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Everything posted by scalpy

  1. Best put down I saw of a promoter was at an 'industry showcase', which basically was a private party for the promoter showing off some of his has been friends to his more impressionable friends. Clearly narked at having worked extremely hard for little return, the sound person, an Australian lady pushed beyond her tolerence sniped at the promoter, 'Hardly the gig we were promised'- He said 'It's great exposure.' Her retort? 'People die of exposure.'
  2. My dad showed me Keep on Running on a rubbish acoustic he had which needed a g clamp to play a barre chord. I had to be able to do that to 'qualify' for him buying a real bass. In reality this was his version of him buying his eldest son the trainset that reminded him of his youth, but backfired when he couldn't get the bass out of my hands and anyway I blew up the record player we used as an amplifier playing along to Hey Joe.
  3. scalpy


    I’ve used a couple in the studio, great when they work, but both failed. There’s no point live, not enough power or reliability for the average gig. UAD do a very good b15 plug-in, which I have, but 9/10 I go to the SVT that comes with the package, and that’s been the same whether at home or in studios as well. I get your point about authentic gear for the right band, but the b15 gets more credit than it deserves say for Motown, and it’s character is very subtle, any old dull thud will suffice.
  4. Meanwhile, Andertons finance arrangements aren't helping with my mesa temptation.....
  5. Corona has kicked amp sales in the nuts too, which is a shame because if I was gigging like I was meant to in 2020 a wd800 would be arriving in the post Thursday. Wife stops play!
  6. Big Travis Dykes fan, good lessons, obviously bit of a mover and shaker in the Christian music scene (uber competitive as I understand) and so laid back.
  7. Plenty of people might be following in your footsteps- apparently their website crashed last night from the interest!
  8. No, I was surprised, also not more of Dave Edmunds either. Good fun though, didn't tell the story of Kingsley hiding microphones in the ceilings of the accommodation to capture some of the extra curricular goings on with local star struck ladies though!
  9. Budgie have certainly been mentioned in the studio's recent social media posts. I would imagine its a given.
  10. I'm interested to see how many stories make it in. One thing for certain is that Kingsley would have given them plenty to choose from!
  11. Ditto! Knew it was a Kim but guessed wrong.
  12. Manic depression is 3/4. ThIs the daddy of time signatures.
  13. I'd have two, the black one and white one, one flats one rounds, and swop the pick guards!
  14. http://glguitars.com/product/tribute-series-fallout-shortscale-bass/ Lets await the pricing after the much discussed American model. There's a nice video of Tim Lefebvre demo'ing one on FB too but I'll be dammed if I can work out how to post the link.
  15. I was doing a session for a female singer songwriter. We had finished the bulk of the track and she decided she wanted drums as it was much bigger than her original intention. My friend Gordan rocked up with his kit, and in a couple of takes had a great track pretty much sorted. However, she decided the drums should come in even earlier in the songs with an amazing fill. Gordy ran through a few fills but she wasn't happy. Having spent the day with her I thought I had the answer, so popped on the TalkBack with the instruction- 1 2 3 twa@. Everyone burst out laughing. He promptly nailed the most perfect rim shot on beat 4, ever, the control room started high fiving- it was a great moment.
  16. MiBass and a logic compressor. Doesn't matter what he plugs in either sounds great, although the 62 jazz was particularly special I thought.
  17. Travis Dykes. Nashville based if I recall correctly, Gospel and Church bassist. Got that hip modern thing going on for lessons, blogs and covers.
  18. Not being technically minded I have majorly procrastinated over setting up my ASAT bass. By years! One of the reasons I bought my Sire v7 was to do a bit of training, got it spot on first time I changed the strings. It would appear this was total beginners luck, the ASAT has been a different kettle of fish. Anyway, having purchased the necessary imperial hex keys for the adjustments, I started with the truss rod. I have no idea if it is a standard arrangement or dual action like my lb100. I was hoping to tell, but got a bit lost. So I took the neck off, which was one of the most terrifying experiences ever, to get the actual date it was made. Turns out it was 2000. It should have a CLF serial number but doesn't. So- does anybody know if its dual action before I go to bassesbyleo, which i find a bit bewildering. Also, does anybody know what the D means? I can only find references to numbered neck shapes. Thank you in advance Harry
  19. Not really a deal but my G&L ASAT. I was on at the local shop to get one even though I couldn't afford one. Then one month I got overpaid by a whole month, told work about it and they said I wouldn't get paid the next. They forgot. So did I to mention it.....😉 The same week- tax rebate. Walked into the local shop (Head Hands and Feet in Hereford) to by some cymbals for my drummer as a loan and there was she was- at exactly the price I could now afford. The business who overpaid me- still going strong 20 years later BTW.
  20. I'm glad he's being interviewed remotely, he's been wearing that t-shirt awhile now.
  21. One thing Rick doesn't point out that starting your debut solo record for a newish instrument and a bass at that with a bebop cover is a proper c### out on the table thing to do.
  22. Current daily routine, get up two hours before wife (she's a singer, if you've ever lived with one you'll understand 😉 ) Breakfast and coffee, open YouTube, grab bass, warm up whilst Lee delivers an anecdote, listen to him play, feel motivated, play as much of the track as i can. Go to work.
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