, its an absolute bargain. The DiMarzios and the Schaller bridge are worth more than that!
  8. I've just put Wizard 64s in my Jazz bitsa, and they sound great. Really nice traditional jazz tone. If you want something darker you might be better looking at the 84s or even some of the split coil jazz types like the Delano ones.
  9. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1323479124' post='1463905'] "If you tolerate this" is an awful song (IMHO), beyond redemption by any bass line. [/quote] At least we seem to agree its not the bassist's fault!
  10. "If you tolerate this" is a fantastic song. The root note plodding may be simple, but it works IMO.
  11. [quote name='warriorbass05' timestamp='1323381576' post='1462860'] the all black with white dots is a 1988 4003s; the one with black dots and checker'd binding is a shadow 1986 and the ALL black is a blackstar #62 out of 200.....Cheers! [/quote] Ah, I wondered if it was a Blackstar - lovely and as rare as hen's teeth!
  12. [quote name='warriorbass05' timestamp='1323127601' post='1459725'] Here are mine [/quote] Those are stunning - you can't beat all black Rics! What models are the ones with the dot inlays?
  13. I've got a fretless mighty mite neck on a Squier Classic Vibe body - fitted with no problems at all. In theory the VM neck pocket ought to be the same - in practice, given brensaber79's post, who knows?!
  14. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1322737706' post='1455014'] Always found it most productive to rehearse vocal and playing parts separately, and then combine those section by section. You'll find, the more you rehearse, combining both playing and singing, it'll fall into place in time. [/quote] That's how I do it. I do BV on most of our covers, and lead on a couple of songs. I tend to learn the vocals while I'm in the car on the way to work! I find writing them down and trying to learn them actually slows things down (you end up relying on the words being in front of you). Much better to sing along to a CD in the morning traffic (even if you do get some strange looks...!)
  15. [quote name='bass_ennyday' timestamp='1322400254' post='1450312'] i know, old thread but please tell me/us how you like the Delano Hybrid combination ... worth it? Which preamp electronic is in there? Sonar 2? [/quote] Blimey - I'd forgotten all about this thread! The Delano hybrid is a fantastic combination. The preamp is Delano. In passive, the bridge pickup runs single coil, and you have a volume/volume/passive tone control. So essentially a traditional Jazz set up. I was blown away by the passive tone as soon as I played it. Switch to active and the bridge pickup reverts to MM humbucker which gives a very good Stingray tone (not identical, as the pickup is placed nearer the bridge - I suspect it would be spot on if it was in the Stingray sweet spot). That's the set up I use most live as it will cut through pretty much any mix. So a very versatile set up which I would highly recommend. About the only thing it doesn't do is a traditional Precision thump - but I've got three Precisions for that!
  16. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1322507793' post='1451840'] Out of register gold ink on the decal and I can't see a serial number anywhere. ???????????? [/quote] Exactly what I thought. He says its a "70s stye headstock" - but I've never seen a 70s Precision with a matching headstock. And there should be a serial number somewhere.
  17. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1322344431' post='1449824'] I don`t honestly think I could seperate one specific track from all of the ones I love featuring a Precision. If pushed, my warm-up track is Pump it Up by Elvis Costello, with Bruce Thomas delivering an amazing bassline, with great Precision tone: [/quote] I haven't heard that for years! Great call!
  18. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1320139851' post='1422683'] Mmmmm DiMarzios. [/quote] I was just about to ask if they where DiMarzios - I assumed they were from the adjustable pole pieces. Very nice bass. I had a natural Thunder I nicked in Leeds in 1986, and couldn't afford to replace it at the time! Have a free bump
  19. Its a lot of money for a Jazz bass copy, even if it is a copy of a Marcus Miller
  20. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1319014158' post='1408795'] This thread is giving me even more lust to try get hold of an older P-bass. [/quote] You should! Inspired by this thread, I took my old Precision to a rehearsal last night for the first time in ages. I usually take the Stingray or Shuker. To be honest, I'd forgotten just how good a passive P sounds in the mix. I was smiling all the way home
  21. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1318959448' post='1408306'] My Squier 1960,s faker! Its based on a 1968 P Bass, but I have since replaced the control knobs with more convincing rusty ones!! [/quote] That's a beauty!
  22. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  23. It is actually a bit more battered than it appears in the pics, but is very nice for its age! In addition to being my YOB bass, the neck is actually date stamped "5 Nov 64" - my day of birth! The 5 is actually the model number, the neck could actually have been made on any date in Nov '64, but still pretty cool
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