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Everything posted by Alpha-Dave

  1. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='228978' date='Jun 29 2008, 12:53 PM']Also if the amp goes down on 1 of the inputs does the other still work? just wondering if I need to buy a back up head if all goes pear shaped 1 night.[/quote] It's not a stereo amp, so if the power section blows (which is far more likely than only half of the pre-amp failing) then it certainly won't work, so in that respect, yes you would still need a back up, like pretty much all other bass amps.
  2. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='230763' date='Jul 1 2008, 06:33 PM']I know, if money was no object, I'd go crazygonuts and get 'em![/quote] Really? Assuming they were valueless so were giving them away for free, would you actually want to add that extra weight to your bass?
  3. For the cable ask OBBM naturally. I have 3 of his speaker leads and they are by far the best. As for racking, there are a variety of options from soft bags, to ABS plastic cases to wooden/ply cases with foam linings. These increase in protection, weight and cost in that order (I opt for ABS plastic for my Hartke). The best thing about a rack head for me is to have a 1U tuner above the head, one of the best bass-buys I've ever bought.
  4. If i had a double neck, I'd go for a BassLab one: [url="http://www.basslab.de/"]http://www.basslab.de/[/url] Simply because their carbon fibre construction means that they only weigh the same as a normal bass!
  5. I'd just like to add that it's generally better to avoid Monster Cables as they use oversize jack, so that when you first use them they feel really satisfying to plug into any socket as the fit really snuggley, however after weeks or months of use, the jack (in the bass/amp/effect) will become sightly bent, therefore if you need to use a regular cable again, then it won't make perfect contact in all positions and cause popping. Not an issue if you can get inside something to bend the contact back, but it's worth considering. Personally I used to make all my own cables, but now I buy from OBBM.
  6. Some may remember this treasure popping up a couple of years ago, I think the defining comment was 'like a chapman stick, but s**t' [url="http://www.microphoneheaven.com/guitarbass/"]http://www.microphoneheaven.com/guitarbass/[/url] I honestly find it hard to believe that Tennessee have ripped of such an awful design, but I guess they think it will sell!
  7. [quote name='Shockwave' post='211427' date='Jun 2 2008, 10:13 PM']6 string Warlock [/quote] Excellent, thank you, a 6 string warlock would rock !
  8. [quote name='Shockwave' post='211297' date='Jun 2 2008, 06:57 PM']... maybe a 6 string wave/eagle.[/quote] They do 6 strings?!? I couldn't find a single one on their site, I'd be tempted for a 6-string eagle, do you have any specific links to ones that have been made?
  9. OBBM! A significant proportion of Basschat can't be wrong, I'm a happy customer for 6 orders now!
  10. Acrylic-maple board and ACG pre for me.
  11. Nooooooooo You may regret that purchase. I bought a Lindo bass & guitar for a uni project last summer. One of the guitar tuners broke as soon as it was tuned, and the bass's truss rod was rusted solid, so when I tried to adjust it, the bolt snapped. I kept them as I only wanted the necks for the project, and as whole instruments they were still way cheaper than any market replacement. Honestly for these, 'how cheap' is too cheap.
  12. If you ever have thoughts about going Triumph-less, please let me know!
  13. [quote name='paul, the' post='109380' date='Dec 26 2007, 05:04 AM']I'm far more pissed off with people hinting that they're making use of the ignore function. I don't want to know if you're using it or not. It's especially cruel when being indirectly insensitive.[/quote] Really? The function has a reason for being there, and I think it's a very effective way of filtering the mass of posts on the forum. As you're so angry about people using it, perhaps I should explain why BBC is the only person on my ignore list. It isn't because of the 'I hate jazz' thread, which I liked a lot. It was a couple of posts in other threads, particularly the 'Xmas presents' one, where he said he'd cut his girlfriend if he didn't get what he wanted, and another where he said he wanted most people dead. If you find such negative, violent humour funny then good for you, but I don't want to sink to that level and therefore I choose to ignore them.
  14. +1,000,000 for OBBM. Check his feedback, there must be dozens of happy Bass Chat regulars who have his cables in their rigs. I'm a repeat customer x4 at this stage.
  15. [quote name='kevbass' post='109347' date='Dec 25 2007, 11:20 PM']They pop up on the bay a fair bit, I'd say thats your best bet[/quote] +1, agreed. Particularly in the US. If you really want one, I'd either buy one outright from the US (probably cheaper, but small risk with post damage/delays/tax etc.), or find one of the UK dealers of the standard Galveston basses with the best feedback, and ask them to import one with their next shipment. Good luck! D.
  16. [quote name='Waldo' post='108581' date='Dec 23 2007, 03:19 PM']I really do take offense at this.[/quote] If you hadn't have quoted it, then I wouldn't have seen it at all.
  17. £1500 is a fair chunk of cash to spend on a bass, so it is best to know what you want: try as many as you can! I'm not going to recommend any specific brand as it's a very personal thing, and to be honest I quite like the diversity we have here (I wish I could have one of each). My main recommendation is like food to 'buy British', as I think it's best both now and in the long term, but on the other hand, with the strong £ you can pick up some bargains from the US and Europe. If you want quiet though, its best to go for active p'ups like EMG, MEC or a variety of others. Next best is humbuckers in parallel: they cancel most noise. Then humbuckers in series, they cancel a bit less. Finally single coils let everything through: noise and all the subtle nuances of your playing (good or bad).
  18. Ah, alexlotta, I see why you think that they are different, but it is the same bass, but viewed from different angles because of the 'strange' carving. You think that these two images show the bass to have a symmetrical outline: While this one shows that it is cut away: The reason for this is that the part round the controls is sculpted and sticks out, changing the outline when viewed from different angles:
  19. It's have to be my fretless ACG as my then girlfriend (now fiancé) bought me for Christmas last year (in installments, there's still another 4 xmas/birthdays in it)
  20. Apparently its 3 years old, and is showing no signs of wear, but I think that's because he's using flat wounds, which obviously wear much less. I'm not sure how the upper fretboard would last with wounds on its. Still, the body sculpting, particularly the back works for me!
  21. [quote name='Bassassin' post='105645' date='Dec 17 2007, 11:20 PM']I think it's quite spectacular - I don't usually like singlecuts much but that's really very striking & original. Shame the pics aren't a bit more detailed.[/quote] I quite like it. I emailed the seller asking for some pics of board wear etc. and he sent me these, which I don't think he'll mind me sharing.
  22. [quote name='Buzz' post='105532' date='Dec 17 2007, 07:41 PM']Odd feature: It doesn't like my other psu, which according to the specs on them both output 9v 300ma and have the same polarity on the connectors. Using the non-beringer one causes the pedal to screech like a banshee.[/quote] You're sure it the Behringer and not any thing else thats hooked up to the same power supply? Simple because I've had a conversation with Dave at DHA before about using his valve pedals with daisy chained power supplies, and he said that it was a bad idea because of the way valve preamps use the power input to heat the valves and send a signal back ... I got lost about here, but the gist was that the signal could reach other pedals via the power supply if they weren't buffered/screened. Nice review though, thanks!
  23. [quote name='elom' post='104810' date='Dec 16 2007, 12:04 AM']Let's face it, we are in desperate need of another bassbash so that we can try out all these wonderful instruments in one place![/quote] +1 there's some excellent gear that need to be shown off/seen, and it's great to catch up.
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